Class GJChronology

  extended byorg.joda.time.Chronology
      extended byorg.joda.time.chrono.BaseChronology
          extended byorg.joda.time.chrono.AssembledChronology
              extended byorg.joda.time.chrono.GJChronology
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class GJChronology
extends AssembledChronology

Implements the Gregorian/Julian calendar system which is the calendar system used in most of the world. Wherever possible, it is recommended to use the ISOChronology instead.

The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar, and the point in time when this chronology switches can be controlled using the second parameter of the getInstance method. By default this cutover is set to the date the Gregorian calendar was first instituted, October 15, 1582.

Before this date, this chronology uses the proleptic Julian calendar (proleptic means extending indefinitely). The Julian calendar has leap years every four years, whereas the Gregorian has special rules for 100 and 400 years. A meaningful result will thus be obtained for all input values. However before 8 CE, Julian leap years were irregular, and before 45 BCE there was no Julian calendar.

This chronology differs from GregorianCalendar in that years in BCE are returned correctly. Thus year 1 BCE is returned as -1 instead of 1. The yearOfEra field produces results compatible with GregorianCalendar.

The Julian calendar does not have a year zero, and so year -1 is followed by year 1. If the Gregorian cutover date is specified at or before year -1 (Julian), year zero is defined. In other words, the proleptic Gregorian chronology used by this class has a year zero.

To create a pure proleptic Julian chronology, use JulianChronology, and to create a pure proleptic Gregorian chronology, use GregorianChronology.

GJChronology is thread-safe and immutable.

Brian S O'Neill, Stephen Colebourne
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.joda.time.chrono.AssembledChronology
Method Summary
protected  void assemble(AssembledChronology.Fields fields)
          Invoked by the constructor and after deserialization to allow subclasses to define all of its supported fields.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Checks if this chronology instance equals another.
 long getDateTimeMillis(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int millisOfDay)
          Returns a datetime millisecond instant, formed from the given year, month, day, and millisecond values.
 long getDateTimeMillis(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond)
          Returns a datetime millisecond instant, formed from the given year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond values.
 Instant getGregorianCutover()
          Gets the cutover instant between Gregorian and Julian chronologies.
static GJChronology getInstance()
          Factory method returns instances of the default GJ cutover chronology.
static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone)
          Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology.
static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone, long gregorianCutover, int minDaysInFirstWeek)
          Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology.
static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone, ReadableInstant gregorianCutover)
          Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology.
static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone, ReadableInstant gregorianCutover, int minDaysInFirstWeek)
          Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology.
static GJChronology getInstanceUTC()
          Factory method returns instances of the default GJ cutover chronology.
 int getMinimumDaysInFirstWeek()
          Gets the minimum days needed for a week to be the first week in a year.
 DateTimeZone getZone()
          Returns the DateTimeZone that this Chronology operates in, or null if unspecified.
 int hashCode()
          A suitable hash code for the chronology.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets a debugging toString.
 Chronology withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.chrono.AssembledChronology
centuries, centuryOfEra, clockhourOfDay, clockhourOfHalfday, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, days, era, eras, getBase, getDateTimeMillis, getParam, halfdayOfDay, halfdays, hourOfDay, hourOfHalfday, hours, millis, millisOfDay, millisOfSecond, minuteOfDay, minuteOfHour, minutes, monthOfYear, months, secondOfDay, secondOfMinute, seconds, weekOfWeekyear, weeks, weekyear, weekyearOfCentury, weekyears, year, yearOfCentury, yearOfEra, years
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.chrono.BaseChronology
add, add, get, get, get, set, validate
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.Chronology
getBuddhist, getBuddhist, getBuddhistUTC, getCoptic, getCoptic, getCopticUTC, getGJ, getGJ, getGJUTC, getGregorian, getGregorian, getGregorianUTC, getISO, getISO, getISOUTC, getJulian, getJulian, getJulianUTC
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static GJChronology getInstanceUTC()
Factory method returns instances of the default GJ cutover chronology. This uses a cutover date of October 15, 1582 (Gregorian) 00:00:00 UTC. For this value, October 4, 1582 (Julian) is followed by October 15, 1582 (Gregorian).

The first day of the week is designated to be Monday, and the minimum days in the first week of the year is 4.

The time zone of the returned instance is UTC.


public static GJChronology getInstance()
Factory method returns instances of the default GJ cutover chronology. This uses a cutover date of October 15, 1582 (Gregorian) 00:00:00 UTC. For this value, October 4, 1582 (Julian) is followed by October 15, 1582 (Gregorian).

The first day of the week is designated to be Monday, and the minimum days in the first week of the year is 4.

The returned chronology is in the default time zone.


public static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone)
Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology. This uses a cutover date of October 15, 1582 (Gregorian) 00:00:00 UTC. For this value, October 4, 1582 (Julian) is followed by October 15, 1582 (Gregorian).

The first day of the week is designated to be Monday, and the minimum days in the first week of the year is 4.

zone - the time zone to use, null is default


public static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone,
                                       ReadableInstant gregorianCutover)
Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology. Any cutover date may be specified.

The first day of the week is designated to be Monday, and the minimum days in the first week of the year is 4.

zone - the time zone to use, null is default
gregorianCutover - the cutover to use, null means default


public static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone,
                                       ReadableInstant gregorianCutover,
                                       int minDaysInFirstWeek)
Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology. Any cutover date may be specified.

zone - the time zone to use, null is default
gregorianCutover - the cutover to use, null means default
minDaysInFirstWeek - minimum number of days in first week of the year; default is 4


public static GJChronology getInstance(DateTimeZone zone,
                                       long gregorianCutover,
                                       int minDaysInFirstWeek)
Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology. Any cutover date may be specified.

zone - the time zone to use, null is default
gregorianCutover - the cutover to use
minDaysInFirstWeek - minimum number of days in first week of the year; default is 4


public DateTimeZone getZone()
Description copied from class: BaseChronology
Returns the DateTimeZone that this Chronology operates in, or null if unspecified.

getZone in class AssembledChronology


public Chronology withUTC()
Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.

Specified by:
withUTC in class BaseChronology
the chronology in UTC


public Chronology withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.

Specified by:
withZone in class BaseChronology
zone - the zone to get the chronology in, null is default
the chronology
See Also:


public long getDateTimeMillis(int year,
                              int monthOfYear,
                              int dayOfMonth,
                              int millisOfDay)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from class: BaseChronology
Returns a datetime millisecond instant, formed from the given year, month, day, and millisecond values. The set of given values must refer to a valid datetime, or else an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

The default implementation calls upon separate DateTimeFields to determine the result. Subclasses are encouraged to provide a more efficient implementation.

getDateTimeMillis in class AssembledChronology


public long getDateTimeMillis(int year,
                              int monthOfYear,
                              int dayOfMonth,
                              int hourOfDay,
                              int minuteOfHour,
                              int secondOfMinute,
                              int millisOfSecond)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from class: BaseChronology
Returns a datetime millisecond instant, formed from the given year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond values. The set of given values must refer to a valid datetime, or else an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

The default implementation calls upon separate DateTimeFields to determine the result. Subclasses are encouraged to provide a more efficient implementation.

getDateTimeMillis in class AssembledChronology


public Instant getGregorianCutover()
Gets the cutover instant between Gregorian and Julian chronologies.

the cutover instant


public int getMinimumDaysInFirstWeek()
Gets the minimum days needed for a week to be the first week in a year.

the minimum days


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks if this chronology instance equals another.

obj - the object to compare to
true if equal


public int hashCode()
A suitable hash code for the chronology.

the hash code


public java.lang.String toString()
Gets a debugging toString.

Specified by:
toString in class BaseChronology
a debugging string


protected void assemble(AssembledChronology.Fields fields)
Description copied from class: AssembledChronology
Invoked by the constructor and after deserialization to allow subclasses to define all of its supported fields. All unset fields default to unsupported instances.

Specified by:
assemble in class AssembledChronology
fields - container of fields

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