Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReadableInstant
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 
org.joda.time.chrono Package containing the chronology classes which define the calendar systems. 
org.joda.time.field Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes. 
org.joda.time.format Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. 

Uses of ReadableInstant in org.joda.time

Subinterfaces of ReadableInstant in org.joda.time
 interface ReadableDateTime
          Defines an instant in time that can be queried using datetime fields.
 interface ReadWritableDateTime
          Defines an instant in time that can be queried and modified using datetime fields.
 interface ReadWritableInstant
          Defines an instant in the datetime continuum that can be queried and modified.

Classes in org.joda.time that implement ReadableInstant
 class DateMidnight
          Deprecated. The time of midnight does not exist in some time zones where the daylight saving time forward shift skips the midnight hour. Use LocalDate to represent a date without a time zone. Or use DateTime to represent a full date and time, perhaps using DateTime.withTimeAtStartOfDay() to get an instant at the start of a day.
 class DateTime
          DateTime is the standard implementation of an unmodifiable datetime class.
 class Instant
          Instant is the standard implementation of a fully immutable instant in time.
 class MutableDateTime
          MutableDateTime is the standard implementation of a modifiable datetime class.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type ReadableInstant
 boolean ReadableInterval.contains(ReadableInstant instant)
          Does this time interval contain the specified instant.
static Days Days.daysBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Days representing the number of whole days between the two specified datetimes.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getInstantChronology(ReadableInstant instant)
          Gets the chronology from the specified instant object handling null.
static long DateTimeUtils.getInstantMillis(ReadableInstant instant)
          Gets the millisecond instant from the specified instant object handling null.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getIntervalChronology(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Gets the chronology from the specified instant based interval handling null.
 int DateTimeZone.getOffset(ReadableInstant instant)
          Gets the millisecond offset to add to UTC to get local time.
static Hours Hours.hoursBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Hours representing the number of whole hours between the two specified datetimes.
 boolean ReadableInterval.isAfter(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this time interval after the specified instant.
 boolean ReadableInstant.isAfter(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this instant after the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
 boolean ReadableInterval.isBefore(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this time interval before the specified instant.
 boolean ReadableInstant.isBefore(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this instant before the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
 boolean ReadableInstant.isEqual(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this instant equal to the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
 boolean Partial.isMatch(ReadableInstant instant)
          Does this partial match the specified instant.
static Minutes Minutes.minutesBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Minutes representing the number of whole minutes between the two specified datetimes.
static Months Months.monthsBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Months representing the number of whole months between the two specified datetimes.
static Seconds Seconds.secondsBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Seconds representing the number of whole seconds between the two specified datetimes.
 void MutableDateTime.setDate(ReadableInstant instant)
          Set the date from another instant.
 void ReadWritableInterval.setEnd(ReadableInstant instant)
          Sets the end of this time interval as an Instant.
 void MutableInterval.setEnd(ReadableInstant end)
          Sets the end of this time interval as an Instant.
 void ReadWritableInterval.setInterval(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Sets this interval from two instants.
 void MutableInterval.setInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Sets this interval from two instants, replacing the chronology with that from the start instant.
 void ReadWritableInstant.setMillis(ReadableInstant instant)
          Sets the millisecond instant of this instant from another.
 void MutableDateTime.setMillis(ReadableInstant instant)
          Sets the millisecond instant of this instant from another.
 void MutablePeriod.setPeriod(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Sets all the fields in one go from two instants representing an interval.
 void ReadWritableInterval.setStart(ReadableInstant instant)
          Sets the start of this time interval as an Instant.
 void MutableInterval.setStart(ReadableInstant start)
          Sets the start of this time interval as an Instant.
 void MutableDateTime.setTime(ReadableInstant instant)
          Set the time from another instant.
 DateTime ReadablePartial.toDateTime(ReadableInstant baseInstant)
          Converts this partial to a full datetime by resolving it against another datetime.
static Weeks Weeks.weeksBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Weeks representing the number of whole weeks between the two specified datetimes.
 Interval Interval.withEnd(ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a new interval with the specified end instant.
 Interval Interval.withStart(ReadableInstant start)
          Creates a new interval with the specified start instant.
static Years Years.yearsBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Years representing the number of whole years between the two specified datetimes.

Constructors in org.joda.time with parameters of type ReadableInstant
Duration(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a duration from the given interval endpoints.
Interval(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a millisecond duration and an end instant.
Interval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableDuration duration)
          Constructs an interval from a start instant and a duration.
Interval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a start and end instant.
Interval(ReadableInstant start, ReadablePeriod period)
          Constructs an interval from a start instant and a time period.
Interval(ReadablePeriod period, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a time period and an end instant.
MutableInterval(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a millisecond duration and an end instant.
MutableInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableDuration duration)
          Constructs an interval from a start instant and a duration.
MutableInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a start and end instant.
MutableInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadablePeriod period)
          Constructs an interval from a start instant and a time period.
MutableInterval(ReadablePeriod period, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a time period and an end instant.
MutablePeriod(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
MutablePeriod(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration)
          Creates a period from the given start point and the duration.
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and the duration.
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints using the standard set of fields.
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
Period(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
Period(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration)
          Creates a period from the given start point and the duration.
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and the duration.
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Creates a period between the given instants using the standard set of fields.
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period between the given instants.

Uses of ReadableInstant in org.joda.time.base

Classes in org.joda.time.base that implement ReadableInstant
 class AbstractDateTime
          AbstractDateTime provides the common behaviour for datetime classes.
 class AbstractInstant
          AbstractInstant provides the common behaviour for instant classes.
 class BaseDateTime
          BaseDateTime is an abstract implementation of ReadableDateTime that stores data in long and Chronology fields.

Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type ReadableInstant
protected static int BaseSingleFieldPeriod.between(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end, DurationFieldType field)
          Calculates the number of whole units between the two specified datetimes.
 int AbstractInstant.compareTo(ReadableInstant other)
          Compares this object with the specified object for ascending millisecond instant order.
 boolean AbstractInterval.contains(ReadableInstant instant)
          Does this time interval contain the specified instant.
 boolean AbstractInterval.isAfter(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this time interval after the specified instant.
 boolean AbstractInstant.isAfter(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this instant after the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
 boolean AbstractInterval.isBefore(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this time interval before the specified instant.
 boolean AbstractInstant.isBefore(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this instant before the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
 boolean AbstractInstant.isEqual(ReadableInstant instant)
          Is this instant equal to the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
 DateTime AbstractPartial.toDateTime(ReadableInstant baseInstant)
          Resolves this partial against another complete instant to create a new full instant.
 Duration BasePeriod.toDurationFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant)
          Gets the total millisecond duration of this period relative to a start instant.
 Duration BasePeriod.toDurationTo(ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Gets the total millisecond duration of this period relative to an end instant.
 Interval BaseDuration.toIntervalFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant)
          Converts this duration to an Interval starting at the specified instant.
 Interval BaseDuration.toIntervalTo(ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Converts this duration to an Interval ending at the specified instant.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriodFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance by adding the duration to a start instant to obtain an interval using the standard period type.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriodFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant, PeriodType type)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance by adding the duration to a start instant to obtain an interval.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriodTo(ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance by subtracting the duration from an end instant to obtain an interval using the standard period type.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriodTo(ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance by subtracting the duration from an end instant to obtain an interval using the standard period type.

Constructors in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type ReadableInstant
BaseDuration(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a duration from the given interval endpoints.
BaseInterval(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a millisecond duration and an end instant.
BaseInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableDuration duration)
          Constructs an interval from a start instant and a duration.
BaseInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a start and end instant.
BaseInterval(ReadableInstant start, ReadablePeriod period)
          Constructs an interval from a start instant and a time period.
BaseInterval(ReadablePeriod period, ReadableInstant end)
          Constructs an interval from a time period and an end instant.
BasePeriod(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and duration.
BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.

Uses of ReadableInstant in org.joda.time.chrono

Methods in org.joda.time.chrono with parameters of type ReadableInstant
static GJChronology GJChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone zone, ReadableInstant gregorianCutover)
          Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology.
static GJChronology GJChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone zone, ReadableInstant gregorianCutover, int minDaysInFirstWeek)
          Factory method returns instances of the GJ cutover chronology.

Uses of ReadableInstant in org.joda.time.field

Methods in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type ReadableInstant
 int AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty.compareTo(ReadableInstant instant)
          Compare this field to the same field on another instant.
 int AbstractPartialFieldProperty.compareTo(ReadableInstant instant)
          Compare this field to the same field on another instant.
 int AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty.getDifference(ReadableInstant instant)
          Returns the difference between this field property instant and the one passed in, in the units of this field.
 long AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty.getDifferenceAsLong(ReadableInstant instant)
          Returns the difference between this field property instant and the one passed in, in the units of this field.

Uses of ReadableInstant in org.joda.time.format

Methods in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type ReadableInstant
 String DateTimeFormatter.print(ReadableInstant instant)
          Prints a ReadableInstant to a String.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(Appendable appendable, ReadableInstant instant)
          Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(StringBuffer buf, ReadableInstant instant)
          Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(StringBuilder buf, ReadableInstant instant)
          Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(Writer out, ReadableInstant instant)
          Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.

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