Package org.joda.time.base

Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes.


Class Summary
AbstractDateTime AbstractDateTime provides the common behaviour for datetime classes.
AbstractDuration AbstractDuration provides the common behaviour for duration classes.
AbstractInstant AbstractInstant provides the common behaviour for instant classes.
AbstractInterval AbstractInterval provides the common behaviour for time intervals.
AbstractPartial AbstractPartial provides a standard base implementation of most methods in the ReadablePartial interface.
AbstractPeriod AbstractPeriod provides the common behaviour for period classes.
BaseDateTime BaseDateTime is an abstract implementation of ReadableDateTime that stores data in long and Chronology fields.
BaseDuration BaseDuration is an abstract implementation of ReadableDuration that stores data in a long duration milliseconds field.
BaseInterval BaseInterval is an abstract implementation of ReadableInterval that stores data in two long millisecond fields.
BaseLocal BaseLocal is an abstract implementation of ReadablePartial that use a local milliseconds internal representation.
BasePartial BasePartial is an abstract implementation of ReadablePartial that stores data in array and Chronology fields.
BasePeriod BasePeriod is an abstract implementation of ReadablePeriod that stores data in a PeriodType and an int[].
BaseSingleFieldPeriod BaseSingleFieldPeriod is an abstract implementation of ReadablePeriod that manages a single duration field, such as days or minutes.

Package org.joda.time.base Description

Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes.

Provides abstract implementations of the Readable* interfaces. The Abstract* classes hold no fields and have no final methods. They can be used by anyone wanting to implement the interface. The Base* classes extend the Abstract* classes to provide fields for the standard way to implement the class.

If you intend to implement a Readable* interface yourself, please consider extending either the Abstract* or Base* class in this package.

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