Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReadWritablePeriod
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.convert Implementation package providing conversion between date and time objects. 
org.joda.time.format Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. 

Uses of ReadWritablePeriod in org.joda.time

Classes in org.joda.time that implement ReadWritablePeriod
 class MutablePeriod
          Standard mutable time period implementation.

Uses of ReadWritablePeriod in org.joda.time.convert

Methods in org.joda.time.convert with parameters of type ReadWritablePeriod
 void PeriodConverter.setInto(ReadWritablePeriod period, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts duration values from an object of this converter's type, and sets them into the given ReadWritableDuration.

Uses of ReadWritablePeriod in org.joda.time.format

Methods in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type ReadWritablePeriod
 int PeriodFormatter.parseInto(ReadWritablePeriod period, String text, int position)
          Parses a period from the given text, at the given position, saving the result into the fields of the given ReadWritablePeriod.
 int PeriodParser.parseInto(ReadWritablePeriod period, String periodStr, int position, Locale locale)
          Parses a period from the given text, at the given position, saving the result into the fields of the given ReadWritablePeriod.

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