Uses of Class

Packages that use Weeks
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 

Uses of Weeks in org.joda.time

Fields in org.joda.time declared as Weeks
static Weeks Weeks.MAX_VALUE
          Constant representing the maximum number of weeks that can be stored in this object.
static Weeks Weeks.MIN_VALUE
          Constant representing the minimum number of weeks that can be stored in this object.
static Weeks Weeks.ONE
          Constant representing one week.
static Weeks Weeks.THREE
          Constant representing three weeks.
static Weeks Weeks.TWO
          Constant representing two weeks.
static Weeks Weeks.ZERO
          Constant representing zero weeks.

Methods in org.joda.time that return Weeks
 Weeks Weeks.dividedBy(int divisor)
          Returns a new instance with the weeks divided by the specified divisor.
 Weeks Weeks.minus(int weeks)
          Returns a new instance with the specified number of weeks taken away.
 Weeks Weeks.minus(Weeks weeks)
          Returns a new instance with the specified number of weeks taken away.
 Weeks Weeks.multipliedBy(int scalar)
          Returns a new instance with the weeks multiplied by the specified scalar.
 Weeks Weeks.negated()
          Returns a new instance with the weeks value negated.
static Weeks Weeks.parseWeeks(String periodStr)
          Creates a new Weeks by parsing a string in the ISO8601 format 'PnW'.
 Weeks weeks)
          Returns a new instance with the specified number of weeks added.
 Weeks weeks)
          Returns a new instance with the specified number of weeks added.
static Weeks Weeks.standardWeeksIn(ReadablePeriod period)
          Creates a new Weeks representing the number of complete standard length weeks in the specified period.
 Weeks Seconds.toStandardWeeks()
          Converts this period in seconds to a period in weeks assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute.
 Weeks Period.toStandardWeeks()
          Converts this period to a period in weeks assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute.
 Weeks Minutes.toStandardWeeks()
          Converts this period in minutes to a period in weeks assuming a 7 days week, 24 hour day and 60 minute hour.
 Weeks Hours.toStandardWeeks()
          Converts this period in hours to a period in weeks assuming a 7 day week and 24 hour day.
 Weeks Days.toStandardWeeks()
          Converts this period in days to a period in weeks assuming a 7 day week.
static Weeks Weeks.weeks(int weeks)
          Obtains an instance of Weeks that may be cached.
static Weeks Weeks.weeksBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Creates a Weeks representing the number of whole weeks between the two specified datetimes.
static Weeks Weeks.weeksBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Weeks representing the number of whole weeks between the two specified partial datetimes.
static Weeks Weeks.weeksIn(ReadableInterval interval)
          Creates a Weeks representing the number of whole weeks in the specified interval.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type Weeks
 boolean Weeks.isGreaterThan(Weeks other)
          Is this weeks instance greater than the specified number of weeks.
 boolean Weeks.isLessThan(Weeks other)
          Is this weeks instance less than the specified number of weeks.
 Weeks Weeks.minus(Weeks weeks)
          Returns a new instance with the specified number of weeks taken away.
 Weeks weeks)
          Returns a new instance with the specified number of weeks added.

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