Package org.joda.time.field

Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes.


Class Summary
AbstractPartialFieldProperty AbstractPartialFieldProperty is a base class for binding a ReadablePartial to a DateTimeField.
AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty is a base class for binding a ReadableInstant to a DateTimeField.
BaseDateTimeField BaseDateTimeField provides the common behaviour for DateTimeField implementations.
BaseDurationField BaseDurationField provides the common behaviour for DurationField implementations.
DecoratedDateTimeField DecoratedDateTimeField extends BaseDateTimeField, implementing only the minimum required set of methods.
DecoratedDurationField DecoratedDurationField extends BaseDurationField, implementing only the minimum required set of methods.
DelegatedDateTimeField DelegatedDateTimeField delegates each method call to the date time field it wraps.
DelegatedDurationField DelegatedDurationField delegates each method call to the duration field it wraps.
DividedDateTimeField Divides a DateTimeField such that the retrieved values are reduced by a fixed divisor.
FieldUtils General utilities that don't fit elsewhere.
ImpreciseDateTimeField Abstract datetime field class that defines its own DurationField, which delegates back into this ImpreciseDateTimeField.
LenientDateTimeField Converts a strict DateTimeField into a lenient one.
MillisDurationField Duration field class representing a field with a fixed unit length of one millisecond.
OffsetDateTimeField Generic offset adjusting datetime field.
PreciseDateTimeField Precise datetime field, composed of two precise duration fields.
PreciseDurationDateTimeField Precise datetime field, which has a precise unit duration field.
PreciseDurationField Duration field class representing a field with a fixed unit length.
RemainderDateTimeField Counterpart remainder datetime field to DividedDateTimeField.
ScaledDurationField Scales a DurationField such that it's unit millis becomes larger in magnitude.
SkipDateTimeField Wraps another field such that a certain value is skipped.
SkipUndoDateTimeField Wraps another field such that a certain value is added back into the sequence of numbers.
StrictDateTimeField Converts a lenient DateTimeField into a strict one.
UnsupportedDateTimeField A placeholder implementation to use when a datetime field is not supported.
UnsupportedDurationField A placeholder implementation to use when a duration field is not supported.
ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField Wraps another field such that zero values are replaced with one more than it's maximum.

Package org.joda.time.field Description

Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes.

Provides DateTimeField and DurationField implementations and support. Applications will only use this package directly if they want to write their own DateTimeField implementation.

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