All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract class that can be easily extended to create commands.
An option that requires an argument value
Argument option builder
Static factory and instance provider methods for argument types
Argument type that parses a list of specific types.
Parses a BlockData instance along with optional NBT data
Parsed block state result
Parses either a block or a block tag, along with some block state data and an optional NBT Tag.
Parsed predicate result
Formatter for a command broadcast
Utility class for CommandContext instances.
An interface that handles exceptions when they're thrown during command execution or during suggestion creation
The source of command execution.
A functional interface denoting an object that takes a literal argument builder and builds a tree on that builder
Utility class for command suggestions
Parses a chat Component from JSON
Argument type that returns a range between 2 double values.
Range between double values
Parses an entity selector
Parsed representation of an entity selector.
EnumArgument<E extends Enum<E>>
Parses an enum value by its name.
An option that doesn't require a value.
Flag builder
Argument type that parses a gamemode.
Grenadier singleton access
Grenadier command builder
Argument type that returns a range between 2 integer values.
Range between integer values
Argument type that parses item data like an the material the item is made of and NBT data.
Parsed item result, contains the data that was parsed which can be used to create an itemstack instance
Parses a similar result to ItemArgument, with the difference that this argument type allows item tags, allowing this to match several materials at once.
Parsed predicate result
Utility class for creating argument builder specific to grenadier
An option within an OptionsArgument
Option builder
Static factory class for FlagOption and ArgumentOption instances and builders.
Argument type that parses a list of options
A single ArgumentOption entry
Options argument builder
Options that were parsed by OptionsArgument
Parse data about an option
Parse data about a parsed value
Single parsed coordinate
Position local coordinate type
Vanilla permission levels
Utility class for StringReader related things
An type of SuggestionProvider that is not allowed to throw CommandSyntaxExceptions
Methods to handle and format CommandSyntaxException instances.
Parses a duration
All supported time units that can be parsed
Parses a hexadecimal UUID
Parses a world by its name or by its namespaced key.