Class CoreMatchers

  extended by org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers

public class CoreMatchers
extends Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Iterable<Matcher<? super T>> matchers)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Matcher<? super T>... matchers)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Matcher<? super T> first, Matcher<? super T> second)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Matcher<? super T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Matcher<? super T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third, Matcher<? super T> fourth)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Matcher<? super T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third, Matcher<? super T> fourth, Matcher<? super T> fifth)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
allOf(Matcher<? super T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third, Matcher<? super T> fourth, Matcher<? super T> fifth, Matcher<? super T> sixth)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.
<T> Matcher<T>
any(Class<T> type)
          Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is an instance of the specified type, as determined by calling the Class.isInstance(Object) method on that type, passing the the examined object.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Iterable<Matcher<? super T>> matchers)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Matcher<? super T>... matchers)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Matcher<T> first, Matcher<? super T> second)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Matcher<T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Matcher<T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third, Matcher<? super T> fourth)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Matcher<T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third, Matcher<? super T> fourth, Matcher<? super T> fifth)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
<T> AnyOf<T>
anyOf(Matcher<T> first, Matcher<? super T> second, Matcher<? super T> third, Matcher<? super T> fourth, Matcher<? super T> fifth, Matcher<? super T> sixth)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.
static Matcher<Object> anything()
          Creates a matcher that always matches, regardless of the examined object.
static Matcher<Object> anything(String description)
          Creates a matcher that always matches, regardless of the examined object, but describes itself with the specified String.
<LHS> CombinableMatcher.CombinableBothMatcher<LHS>
both(Matcher<? super LHS> matcher)
          Creates a matcher that matches when both of the specified matchers match the examined object.
static Matcher<String> containsString(String substring)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined String contains the specified String anywhere.
<T> Matcher<T>
describedAs(String description, Matcher<T> matcher, Object... values)
          Wraps an existing matcher, overriding its description with that specified.
<LHS> CombinableMatcher.CombinableEitherMatcher<LHS>
either(Matcher<? super LHS> matcher)
          Creates a matcher that matches when either of the specified matchers match the examined object.
static Matcher<String> endsWith(String suffix)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined String ends with the specified String.
<T> Matcher<T>
equalTo(T operand)
          Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is logically equal to the specified operand, as determined by calling the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) method on the examined object.
<U> Matcher<Iterable<U>>
everyItem(Matcher<U> itemMatcher)
          Creates a matcher for Iterables that only matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields items that are all matched by the specified itemMatcher.
<T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>>
hasItem(Matcher<? super T> itemMatcher)
          Creates a matcher for Iterables that only matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields at least one item that is matched by the specified itemMatcher.
<T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>>
hasItem(T item)
          Creates a matcher for Iterables that only matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields at least one item that is equal to the specified item.
<T> Matcher<Iterable<T>>
hasItems(Matcher<? super T>... itemMatchers)
          Creates a matcher for Iterables that matches when consecutive passes over the examined Iterable yield at least one item that is matched by the corresponding matcher from the specified itemMatchers.
<T> Matcher<Iterable<T>>
hasItems(T... items)
          Creates a matcher for Iterables that matches when consecutive passes over the examined Iterable yield at least one item that is equal to the corresponding item from the specified items.
<T> Matcher<T>
instanceOf(Class<?> type)
          Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is an instance of the specified type, as determined by calling the Class.isInstance(Object) method on that type, passing the the examined object.
<T> Matcher<T>
is(Class<T> type)
          Deprecated. use isA(Class type) instead.
<T> Matcher<T>
is(Matcher<T> matcher)
          Decorates another Matcher, retaining its behaviour, but allowing tests to be slightly more expressive.
<T> Matcher<T>
is(T value)
          A shortcut to the frequently used is(equalTo(x)).
<T> Matcher<T>
isA(Class<T> type)
          A shortcut to the frequently used is(instanceOf(SomeClass.class)).
<T> Matcher<T>
not(Matcher<T> matcher)
          Creates a matcher that wraps an existing matcher, but inverts the logic by which it will match.
<T> Matcher<T>
not(T value)
          A shortcut to the frequently used not(equalTo(x)).
static Matcher<Object> notNullValue()
          A shortcut to the frequently used not(nullValue()).
<T> Matcher<T>
notNullValue(Class<T> type)
          A shortcut to the frequently used not(nullValue(X.class)).
static Matcher<Object> nullValue()
          Creates a matcher that matches if examined object is null.
<T> Matcher<T>
nullValue(Class<T> type)
          Creates a matcher that matches if examined object is null.
<T> Matcher<T>
sameInstance(T target)
          Creates a matcher that matches only when the examined object is the same instance as the specified target object.
static Matcher<String> startsWith(String prefix)
          Creates a matcher that matches if the examined String starts with the specified String.
<T> Matcher<T>
theInstance(T target)
          Creates a matcher that matches only when the examined object is the same instance as the specified target object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CoreMatchers()
Method Detail


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Iterable<Matcher<? super T>> matchers)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T>... matchers)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T> first,
                                   Matcher<? super T> second)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T> first,
                                   Matcher<? super T> second,
                                   Matcher<? super T> third)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T> first,
                                   Matcher<? super T> second,
                                   Matcher<? super T> third,
                                   Matcher<? super T> fourth)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T> first,
                                   Matcher<? super T> second,
                                   Matcher<? super T> third,
                                   Matcher<? super T> fourth,
                                   Matcher<? super T> fifth)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T> first,
                                   Matcher<? super T> second,
                                   Matcher<? super T> third,
                                   Matcher<? super T> fourth,
                                   Matcher<? super T> fifth,
                                   Matcher<? super T> sixth)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Iterable<Matcher<? super T>> matchers)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<T> first,
                                 Matcher<? super T> second,
                                 Matcher<? super T> third)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<T> first,
                                 Matcher<? super T> second,
                                 Matcher<? super T> third,
                                 Matcher<? super T> fourth)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<T> first,
                                 Matcher<? super T> second,
                                 Matcher<? super T> third,
                                 Matcher<? super T> fourth,
                                 Matcher<? super T> fifth)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<T> first,
                                 Matcher<? super T> second,
                                 Matcher<? super T> third,
                                 Matcher<? super T> fourth,
                                 Matcher<? super T> fifth,
                                 Matcher<? super T> sixth)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<T> first,
                                 Matcher<? super T> second)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<? super T>... matchers)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers.

For example:

assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("foo"), containsString("Val")))


public static <LHS> CombinableMatcher.CombinableBothMatcher<LHS> both(Matcher<? super LHS> matcher)
Creates a matcher that matches when both of the specified matchers match the examined object.

For example:

assertThat("fab", both(containsString("a")).and(containsString("b")))


public static <LHS> CombinableMatcher.CombinableEitherMatcher<LHS> either(Matcher<? super LHS> matcher)
Creates a matcher that matches when either of the specified matchers match the examined object.

For example:

assertThat("fan", either(containsString("a")).and(containsString("b")))


public static <T> Matcher<T> describedAs(String description,
                                         Matcher<T> matcher,
                                         Object... values)
Wraps an existing matcher, overriding its description with that specified. All other functions are delegated to the decorated matcher, including its mismatch description.

For example:

describedAs("a big decimal equal to %0", equalTo(myBigDecimal), myBigDecimal.toPlainString())

description - the new description for the wrapped matcher
matcher - the matcher to wrap
values - optional values to insert into the tokenised description


public static <U> Matcher<Iterable<U>> everyItem(Matcher<U> itemMatcher)
Creates a matcher for Iterables that only matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields items that are all matched by the specified itemMatcher.

For example:

assertThat(Arrays.asList("bar", "baz"), everyItem(startsWith("ba")))

itemMatcher - the matcher to apply to every item provided by the examined Iterable


public static <T> Matcher<T> is(T value)
A shortcut to the frequently used is(equalTo(x)).

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(smelly))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, is(equalTo(smelly)))


public static <T> Matcher<T> is(Matcher<T> matcher)
Decorates another Matcher, retaining its behaviour, but allowing tests to be slightly more expressive.

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(equalTo(smelly)))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, equalTo(smelly))


public static <T> Matcher<T> is(Class<T> type)
Deprecated. use isA(Class type) instead.

A shortcut to the frequently used is(instanceOf(SomeClass.class)).

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(Cheddar.class))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, is(instanceOf(Cheddar.class)))


public static <T> Matcher<T> isA(Class<T> type)
A shortcut to the frequently used is(instanceOf(SomeClass.class)).

For example:

assertThat(cheese, isA(Cheddar.class))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, is(instanceOf(Cheddar.class)))


public static Matcher<Object> anything()
Creates a matcher that always matches, regardless of the examined object.


public static Matcher<Object> anything(String description)
Creates a matcher that always matches, regardless of the examined object, but describes itself with the specified String.

description - a meaningful String used when describing itself


public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>> hasItem(T item)
Creates a matcher for Iterables that only matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields at least one item that is equal to the specified item. Whilst matching, the traversal of the examined Iterable will stop as soon as a matching item is found.

For example:

assertThat(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), hasItem("bar"))

item - the item to compare against the items provided by the examined Iterable


public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>> hasItem(Matcher<? super T> itemMatcher)
Creates a matcher for Iterables that only matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields at least one item that is matched by the specified itemMatcher. Whilst matching, the traversal of the examined Iterable will stop as soon as a matching item is found.

For example:

assertThat(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), hasItem(startsWith("ba")))

itemMatcher - the matcher to apply to items provided by the examined Iterable


public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<T>> hasItems(T... items)
Creates a matcher for Iterables that matches when consecutive passes over the examined Iterable yield at least one item that is equal to the corresponding item from the specified items. Whilst matching, each traversal of the examined Iterable will stop as soon as a matching item is found.

For example:

assertThat(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz"), hasItems("baz", "foo"))

items - the items to compare against the items provided by the examined Iterable


public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<T>> hasItems(Matcher<? super T>... itemMatchers)
Creates a matcher for Iterables that matches when consecutive passes over the examined Iterable yield at least one item that is matched by the corresponding matcher from the specified itemMatchers. Whilst matching, each traversal of the examined Iterable will stop as soon as a matching item is found.

For example:

assertThat(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz"), hasItems(endsWith("z"), endsWith("o")))

itemMatchers - the matchers to apply to items provided by the examined Iterable


public static <T> Matcher<T> equalTo(T operand)
Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is logically equal to the specified operand, as determined by calling the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) method on the examined object.

If the specified operand is null then the created matcher will only match if the examined object's equals method returns true when passed a null (which would be a violation of the equals contract), unless the examined object itself is null, in which case the matcher will return a positive match.

The created matcher provides a special behaviour when examining Arrays, whereby it will match if both the operand and the examined object are arrays of the same length and contain items that are equal to each other (according to the above rules) in the same indexes.

For example:

 assertThat("foo", equalTo("foo"));
 assertThat(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}, equalTo(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}));


public static <T> Matcher<T> any(Class<T> type)
Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is an instance of the specified type, as determined by calling the Class.isInstance(Object) method on that type, passing the the examined object.

The created matcher forces a relationship between specified type and the examined object, and should be used when it is necessary to make generics conform, for example in the JMock clause with(any(Thing.class))

For example:

assertThat(new Canoe(), instanceOf(Canoe.class));


public static <T> Matcher<T> instanceOf(Class<?> type)
Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is an instance of the specified type, as determined by calling the Class.isInstance(Object) method on that type, passing the the examined object.

The created matcher assumes no relationship between specified type and the examined object.

For example:

assertThat(new Canoe(), instanceOf(Paddlable.class));


public static <T> Matcher<T> not(Matcher<T> matcher)
Creates a matcher that wraps an existing matcher, but inverts the logic by which it will match.

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(not(equalTo(smelly))))

matcher - the matcher whose sense should be inverted


public static <T> Matcher<T> not(T value)
A shortcut to the frequently used not(equalTo(x)).

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(not(smelly)))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, is(not(equalTo(smelly))))

value - the value that any examined object should not equal


public static Matcher<Object> nullValue()
Creates a matcher that matches if examined object is null.

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(nullValue())


public static <T> Matcher<T> nullValue(Class<T> type)
Creates a matcher that matches if examined object is null. Accepts a single dummy argument to facilitate type inference.

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(nullValue(Cheese.class))

type - dummy parameter used to infer the generic type of the returned matcher


public static Matcher<Object> notNullValue()
A shortcut to the frequently used not(nullValue()).

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(notNullValue()))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, is(not(nullValue())))


public static <T> Matcher<T> notNullValue(Class<T> type)
A shortcut to the frequently used not(nullValue(X.class)). Accepts a single dummy argument to facilitate type inference..

For example:

assertThat(cheese, is(notNullValue(X.class)))
instead of:
assertThat(cheese, is(not(nullValue(X.class))))

type - dummy parameter used to infer the generic type of the returned matcher


public static <T> Matcher<T> sameInstance(T target)
Creates a matcher that matches only when the examined object is the same instance as the specified target object.

target - the target instance against which others should be assessed


public static <T> Matcher<T> theInstance(T target)
Creates a matcher that matches only when the examined object is the same instance as the specified target object.

target - the target instance against which others should be assessed


public static Matcher<String> containsString(String substring)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined String contains the specified String anywhere.

For example:

assertThat("myStringOfNote", containsString("ring"))

substring - the substring that the returned matcher will expect to find within any examined string


public static Matcher<String> startsWith(String prefix)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined String starts with the specified String.

For example:

assertThat("myStringOfNote", startsWith("my"))

prefix - the substring that the returned matcher will expect at the start of any examined string


public static Matcher<String> endsWith(String suffix)
Creates a matcher that matches if the examined String ends with the specified String.

For example:

assertThat("myStringOfNote", endsWith("Note"))

suffix - the substring that the returned matcher will expect at the end of any examined string

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