Class ConverterPropertyEditorFactory

  • public class ConverterPropertyEditorFactory
    extends Object

    Factory for dynamically generating PropertyEditor classes that extend ConverterPropertyEditorBase and replace any references to the target class from the template with a supplied target class.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterPropertyEditorFactory

        public ConverterPropertyEditorFactory()
        Create a ConverterPropertyEditorFactory that uses the default template class (ConverterPropertyEditorFor_XXXX).
      • ConverterPropertyEditorFactory

        public ConverterPropertyEditorFactory​(Class<? extends ConverterPropertyEditorBase> templateClass)
        Create a ConverterPropertyEditorFactory that uses the specified template class.
        templateClass - the template
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultInstance

        public static ConverterPropertyEditorFactory getDefaultInstance()
        the single default instance of this class (created with the default template class).
      • definePropertyEditorClassFor

        public Class<? extends ConverterPropertyEditorBase> definePropertyEditorClassFor​(Class<?> targetClass)
        Return a PropertyEditor class appropriate for editing the given targetClass. The new class will be defined from a DisposableClassLoader.
        targetClass - the class of object that the returned property editor class will be editing.
        the dynamically generated PropertyEditor class.