AnnotationProvider - Interface in javax.cache.spi
Interface that should be implemented by a cache annotations provider.


build() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Create an instance of the named Cache.


Cache<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache
A Cache provides storage of data for later fast retrieval.
Cache.Entry<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache
A cache entry (key-value pair).
CacheBuilder<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache
A CacheBuilder is used for creating Caches.
CacheConfiguration - Interface in javax.cache
Information on how a cache is configured.
CacheConfiguration.Duration - Class in javax.cache
A time duration.
CacheConfiguration.Duration(TimeUnit, long) - Constructor for class javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.Duration
Constructs a duration.
CacheConfiguration.ExpiryType - Enum in javax.cache
Type of Expiry
CacheDefaults - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
Allows the configuration of cacheName, cacheResolver and cacheKeyResolver at the class level.
CacheEntryCreatedListener<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache.event
Invoked if a cache entry is created, for example through a Cache.put(Object, Object) operation or the action of a CacheLoader.
CacheEntryEvent<K,V> - Class in javax.cache.event
A Cache event base class
CacheEntryEvent(Cache) - Constructor for class javax.cache.event.CacheEntryEvent
Constructs a cache entry event from a given cache as source
CacheEntryExpiredListener<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache.event
Invoked if a cache entry is removed, for example through a Cache.remove(Object) call.
CacheEntryListener<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache.event
Tagging interface for cache entry listeners.
CacheEntryReadListener<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache.event
Invoked if a cache entry is read, for example through a Cache.get(Object) call.
CacheEntryRemovedListener<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache.event
Invoked if a cache entry is removed, for example through a Cache.remove(Object) call.
CacheEntryUpdatedListener<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache.event
Invoked if an existing cache entry is updated, for example through a Cache.put(Object, Object) or a CacheLoader operation .
CacheException - Exception in javax.cache
Thrown to indicate an exception has occurred in the Cache.
CacheException() - Constructor for exception javax.cache.CacheException
Constructs a new CacheException.
CacheException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.CacheException
Constructs a new CacheException with a message string.
CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.CacheException
Constructs a CacheException with a message string, and a base exception
CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.CacheException
Constructs a new CacheException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
CacheInvocationContext<A extends Annotation> - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
Runtime information about an intercepted method invocation for a method annotated with CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemoveEntry, or CacheRemoveAll

Used with CacheResolver.resolveCache(CacheInvocationContext) to determine the Cache to use at runtime for the method invocation.

CacheInvocationParameter - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
A parameter to an intercepted method invocation.
CacheKey - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
A Serializable, immutable, thread-safe object that is used as a cache key.
CacheKeyGenerator - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
Generates a CacheKey based on a CacheKeyInvocationContext.
CacheKeyInvocationContext<A extends Annotation> - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
Runtime information about an intercepted method invocation for a method annotated with CacheResult, CachePut, or CacheRemoveEntry.
CacheKeyParam - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
Marks a method argument as part of the cache key.
CacheLifecycle - Interface in javax.cache
Cache resources may have non-trivial initialisation and disposal procedures.
CacheLoader<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache
Used for read-through caching and loading data into a cache.
CacheManager - Interface in javax.cache
A CacheManager is used for looking up Caches and controls their lifecycle.
CacheMethodDetails<A extends Annotation> - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
Static information about a method annotated with one of: CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemoveEntry, or CacheRemoveAll

Used with CacheResolverFactory.getCacheResolver(CacheMethodDetails) to determine the CacheResolver to use with the method.

CachePut - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
When a method annotated with CachePut is invoked a CacheKey will be generated and Cache.put(Object, Object) will be invoked on the specified cache storing the value marked with CacheValue.
CacheRemoveAll - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
When a method annotated with CacheRemoveAll is invoked all elements in the specified cache will be removed via the Cache.removeAll() method

Example of removing all Domain objects from the "domainCache".

CacheRemoveEntry - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
When a method annotated with CacheRemoveEntry is invoked a CacheKey will be generated and Cache.remove(Object) will be invoked on the specified cache.
CacheResolver - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
Determines the Cache to use for an intercepted method invocation.
CacheResolverFactory - Interface in javax.cache.annotation
Determines the CacheResolver to use for an annotated method.
CacheResult - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
When a method annotated with CacheResult is invoked a CacheKey will be generated and Cache.get(Object) is called before the invoked method actually executes.
CacheStatistics - Interface in javax.cache
A management bean for cache statistics.
CacheValue - Annotation Type in javax.cache.annotation
Marks a method argument as the object to cache for a method annotated with CachePut
CacheWriter<K,V> - Interface in javax.cache
A CacheWriter is used for write-through and write-behind caching to a underlying resource.
Caching - Class in javax.cache
A factory for creating CacheManagers using the SPI conventions in the JDK's ServiceLoader

For a provider to be discovered, it's jar must contain a resource called:

CachingProvider - Interface in javax.cache.spi
Interface that should be implemented by a CacheManager factory provider.
CachingShutdownException - Exception in javax.cache
Thrown to indicate an exception has occurred in an aggregate Caching shutdown procedure.
CachingShutdownException(Map<CacheManager, Exception>) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.CachingShutdownException
Constructs a new CachingShutdownException with the specified list of shutdown failures.
clearStatistics() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
Clears the statistics counters to 0 for the associated Cache.
close() - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Reclaims all resources obtained from this factory.
close(ClassLoader) - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Reclaims all resources for a ClassLoader from this factory.
close(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Reclaims all resources for a ClassLoader from this factory.
containsKey(K) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Returns true if this cache contains a mapping for the specified key.
createCacheBuilder(String) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Creates a new CacheBuilder for the named cache to be managed by this cache manager.
createCacheManager(ClassLoader, String) - Method in interface javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider
Called by the Caching class when a new CacheManager needs to be created.


DEFAULT_CACHE_MANAGER_NAME - Static variable in class javax.cache.Caching
The name of the default cache manager.
delete(Object) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheWriter
Delete the cache entry from the store
deleteAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheWriter
Remove data and keys from the underlying store for the given collection of keys, if present.


entriesCreated(Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryCreatedListener
Called after the entries have been created (put into the cache where no previous mapping existed).
entriesRead(Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryReadListener
Called after the entries have been read.
entriesRemoved(Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryRemovedListener
Called after the entries have been removed by a batch operation.
entriesUpdated(Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryUpdatedListener
Called after the entries have been updated (put into the cache where a previous mapping existed).
entryCreated(CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryCreatedListener
Called after the entry has been created (put into the cache where no previous mapping existed).
entryExpired(CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryExpiredListener
Called after the entry has expired and has thus been removed from the Cache.
entryRead(CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryReadListener
Called after the entry has been read.
entryRemoved(CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryRemovedListener
Called after the entry has been removed.
entryUpdated(CacheEntryEvent<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.event.CacheEntryUpdatedListener
Called after the entry has been updated (put into the cache where a previous mapping existed).
equals(Object) - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheKey
Compare this CacheKey with another.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.Duration
ETERNAL - Static variable in class javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.Duration


generateCacheKey(CacheKeyInvocationContext<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheKeyGenerator
Called for each intercepted method invocation.
get(K) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Gets an entry from the cache.
getAll(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
The getAll method will return, from the cache, a Map of the objects associated with the Collection of keys in argument "keys".
getAllParameters() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationContext
Returns a clone of the array of all method parameters.
getAndPut(K, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache

If the cache previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.

getAndRemove(K) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
getAndReplace(K, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value.
getAnnotations() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationParameter
getAnnotations() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails
An immutable Set of all Annotations on this method
getAverageGetMillis() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The mean time to execute gets.
getAveragePutMillis() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The mean time to execute puts.
getAverageRemoveMillis() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The mean time to execute removes.
getBaseType() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationParameter
The Class.getGenericSuperclass() value of the parameter type declared on the method.
getCache(String) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Looks up a named cache.
getCacheAnnotation() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails
The caching related annotation on the method.
getCacheEvictions() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The total number of evictions from the cache.
getCacheGets() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The total number of requests to the cache.
getCacheHitPercentage() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
This is a measure of cache efficiency.
getCacheHits() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The number of get requests that were satisfied by the cache.
getCacheLoader() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Gets the registered CacheLoader, if any.
getCacheManager() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Gets the CacheManager managing this cache.
getCacheManager() - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Get the default cache manager with the default classloader.
getCacheManager(ClassLoader) - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Get the default cache manager.
getCacheManager(String) - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Get a named cache manager using the default cache loader as specified by the implementation (see CachingProvider.getDefaultClassLoader()
getCacheManager(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Get a named cache manager.
getCacheMisses() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
A miss is a get request which is not satisfied.
getCacheMissPercentage() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
Returns the percentage of cache accesses that did not find a requested entry in the cache.
getCacheName() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails
The cache name resolved by the implementation.
getCachePuts() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The total number of puts to the cache.
getCacheRemovals() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The total number of removals from the cache.
getCacheResolver(CacheMethodDetails<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheResolverFactory
Get the CacheResolver used for runtime resolution of the Cache used by the CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemoveEntry, or CacheRemoveAll interceptors.
getCaches() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Returns an iterable over the caches managed by this CacheManager.
getCacheWriter() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Gets the registered CacheWriter, if any.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Returns a CacheConfiguration.
getDefaultClassLoader() - Method in interface javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider
Called by the Caching class when a new CacheManager needs to be created and the ClassLoader is not specified.
getDurationAmount() - Method in class javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.Duration
getExpiry(CacheConfiguration.ExpiryType) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Gets the cache's time to live setting,Sets how long cache entries should live.
getFailures() - Method in exception javax.cache.CachingShutdownException
Return the set of CacheManagers that failed during shutdown and the associated thrown exceptions.
getJavaSqlConstant() - Method in enum javax.cache.transaction.IsolationLevel
Return the constant for this isolation level defined in Connection
getKey() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache.Entry
Returns the key corresponding to this entry.
getKey() - Method in class javax.cache.event.CacheEntryEvent
Returns the key of the cache entry with the event
getKeyParameters() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheKeyInvocationContext
Returns a clone of the array of all method parameters to be used by the CacheKeyGenerator in creating a CacheKey.
getMethod() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails
The annotated method
getName() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Return the name of the cache.
getName() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Get the name of this cache manager
getName() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
getParameterPosition() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationParameter
The index of the parameter in the original parameter array as returned by CacheInvocationContext.getAllParameters()
getRawType() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationParameter
The parameter type as declared on the method.
getSource() - Method in class javax.cache.event.CacheEntryEvent
getStatistics() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Returns the CacheStatistics MXBean associated with the cache.
getStatus() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheLifecycle
Returns the cache status.
getStatus() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Returns the status of this CacheManager.
getStatus() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
Gets the Status attribute of the Cache.
getTarget() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationContext
getTimeUnit() - Method in class javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.Duration
getTransactionIsolationLevel() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Gets the transaction isolation level.
getTransactionMode() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Gets the transaction mode.
getUserTransaction() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
This method will return a UserTransaction.
getValue() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationParameter
getValue() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache.Entry
Returns the value stored in the cache when this entry was created.
getValue() - Method in class javax.cache.event.CacheEntryEvent
Returns the value of the cache entry with the event
getValueParameter() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheKeyInvocationContext
When a method is annotated with CachePut one parameter is the value to be cached.


hashCode() - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheKey
The immutable hash code of the cache key.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.Duration


InvalidConfigurationException - Exception in javax.cache
An exception to report invalid configuration settings.
InvalidConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.InvalidConfigurationException
Constructs a new InvalidConfigurationException with a message string.
InvalidConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception javax.cache.InvalidConfigurationException
Constructs a new InvalidConfigurationException.
IsolationLevel - Enum in javax.cache.transaction
An enum for the isolation levels.
isReadThrough() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Whether the cache is a read-through cache.
isStatisticsEnabled() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Checks whether statistics collection is enabled in this cache.
isStoreByValue() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Whether storeByValue (true) or storeByReference (false).
isSupported(OptionalFeature) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Indicates whether a optional feature is supported by this CacheManager.
isSupported(OptionalFeature) - Static method in class javax.cache.Caching
Indicates whether a optional feature is supported by this implementation
isSupported(OptionalFeature) - Method in interface javax.cache.spi.AnnotationProvider
Indicates whether an optional feature related to annotations is supported by this implementation.
isSupported(OptionalFeature) - Method in interface javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider
Indicates whether a optional feature is supported by this implementation
isTransactionEnabled() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Checks whether transaction are enabled for this cache.
isWriteThrough() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Whether the cache is a write-through cache.
iterator() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
The ordering of the entries is undefined


javax.cache - package javax.cache
This package contains the API for JCache..
javax.cache.annotation - package javax.cache.annotation
This package contains annotations for adding caching interceptors to POJOs.
javax.cache.event - package javax.cache.event
This package contains listeners and scoping interfaces.
javax.cache.spi - package javax.cache.spi
The javax.cache.spi package defines the classes and interfaces that are implemented by the persistence provider for use by the Caching class
javax.cache.transaction - package javax.cache.transaction
This package contains the API for JCache..


load(K) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
The load method provides a means to "pre-load" the cache.
load(K) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheLoader
Loads an object.
loadAll(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
The loadAll method provides a means to "pre-load" objects into the cache.
loadAll(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheLoader
Loads multiple objects.


Mode - Enum in javax.cache.transaction
A enum for the different cache transaction modes.


NotificationScope - Enum in javax.cache.event
This enumeration defines valid values for CacheEntryListener notification scope.


OptionalFeature - Enum in javax.cache
Optional features that may be present in an implementation.


put(K, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache If the cache previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this cache.
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically associates the specified key with the given value if it is not already associated with a value.


registerCacheEntryListener(CacheEntryListener<? super K, ? super V>, NotificationScope, boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Adds a listener to the notification service.
registerCacheEntryListener(CacheEntryListener<K, V>, NotificationScope, boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Registers a listener.
registerImmutableClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Allows classes to be declared to be immutable.
remove(K) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Removes the mapping for a key from this cache if it is present.
remove(K, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically removes the mapping for a key only if currently mapped to the given value.
removeAll(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Removes entries for the specified keys.
removeAll() - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Removes all of the mappings from this cache.
removeCache(String) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Remove a cache from the CacheManager.
replace(K, V, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
replace(K, V) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Atomically replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value.
resolveCache(CacheInvocationContext<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheResolver
Resolve the Cache to use for this CacheInvocationContext.


setCacheLoader(CacheLoader<K, V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets the cache loader.
setCacheWriter(CacheWriter<K, V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets the cache writer.
setExpiry(CacheConfiguration.ExpiryType, CacheConfiguration.Duration) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets the cache expiration
setReadThrough(boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets whether the cache is a read-through cache.
setStatisticsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets whether statistics gathering is enabled on this cache.
setStatisticsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheConfiguration
Sets whether statistics gathering is enabled on this cache.
setStoreByValue(boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets whether the cache is store-by-value cache.
setTransactionEnabled(IsolationLevel, Mode) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Sets whether transaction are enabled for this cache.
setWriteThrough(boolean) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheBuilder
Whether the cache is a write-through cache.
shouldDeliver(boolean) - Method in enum javax.cache.event.NotificationScope
Determine whether an event should be delivered under this notification scope.
shutdown() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Shuts down the CacheManager.
start() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheLifecycle
Notifies providers to start themselves.
statsAccumulatingFrom() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheStatistics
The date from which statistics have been accumulated.
Status - Enum in javax.cache
Indicates the status in it's lifecycle of a resource.
stop() - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheLifecycle
Providers may be doing all sorts of exotic things and need to be able to clean up on stop.


TransactionException - Exception in javax.cache.transaction
A transaction exception.
TransactionException() - Constructor for exception javax.cache.transaction.TransactionException
Constructs a new TransactionException.
TransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.transaction.TransactionException
Constructs a new TransactionException with a message string.
TransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.transaction.TransactionException
Constructs a TransactionException with a message string, and a base exception
TransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.cache.transaction.TransactionException
Constructs a new TransactionException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).


unregisterCacheEntryListener(CacheEntryListener<?, ?>) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Removes a call back listener.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationContext
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.cache.Cache
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheManager
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.ExpiryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.cache.event.NotificationScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.cache.OptionalFeature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.cache.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.cache.transaction.IsolationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.cache.transaction.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum javax.cache.CacheConfiguration.ExpiryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.cache.event.NotificationScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.cache.OptionalFeature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.cache.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.cache.transaction.IsolationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.cache.transaction.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


write(Cache.Entry<K, V>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheWriter
Write the specified value under the specified key to the underlying store.
writeAll(Collection<Cache.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>>) - Method in interface javax.cache.CacheWriter
Write the specified entries to the underlying store.


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