Uses of Interface

Packages that use CacheMethodDetails
javax.cache.annotation This package contains annotations for adding caching interceptors to java objects 

Uses of CacheMethodDetails in javax.cache.annotation

Subinterfaces of CacheMethodDetails in javax.cache.annotation
 interface CacheInvocationContext<A extends Annotation>
          Runtime information about an intercepted method invocation for a method annotated with CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemoveEntry, or CacheRemoveAll

Used with CacheResolver.resolveCache(CacheInvocationContext) to determine the Cache to use at runtime for the method invocation.

 interface CacheKeyInvocationContext<A extends Annotation>
          Runtime information about an intercepted method invocation for a method annotated with CacheResult, CachePut, or CacheRemoveEntry.

Methods in javax.cache.annotation with parameters of type CacheMethodDetails
 CacheResolver CacheResolverFactory.getCacheResolver(CacheMethodDetails<? extends Annotation> cacheMethodDetails)
          Get the CacheResolver used at runtime for resolution of the Cache for the CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemoveEntry, or CacheRemoveAll annotation.
 CacheResolver CacheResolverFactory.getExceptionCacheResolver(CacheMethodDetails<CacheResult> cacheMethodDetails)
          Get the CacheResolver used at runtime for resolution of the Cache for the CacheResult annotation to cache exceptions.

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