
object Schema
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class AltBuilder[A]
class FieldBuilder[R]

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def _dateFormat[A <: TemporalAccessor](formatter: DateTimeFormatter, typ: String, f: (String, DateTimeFormatter) => A): Schema[A]
def alt[R]: AltBuilder[R]
def alternatives[A](cases: Chain[Alt[A]]): Schema[A]
def apply[A](S: Schema[A]): Schema[A]
def boundedBigInt(min: Option[Bound], max: Option[Bound]): Schema[BigInt]
def boundedDouble(min: Option[Bound], max: Option[Bound]): Schema[Double]
def boundedFloat(min: Option[Bound], max: Option[Bound]): Schema[Float]
def boundedInt(min: Option[Bound], max: Option[Bound]): Schema[Int]
def boundedLong(min: Option[Bound], max: Option[Bound]): Schema[Long]
def custom[A](schema: Schema, encoder: Encoder[A], decoder: Decoder[A]): Schema[A]
def defer[A](schema: => Schema[A]): Schema[A]
def enumeration(options: List[String]): Enumeration
def field[R]: FieldBuilder[R]
def fields[R](p: FreeApplicative[[_] =>> Field[R, _$14], R]): Schema[R]
def oneOf[A](b: AltBuilder[A] => Chain[Alt[A]]): Schema[A]
def record[R](b: FieldBuilder[R] => FreeApplicative[[_] =>> Field[R, _$15], R]): Schema[R]



implicit val bigInt: Schema[BigInt]
implicit val double: Schema[Double]
implicit val float: Schema[Float]
implicit val instant: Schema[Instant]
implicit val int: Schema[Int]
implicit def list[A](s: Schema[A]): Schema[List[A]]
implicit val localDate: Schema[LocalDate]
implicit val long: Schema[Long]
implicit val offsetDateTime: Schema[OffsetDateTime]
implicit def seq[A](s: Schema[A]): Schema[Seq[A]]
implicit val string: Schema[String]
implicit val uuid: Schema[UUID]
implicit def vector[A](s: Schema[A]): Schema[Vector[A]]
implicit val zonedDateTime: Schema[ZonedDateTime]