Uses of Class

Packages that use DurationFieldType
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 
org.joda.time.field Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes. 

Uses of DurationFieldType in org.joda.time

Methods in org.joda.time that return DurationFieldType
 DurationFieldType Years.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is years.
 DurationFieldType Weeks.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is weeks.
 DurationFieldType Seconds.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is seconds.
 DurationFieldType ReadablePeriod.getFieldType(int index)
          Gets the field type at the specified index.
 DurationFieldType PeriodType.getFieldType(int index)
          Gets the field type by index.
 DurationFieldType Months.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is months.
 DurationFieldType Minutes.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is minutes.
 DurationFieldType IllegalFieldValueException.getDurationFieldType()
          Returns the DurationFieldType whose value was invalid, or null if not applicable.
 DurationFieldType Hours.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is hours.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.millis()
          Get the millis field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.seconds()
          Get the seconds field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.minutes()
          Get the minutes field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.hours()
          Get the hours field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.halfdays()
          Get the halfdays field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.days()
          Get the days field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.weeks()
          Get the weeks field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.weekyears()
          Get the weekyears field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.months()
          Get the months field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.years()
          Get the years field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.centuries()
          Get the centuries field type.
static DurationFieldType DurationFieldType.eras()
          Get the eras field type.
abstract  DurationFieldType DurationField.getType()
          Get the type of the field.
 DurationFieldType Days.getFieldType()
          Gets the duration field type, which is days.
abstract  DurationFieldType DateTimeFieldType.getDurationType()
          Get the duration unit of the field.
abstract  DurationFieldType DateTimeFieldType.getRangeDurationType()
          Get the duration range of the field.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type DurationFieldType
 YearMonthDay YearMonthDay.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Deprecated. Returns a copy of this date with the value of the specified field increased.
 TimeOfDay TimeOfDay.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Deprecated. Returns a copy of this time with the value of the specified field increased, wrapping to what would be a new day if required.
 void ReadWritablePeriod.set(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Sets the value of one of the fields.
 void ReadWritablePeriod.add(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Adds to the value of one of the fields.
 void ReadWritableInstant.add(DurationFieldType type, int amount)
          Adds to the instant specifying the duration and multiple to add.
 int ReadablePeriod.get(DurationFieldType field)
          Gets the value of one of the fields.
 boolean ReadablePeriod.isSupported(DurationFieldType field)
          Checks whether the field type specified is supported by this period.
static PeriodType PeriodType.forFields(DurationFieldType[] types)
          Gets a period type that contains the duration types of the array.
 boolean PeriodType.isSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Checks whether the field specified is supported by this period.
 int PeriodType.indexOf(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets the index of the field in this period.
 Period Period.withField(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Creates a new Period instance with the specified field set to a new value.
 Period Period.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Creates a new Period instance with the valueToAdd added to the specified field.
 Partial Partial.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Gets a copy of this Partial with the value of the specified field increased.
 Partial Partial.withFieldAddWrapped(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Gets a copy of this Partial with the value of the specified field increased.
 void MutablePeriod.set(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Sets the value of one of the fields.
 void MutablePeriod.add(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Adds to the value of one of the fields.
 void MutableDateTime.add(DurationFieldType type, int amount)
          Adds to the instant specifying the duration and multiple to add.
 boolean LocalTime.isSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Checks if the duration type specified is supported by this local time and chronology.
 LocalTime LocalTime.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Returns a copy of this time with the value of the specified field increased.
 boolean LocalDateTime.isSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Checks if the duration type specified is supported by this local datetime and chronology.
 LocalDateTime LocalDateTime.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Returns a copy of this datetime with the value of the specified field increased.
 boolean LocalDate.isSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Checks if the duration type specified is supported by this local date and chronology.
 LocalDate LocalDate.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Returns a copy of this date with the value of the specified field increased.
 DateTime DateTime.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Returns a copy of this datetime with the value of the specified field increased.
 DateMidnight DateMidnight.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Returns a copy of this date with the value of the specified field increased.

Constructors in org.joda.time with parameters of type DurationFieldType
PeriodType(String name, DurationFieldType[] types, int[] indices)
IllegalFieldValueException(DurationFieldType fieldType, Number value, Number lowerBound, Number upperBound)
IllegalFieldValueException(DurationFieldType fieldType, String value)

Uses of DurationFieldType in org.joda.time.base

Methods in org.joda.time.base that return DurationFieldType
abstract  DurationFieldType BaseSingleFieldPeriod.getFieldType()
          Gets the single duration field type.
 DurationFieldType BaseSingleFieldPeriod.getFieldType(int index)
          Gets the field type at the specified index.
 DurationFieldType BasePeriod.getFieldType(int index)
          Gets the field type at the specified index.
 DurationFieldType[] AbstractPeriod.getFieldTypes()
          Gets an array of the field types that this period supports.

Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type DurationFieldType
protected static int BaseSingleFieldPeriod.between(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end, DurationFieldType field)
          Calculates the number of whole units between the two specified datetimes.
 int BaseSingleFieldPeriod.get(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets the value of a duration field represented by this period.
 boolean BaseSingleFieldPeriod.isSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Checks whether the duration field specified is supported by this period.
protected  void BasePeriod.setField(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Sets the value of a field in this period.
protected  void BasePeriod.setFieldInto(int[] values, DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Sets the value of a field in this period.
protected  void BasePeriod.addField(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Adds the value of a field in this period.
protected  void BasePeriod.addFieldInto(int[] values, DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Adds the value of a field in this period.
 int AbstractPeriod.get(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets the value of one of the fields.
 boolean AbstractPeriod.isSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Checks whether the field specified is supported by this period.
 int AbstractPeriod.indexOf(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets the index of the field in this period.
protected  int AbstractPartial.indexOf(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets the index of the first fields to have the specified duration, or -1 if the field is unsupported.
protected  int AbstractPartial.indexOfSupported(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets the index of the first fields to have the specified duration, throwing an exception if the field is unsupported.

Uses of DurationFieldType in org.joda.time.field

Methods in org.joda.time.field that return DurationFieldType
 DurationFieldType UnsupportedDurationField.getType()
 DurationFieldType MillisDurationField.getType()
 DurationFieldType DelegatedDurationField.getType()
 DurationFieldType BaseDurationField.getType()

Methods in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type DurationFieldType
static UnsupportedDurationField UnsupportedDurationField.getInstance(DurationFieldType type)
          Gets an instance of UnsupportedDurationField for a specific named field.

Constructors in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type DurationFieldType
ScaledDurationField(DurationField field, DurationFieldType type, int scalar)
PreciseDurationField(DurationFieldType type, long unitMillis)
DelegatedDurationField(DurationField field, DurationFieldType type)
DecoratedDurationField(DurationField field, DurationFieldType type)
BaseDurationField(DurationFieldType type)

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