Uses of Interface

Packages that use PeriodConverter
org.joda.time.convert Implementation package providing conversion between date and time objects. 

Uses of PeriodConverter in org.joda.time.convert

Methods in org.joda.time.convert that return PeriodConverter
 PeriodConverter ConverterManager.addPeriodConverter(PeriodConverter converter)
          Adds a converter to the set of converters.
 PeriodConverter ConverterManager.getPeriodConverter(Object object)
          Gets the best converter for the object specified.
 PeriodConverter[] ConverterManager.getPeriodConverters()
          Gets a copy of the list of converters.
 PeriodConverter ConverterManager.removePeriodConverter(PeriodConverter converter)
          Removes a converter from the set of converters.

Methods in org.joda.time.convert with parameters of type PeriodConverter
 PeriodConverter ConverterManager.addPeriodConverter(PeriodConverter converter)
          Adds a converter to the set of converters.
 PeriodConverter ConverterManager.removePeriodConverter(PeriodConverter converter)
          Removes a converter from the set of converters.

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