Uses of Interface

Packages that use CacheEntryListenerRegistration

This package contains the API for JCache. 


Uses of CacheEntryListenerRegistration in javax.cache

Fields in javax.cache with type parameters of type CacheEntryListenerRegistration
protected  ArrayList<CacheEntryListenerRegistration<? super K,? super V>> MutableConfiguration.cacheEntryListenerRegistrations
          The CacheEntryListenerRegistrations for the Configuration.

Methods in javax.cache that return types with arguments of type CacheEntryListenerRegistration
 Iterable<CacheEntryListenerRegistration<? super K,? super V>> MutableConfiguration.getCacheEntryListenerRegistrations()
          Obtains the CacheEntryListenerRegistrations for CacheEntryListeners to be configured on a Cache.
 Iterable<CacheEntryListenerRegistration<? super K,? super V>> Configuration.getCacheEntryListenerRegistrations()
          Obtains the CacheEntryListenerRegistrations for CacheEntryListeners to be configured on a Cache.

Constructor parameters in javax.cache with type arguments of type CacheEntryListenerRegistration
MutableConfiguration(Iterable<CacheEntryListenerRegistration<? super K,? super V>> cacheEntryListenerRegistrations, CacheLoader<K,? extends V> cacheLoader, CacheWriter<? super K,? super V> cacheWriter, ExpiryPolicy<? super K,? super V> expiryPolicy, boolean isReadThrough, boolean isWriteThrough, boolean isStatisticsEnabled, boolean isStoreByValue, boolean isTransactionsEnabled, IsolationLevel txnIsolationLevel, Mode txnMode)
          Constructs a MutableConfiguration based on a set of parameters.

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