Uses of Class

Packages that use PeriodType
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 
org.joda.time.convert Implementation package providing conversion between date and time objects. 
org.joda.time.format Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. 

Uses of PeriodType in org.joda.time

Methods in org.joda.time that return PeriodType
static PeriodType PeriodType.days()
          Gets a type that defines just the days field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.dayTime()
          Gets a type that defines all standard fields from days downwards.
static PeriodType PeriodType.forFields(DurationFieldType[] types)
          Gets a period type that contains the duration types of the array.
 PeriodType Years.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is years.
 PeriodType Weeks.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is weeks.
 PeriodType Seconds.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is seconds.
 PeriodType ReadablePeriod.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type that defines which fields are included in the period.
 PeriodType Months.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is months.
 PeriodType Minutes.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is minutes.
 PeriodType Hours.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is hours.
 PeriodType Days.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type, which is days.
static PeriodType DateTimeUtils.getPeriodType(PeriodType type)
          Gets the period type handling null.
static PeriodType PeriodType.hours()
          Gets a type that defines just the hours field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.millis()
          Gets a type that defines just the millis field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.minutes()
          Gets a type that defines just the minutes field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.months()
          Gets a type that defines just the months field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.seconds()
          Gets a type that defines just the seconds field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.standard()
          Gets a type that defines all standard fields.
static PeriodType PeriodType.time()
          Gets a type that defines all standard time fields.
static PeriodType PeriodType.weeks()
          Gets a type that defines just the weeks field.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withDaysRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support days.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withHoursRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support hours.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withMillisRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support milliseconds.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withMinutesRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support minutes.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withMonthsRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support months.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withSecondsRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support seconds.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withWeeksRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support weeks.
 PeriodType PeriodType.withYearsRemoved()
          Returns a version of this PeriodType instance that does not support years.
static PeriodType PeriodType.yearDay()
          Gets a type that defines the year and day fields.
static PeriodType PeriodType.yearDayTime()
          Gets a type that defines all standard fields except months and weeks.
static PeriodType PeriodType.yearMonthDay()
          Gets a type that defines the year, month and day fields.
static PeriodType PeriodType.yearMonthDayTime()
          Gets a type that defines all standard fields except weeks.
static PeriodType PeriodType.years()
          Gets a type that defines just the years field.
static PeriodType PeriodType.yearWeekDay()
          Gets a type that defines year, week and day fields.
static PeriodType PeriodType.yearWeekDayTime()
          Gets a type that defines all standard fields except months.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type PeriodType
static PeriodType DateTimeUtils.getPeriodType(PeriodType type)
          Gets the period type handling null.
 Period Period.normalizedStandard(PeriodType type)
          Normalizes this period using standard rules, assuming a 12 month year, 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute, providing control over how the result is split into fields.
 Period ReadableInterval.toPeriod(PeriodType type)
          Converts the duration of the interval to a period using the specified period type.
 Period Period.withPeriodType(PeriodType type)
          Creates a new Period instance with the same field values but different PeriodType.

Constructors in org.joda.time with parameters of type PeriodType
MutablePeriod(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis, PeriodType type)
          Create a period from a set of field values.
MutablePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
MutablePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
MutablePeriod(long duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration.
MutablePeriod(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chronology)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration.
MutablePeriod(Object period, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
MutablePeriod(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
MutablePeriod(PeriodType type)
          Creates a zero-length period using the specified period type.
MutablePeriod(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and the duration.
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
Period(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis, PeriodType type)
          Create a period from a set of field values.
Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
Period(long duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration.
Period(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chronology)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration.
Period(Object period, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
Period(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
Period(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and the duration.
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
Period(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from two partially specified times.

Uses of PeriodType in org.joda.time.base

Methods in org.joda.time.base that return PeriodType
protected  PeriodType BasePeriod.checkPeriodType(PeriodType type)
          Validates a period type, converting nulls to a default value and checking the type is suitable for this instance.
abstract  PeriodType BaseSingleFieldPeriod.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type which matches the duration field type.
 PeriodType BasePeriod.getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type.

Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type PeriodType
protected  PeriodType BasePeriod.checkPeriodType(PeriodType type)
          Validates a period type, converting nulls to a default value and checking the type is suitable for this instance.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriod(PeriodType type)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance using the specified period type and the ISO chronology.
 Period AbstractInterval.toPeriod(PeriodType type)
          Converts the duration of the interval to a Period using the specified period type.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriod(PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance using the specified period type and chronology.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriodFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant, PeriodType type)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance by adding the duration to a start instant to obtain an interval.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriodTo(ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance by subtracting the duration from an end instant to obtain an interval using the standard period type.

Constructors in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type PeriodType
BasePeriod(int[] values, PeriodType type)
          Constructor used when we trust ourselves.
BasePeriod(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from a set of field values.
BasePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
BasePeriod(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration, which is only really suitable for durations less than one day.
BasePeriod(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a new period based on another using the ConverterManager.
BasePeriod(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and duration.
BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
BasePeriod(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.

Uses of PeriodType in org.joda.time.convert

Methods in org.joda.time.convert that return PeriodType
 PeriodType PeriodConverter.getPeriodType(Object object)
          Selects a suitable period type for the given object.
 PeriodType AbstractConverter.getPeriodType(Object object)
          Selects a suitable period type for the given object.

Uses of PeriodType in org.joda.time.format

Methods in org.joda.time.format that return PeriodType
 PeriodType PeriodFormatter.getParseType()
          Gets the PeriodType that will be used for parsing.

Methods in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type PeriodType
 PeriodFormatter PeriodFormatter.withParseType(PeriodType type)
          Returns a new formatter with a different PeriodType for parsing.

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