Uses of Class

Packages that use Mode

This package contains the API for JCache. 

javax.cache.transaction This package contains the transactional support for JCache API. 

Uses of Mode in javax.cache

Fields in javax.cache declared as Mode
protected  Mode MutableConfiguration.txnMode
          The transaction Mode.

Methods in javax.cache that return Mode
 Mode MutableConfiguration.getTransactionMode()
          Gets the transaction mode.
 Mode Configuration.getTransactionMode()
          Gets the transaction mode.

Methods in javax.cache with parameters of type Mode
 MutableConfiguration<K,V> MutableConfiguration.setTransactionMode(Mode mode)
          Set the Transaction Mode.
 MutableConfiguration<K,V> MutableConfiguration.setTransactions(IsolationLevel level, Mode mode)
          Set the Transaction IsolationLevel and Mode.

Constructors in javax.cache with parameters of type Mode
MutableConfiguration(Iterable<CacheEntryListenerRegistration<? super K,? super V>> cacheEntryListenerRegistrations, CacheLoader<K,? extends V> cacheLoader, CacheWriter<? super K,? super V> cacheWriter, ExpiryPolicy<? super K,? super V> expiryPolicy, boolean isReadThrough, boolean isWriteThrough, boolean isStatisticsEnabled, boolean isStoreByValue, boolean isTransactionsEnabled, IsolationLevel txnIsolationLevel, Mode txnMode)
          Constructs a MutableConfiguration based on a set of parameters.

Uses of Mode in javax.cache.transaction

Methods in javax.cache.transaction that return Mode
static Mode Mode.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Mode[] Mode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

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