Uses of Class

Packages that use DateTimeField
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 
org.joda.time.chrono Package containing the chronology classes which define the calendar systems. 
org.joda.time.field Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes. 
org.joda.time.format Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. 

Uses of DateTimeField in org.joda.time

Methods in org.joda.time that return DateTimeField
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.centuryOfEra()
          Get the century of era field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.clockhourOfDay()
          Get the hour of day (offset to 1-24) field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.clockhourOfHalfday()
          Get the hour of am/pm (offset to 1-12) field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.dayOfMonth()
          Get the day of month field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.dayOfWeek()
          Get the day of week field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.dayOfYear()
          Get the day of year field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.era()
          Get the era field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField YearMonthDay.Property.getField()
          Deprecated. Gets the field that this property uses.
 DateTimeField YearMonth.Property.getField()
          Gets the field that this property uses.
 DateTimeField TimeOfDay.Property.getField()
          Deprecated. Gets the field that this property uses.
 DateTimeField Partial.Property.getField()
          Gets the field that this property uses.
 DateTimeField MutableDateTime.Property.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
 DateTimeField MonthDay.Property.getField()
          Gets the field that this property uses.
 DateTimeField LocalTime.Property.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
 DateTimeField LocalDateTime.Property.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
 DateTimeField LocalDate.Property.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
 DateTimeField DateTime.Property.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
 DateTimeField DateMidnight.Property.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
abstract  DateTimeField DateTimeFieldType.getField(Chronology chronology)
          Gets a suitable field for this type from the given Chronology.
 DateTimeField ReadablePartial.getField(int index)
          Gets the field at the specified index.
protected  DateTimeField YearMonthDay.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Deprecated. Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField YearMonth.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField TimeOfDay.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Deprecated. Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField Partial.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField MonthDay.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField LocalTime.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField LocalDateTime.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField LocalDate.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
 DateTimeField MutableDateTime.getRoundingField()
          Gets the field used for rounding this instant, returning null if rounding is not enabled.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.halfdayOfDay()
          Get the AM(0) PM(1) field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.hourOfDay()
          Get the hour of day (0-23) field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.hourOfHalfday()
          Get the hour of am/pm (0-11) field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.millisOfDay()
          Get the millis of day field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.millisOfSecond()
          Get the millis of second field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.minuteOfDay()
          Get the minute of day field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.minuteOfHour()
          Get the minute of hour field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.monthOfYear()
          Get the month of year field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.secondOfDay()
          Get the second of day field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.secondOfMinute()
          Get the second of minute field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.weekOfWeekyear()
          Get the week of a week based year field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.weekyear()
          Get the year of a week based year field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.weekyearOfCentury()
          Get the year of a week based year in a century field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.year()
          Get the year field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.yearOfCentury()
          Get the year of century field for this chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField Chronology.yearOfEra()
          Get the year of era field for this chronology.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type DateTimeField
 void MutableDateTime.setRounding(DateTimeField field)
          Sets the status of rounding to use the specified field and ROUND_FLOOR mode.
 void MutableDateTime.setRounding(DateTimeField field, int mode)
          Sets the status of rounding to use the specified field and mode.

Uses of DateTimeField in org.joda.time.base

Methods in org.joda.time.base that return DateTimeField
 DateTimeField AbstractPartial.getField(int index)
          Gets the field at the specifed index.
protected abstract  DateTimeField AbstractPartial.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
 DateTimeField[] AbstractPartial.getFields()
          Gets an array of the fields that this partial supports.

Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type DateTimeField
 int AbstractInstant.get(DateTimeField field)
          Get the value of one of the fields of a datetime.

Uses of DateTimeField in org.joda.time.chrono

Fields in org.joda.time.chrono declared as DateTimeField
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.centuryOfEra
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.clockhourOfDay
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.clockhourOfHalfday
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.dayOfMonth
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.dayOfWeek
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.dayOfYear
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.era
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.halfdayOfDay
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.hourOfDay
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.hourOfHalfday
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.millisOfDay
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.millisOfSecond
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.minuteOfDay
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.minuteOfHour
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.monthOfYear
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.secondOfDay
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.secondOfMinute
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.weekOfWeekyear
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.weekyear
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.weekyearOfCentury
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.year
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.yearOfCentury
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.Fields.yearOfEra

Methods in org.joda.time.chrono that return DateTimeField
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.centuryOfEra()
          Get the century of era field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.centuryOfEra()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.clockhourOfDay()
          Get the hour of day (offset to 1-24) field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.clockhourOfDay()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.clockhourOfHalfday()
          Get the hour of am/pm (offset to 1-12) field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.clockhourOfHalfday()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.dayOfMonth()
          Get the day of month field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.dayOfMonth()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.dayOfWeek()
          Get the day of week field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.dayOfWeek()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.dayOfYear()
          Get the day of year field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.dayOfYear()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.era()
          Get the era field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.era()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.halfdayOfDay()
          Get the AM(0) PM(1) field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.halfdayOfDay()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.hourOfDay()
          Get the hour of day (0-23) field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.hourOfDay()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.hourOfHalfday()
          Get the hour of am/pm (0-11) field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.hourOfHalfday()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.millisOfDay()
          Get the millis of day field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.millisOfDay()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.millisOfSecond()
          Get the millis of second field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.millisOfSecond()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.minuteOfDay()
          Get the minute of day field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.minuteOfDay()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.minuteOfHour()
          Get the minute of hour field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.minuteOfHour()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.monthOfYear()
          Get the month of year field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.monthOfYear()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.secondOfDay()
          Get the second of day field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.secondOfDay()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.secondOfMinute()
          Get the second of minute field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.secondOfMinute()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.weekOfWeekyear()
          Get the week of a week based year field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.weekOfWeekyear()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.weekyear()
          Get the year of a week based year field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.weekyear()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.weekyearOfCentury()
          Get the year of a week based year in a century field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.weekyearOfCentury()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.year()
          Get the year field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.year()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.yearOfCentury()
          Get the year of century field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.yearOfCentury()
 DateTimeField BaseChronology.yearOfEra()
          Get the year of era field for this chronology.
 DateTimeField AssembledChronology.yearOfEra()

Uses of DateTimeField in org.joda.time.field

Subclasses of DateTimeField in org.joda.time.field
 class BaseDateTimeField
          BaseDateTimeField provides the common behaviour for DateTimeField implementations.
 class DecoratedDateTimeField
          DecoratedDateTimeField extends BaseDateTimeField, implementing only the minimum required set of methods.
 class DelegatedDateTimeField
          DelegatedDateTimeField delegates each method call to the date time field it wraps.
 class DividedDateTimeField
          Divides a DateTimeField such that the retrieved values are reduced by a fixed divisor.
 class ImpreciseDateTimeField
          Abstract datetime field class that defines its own DurationField, which delegates back into this ImpreciseDateTimeField.
 class LenientDateTimeField
          Converts a strict DateTimeField into a lenient one.
 class OffsetDateTimeField
          Generic offset adjusting datetime field.
 class PreciseDateTimeField
          Precise datetime field, composed of two precise duration fields.
 class PreciseDurationDateTimeField
          Precise datetime field, which has a precise unit duration field.
 class RemainderDateTimeField
          Counterpart remainder datetime field to DividedDateTimeField.
 class SkipDateTimeField
          Wraps another field such that a certain value is skipped.
 class SkipUndoDateTimeField
          Wraps another field such that a certain value is added back into the sequence of numbers.
 class StrictDateTimeField
          Converts a lenient DateTimeField into a strict one.
 class UnsupportedDateTimeField
          A placeholder implementation to use when a datetime field is not supported.
 class ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField
          Wraps another field such that zero values are replaced with one more than it's maximum.

Methods in org.joda.time.field that return DateTimeField
abstract  DateTimeField AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
abstract  DateTimeField AbstractPartialFieldProperty.getField()
          Gets the field being used.
static DateTimeField StrictDateTimeField.getInstance(DateTimeField field)
          Returns a strict version of the given field.
static DateTimeField LenientDateTimeField.getInstance(DateTimeField field, Chronology base)
          Returns a lenient version of the given field.
 DateTimeField DelegatedDateTimeField.getWrappedField()
          Gets the wrapped date time field.
 DateTimeField DecoratedDateTimeField.getWrappedField()
          Gets the wrapped date time field.

Methods in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type DateTimeField
static DateTimeField StrictDateTimeField.getInstance(DateTimeField field)
          Returns a strict version of the given field.
static DateTimeField LenientDateTimeField.getInstance(DateTimeField field, Chronology base)
          Returns a lenient version of the given field.
static void FieldUtils.verifyValueBounds(DateTimeField field, int value, int lowerBound, int upperBound)
          Verify that input values are within specified bounds.

Constructors in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type DateTimeField
DecoratedDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type)
DelegatedDateTimeField(DateTimeField field)
DelegatedDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type)
DividedDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type, int divisor)
LenientDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, Chronology base)
OffsetDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type, int offset)
OffsetDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type, int offset, int minValue, int maxValue)
OffsetDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, int offset)
RemainderDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type, int divisor)
SkipDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field)
          Constructor that skips zero.
SkipDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field, int skip)
SkipUndoDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field)
          Constructor that reinserts zero.
SkipUndoDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field, int skip)
StrictDateTimeField(DateTimeField field)
ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, DateTimeFieldType type)

Uses of DateTimeField in org.joda.time.format

Methods in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type DateTimeField
 void DateTimeParserBucket.saveField(DateTimeField field, int value)
          Saves a datetime field value.

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