Annotation Type CacheResult

public @interface CacheResult

When a method annotated with CacheResult is invoked a CacheKey will be generated and Cache.get(Object) is called before the annotated method actually executes. If a value is found in the cache it is returned and the annotated method is never actually executed. If no value is found the annotated method is invoked and the returned value is stored in the cache with the generated key.

null return values are cached by default, this behavior can be disabled by setting the cacheNull() property to false.

Exceptions are not cached by default. Caching of exceptions can be enabled by specifying an exceptionCacheName(). If an exception cache is specified it is checked before invoking the annotated method and if a cached exception is found it is re-thrown. The cachedExceptions() and nonCachedExceptions() properties can be used to control which exceptions are cached and which are not.

To always invoke the annotated method and still cache the result set skipGet() to true. This will disable the pre-invocation Cache.get(Object) call. If exceptionCacheName() is specifid the pre-invocation exception check is also disabled. This feature is useful for methods that create or update objects to be cached.

Example of caching the Domain object with a key generated from the String and int parameters. With no cacheName() specified a cache name of ",int)" will be generated.

 public class DomainDao {
   public Domain getDomain(String domainId, int index) {

Example using the CacheKey annotation so that only the domainId parameter is used in key generation

 public class DomainDao {
   public Domain getDomain(@CacheKey String domainId, Monitor mon) {

If exception caching is enabled via specification of exceptionCacheName() the following rules are used to determine if a thrown exception is cached:
  1. If cachedExceptions() and nonCachedExceptions() are both empty then all exceptions are cached
  2. If cachedExceptions() is specified and nonCachedExceptions() is not specified then only exceptions which pass an instanceof check against the cachedExceptions list are cached
  3. If nonCachedExceptions() is specified and cachedExceptions() is not specified then all exceptions which do not pass an instanceof check against the nonCachedExceptions list are cached
  4. If cachedExceptions() and nonCachedExceptions() are both specified then exceptions which pass an instanceof check against the cachedExceptions list but do not pass an instanceof check against the nonCachedExceptions list are cached

Eric Dalquist, Rick Hightower
See Also:

Optional Element Summary
 Class<? extends Throwable>[] cachedExceptions
          Defines zero (0) or more exception classes, which must be a subclass of Throwable, indicating which exception types which must be cached.
 Class<? extends CacheKeyGenerator> cacheKeyGenerator
          (Optional) The CacheKeyGenerator to use to generate the CacheKey for interacting with the specified Cache.
 String cacheName
          (Optional) name of the cache.
 boolean cacheNull
          (Optional) If set to false null return values will not be cached.
 Class<? extends CacheResolverFactory> cacheResolverFactory
          (Optional) The CacheResolverFactory used to find the CacheResolver to use at runtime.
 String exceptionCacheName
          (Optional) name of the cache to cache exceptions.
 Class<? extends Throwable>[] nonCachedExceptions
          Defines zero (0) or more exception Classes, which must be a subclass of Throwable, indicating which exception types must not be cached.
 boolean skipGet
          (Optional) If set to true the pre-invocation Cache#get(Object) is skipped and the annotated method is always executed with the returned value being cached as normal.


public abstract String cacheName
(Optional) name of the cache.

If not specified defaults first to CacheDefaults.cacheName() an if that is not set it defaults to:,package.ParameterType)



public abstract boolean skipGet
(Optional) If set to true the pre-invocation Cache#get(Object) is skipped and the annotated method is always executed with the returned value being cached as normal. This is useful for create or update methods which should always be executed and have their returned value placed in the cache.

If true and an exceptionCacheName() is specified the pre-invocation check for a thrown exception is also skipped. If an exception is thrown during invocation it will be cached following the standard exception caching rules.

Defaults to false

See Also:


public abstract boolean cacheNull
(Optional) If set to false null return values will not be cached. If true (the default) null return values will be cached.

Defaults to true



public abstract Class<? extends CacheResolverFactory> cacheResolverFactory
(Optional) The CacheResolverFactory used to find the CacheResolver to use at runtime.

The default resolver pair will resolve the cache by name from the default CacheManager



public abstract Class<? extends CacheKeyGenerator> cacheKeyGenerator
(Optional) The CacheKeyGenerator to use to generate the CacheKey for interacting with the specified Cache.

Defaults to a key generator that uses Arrays.deepHashCode(Object[]) and Arrays.deepEquals(Object[], Object[]) with the array returned by CacheKeyInvocationContext.getKeyParameters()

See Also:


public abstract String exceptionCacheName
(Optional) name of the cache to cache exceptions.

If not specified no exception caching is done.



public abstract Class<? extends Throwable>[] cachedExceptions
Defines zero (0) or more exception classes, which must be a subclass of Throwable, indicating which exception types which must be cached. Only consulted if exceptionCacheName() is specified.



public abstract Class<? extends Throwable>[] nonCachedExceptions
Defines zero (0) or more exception Classes, which must be a subclass of Throwable, indicating which exception types must not be cached. Only consulted if exceptionCacheName() is specified.


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