



package bundle

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Attributes(list: Map[String, Value] = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Attributes] with Updatable[Attributes] with Product with Serializable
  2. sealed trait BasicType extends GeneratedEnum
  3. final case class Bundle(uid: String = "", name: String = "", format: Format = ml.bundle.Format.JSON, version: String = "", timestamp: String = "", meta: Option[Attributes] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Bundle] with Updatable[Bundle] with Product with Serializable
  4. final class BundleOuterClass extends AnyRef
  5. final case class DataShape(base: DataShapeType = ml.bundle.DataShapeType.SCALAR, isNullable: Boolean = false, tensorShape: Option[TensorShape] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[DataShape] with Updatable[DataShape] with Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait DataShapeType extends GeneratedEnum
  7. final case class DataType(base: BasicType = ml.bundle.BasicType.UNDEFINED, shape: Option[DataShape] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[DataType] with Updatable[DataType] with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class Field(name: String = "", dataType: Option[DataType] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Field] with Updatable[Field] with Product with Serializable
  9. sealed trait Format extends GeneratedEnum
  10. final case class List(b: Seq[Boolean] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, s: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, i: Seq[Int] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, l: Seq[Long] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, f: Seq[Float] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, d: Seq[Double] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, bs: Seq[ByteString] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, t: Seq[Tensor] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, bt: Seq[BasicType] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, ds: Seq[DataShape] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, m: Seq[Model] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[List] with Updatable[List] with Product with Serializable
  11. final case class Model(op: String = "", attributes: Option[Attributes] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Model] with Updatable[Model] with Product with Serializable
  12. final case class Node(name: String = "", shape: Option[NodeShape] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Node] with Updatable[Node] with Product with Serializable
  13. final case class NodeShape(inputs: Seq[Socket] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, outputs: Seq[Socket] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[NodeShape] with Updatable[NodeShape] with Product with Serializable
  14. final case class Scalar(b: Boolean = false, s: String = "", i: Int = 0, l: Long = 0L, f: Float = 0.0f, d: Double = 0.0, bs: ByteString = ..., t: Option[Tensor] = None, bt: BasicType = ml.bundle.BasicType.UNDEFINED, ds: Option[DataShape] = None, m: Option[Model] = None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Scalar] with Updatable[Scalar] with Product with Serializable
  15. final case class Schema(fields: Seq[Field] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Schema] with Updatable[Schema] with Product with Serializable
  16. final case class Socket(port: String = "", name: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Socket] with Updatable[Socket] with Product with Serializable
  17. final case class Tensor(base: BasicType = ml.bundle.BasicType.UNDEFINED, shape: Option[TensorShape] = None, value: ByteString = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Tensor] with Updatable[Tensor] with Product with Serializable
  18. final case class TensorDimension(size: Int = 0, name: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[TensorDimension] with Updatable[TensorDimension] with Product with Serializable


    Size of this dimension


    Placeholder, currently unused

  19. final case class TensorShape(dimensions: Seq[TensorDimension] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[TensorShape] with Updatable[TensorShape] with Product with Serializable
  20. final case class Value(v: V = ml.bundle.Value.V.Empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Value] with Updatable[Value] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Attributes extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Attributes] with JavaProtoSupport[Attributes, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Attributes] with Serializable
  2. object BasicType extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[BasicType] with Serializable
  3. object Bundle extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Bundle] with JavaProtoSupport[Bundle, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Bundle] with Serializable
  4. object BundleProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  5. object DataShape extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DataShape] with JavaProtoSupport[DataShape, bundle.BundleOuterClass.DataShape] with Serializable
  6. object DataShapeType extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[DataShapeType] with Serializable
  7. object DataType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DataType] with JavaProtoSupport[DataType, bundle.BundleOuterClass.DataType] with Serializable
  8. object Field extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Field] with JavaProtoSupport[Field, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Field] with Serializable
  9. object Format extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[Format] with Serializable
  10. object List extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[List] with JavaProtoSupport[List, bundle.BundleOuterClass.List] with Serializable
  11. object Model extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Model] with JavaProtoSupport[Model, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Model] with Serializable
  12. object Node extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Node] with JavaProtoSupport[Node, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Node] with Serializable
  13. object NodeShape extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[NodeShape] with JavaProtoSupport[NodeShape, bundle.BundleOuterClass.NodeShape] with Serializable
  14. object Scalar extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Scalar] with JavaProtoSupport[Scalar, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Scalar] with Serializable
  15. object Schema extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Schema] with JavaProtoSupport[Schema, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Schema] with Serializable
  16. object Socket extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Socket] with JavaProtoSupport[Socket, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Socket] with Serializable
  17. object Tensor extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Tensor] with JavaProtoSupport[Tensor, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Tensor] with Serializable
  18. object TensorDimension extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TensorDimension] with JavaProtoSupport[TensorDimension, bundle.BundleOuterClass.TensorDimension] with Serializable
  19. object TensorShape extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TensorShape] with JavaProtoSupport[TensorShape, bundle.BundleOuterClass.TensorShape] with Serializable
  20. object Value extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Value] with JavaProtoSupport[Value, bundle.BundleOuterClass.Value] with Serializable
