


package commands

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. commands
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ActionBuilder[-I[_], +O[_], E, A] extends ActionFunction[I, O, E]

    An ActionFunction from an input to an output.

    An ActionFunction from an input to an output. Used for creating actions.


    The input type of this builder.


    The action message type used by the command.


    The argument type of this command builder.

  2. trait ActionFunction[-I[_], +O[_], E] extends AnyRef

    A mapping over action builders.

    A mapping over action builders.


    The input message type


    The output message type

  3. trait ActionTransformer[-I[_], +O[_], E] extends ActionFunction[I, O, E]

    An ActionFunction that can't fail, but might return a different message type.

    An ActionFunction that can't fail, but might return a different message type.


    The input message type


    The output message type

  4. type Command[A] = ComplexCommand[A, NotUsed]
  5. case class CommandBuilder[+M[_], A](requests: Requests, defaultMustMention: Boolean, defaultMentionOrPrefix: Boolean, parser: MessageParser[A], actionFunction: ActionFunction[CommandMessage, M, CommandError]) extends ActionBuilder[CommandMessage, M, CommandError, A] with Product with Serializable

    A CommandFunction from a command message to an output.

    A CommandFunction from a command message to an output. Used for creating commands.


    The command message type used by the command.


    The argument type of this command builder.


    Set the default value for must mention when creating a named command.


    Set the default value for mention or prefix when creating a named command.


    The parser used for parsing the arguments this command takes.

  6. class CommandConnector extends AnyRef

  7. abstract class CommandController extends AnyRef

    The base command controller that you will place your commands in.

    The base command controller that you will place your commands in. Contains partially applied types, and the Command builder object.

  8. case class CommandDescription(name: String, description: String, usage: String = "", extra: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents non essential information about a command intended to be displayed to an end user.

    Represents non essential information about a command intended to be displayed to an end user.


    The display name of a command.


    The description of what a command does.


    How to use the command. Does not include the name or prefix.


    Extra stuff about the command that you yourself decide on.

  9. case class CommandError(error: String, channel: TextChannel, cache: CacheSnapshot) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an error encountered when executing an command.

    Represents an error encountered when executing an command.


    The errror message


    The channel the error occoured in


    A cache snapshot tied to the execution of the command

  10. type CommandFunction[-I[_], +O[_]] = ActionFunction[I, O, CommandError]
  11. trait CommandMessage[+A] extends AnyRef

    A message sent with an invocation of a command.

    A message sent with an invocation of a command.


    The parsed argument type

  12. case class CommandRegistration[Mat](materialized: Mat, onDone: Future[Done], killSwitch: UniqueKillSwitch) extends Product with Serializable
  13. type CommandTransformer[-I[_], +O[_]] = ActionTransformer[I, O, CommandError]
  14. case class ComplexCommand[A, Mat](parser: MessageParser[A], flow: Flow[CommandMessage[A], CommandError, Mat]) extends Product with Serializable

    A constructed command execution.

    A constructed command execution.


    The argument type of the command


    The materialized result of creating this command

  15. trait DeriveMessageParser extends AnyRef
  16. trait GuildCommandMessage[+A] extends CommandMessage[A]

    A message sent with the invocation of a guild command

    A message sent with the invocation of a guild command


    The parsed argument type

  17. trait GuildMemberCommandMessage[+A] extends GuildCommandMessage[A] with UserCommandMessage[A]
  18. type GuildUserCommandMessage[+A] = GuildCommandMessage[A] with UserCommandMessage[A]
  19. abstract class HelpCommand extends CommandController

    The basic structure for a help command.

    The basic structure for a help command. Only accepts commands that use StructuredPrefixParser.

  20. trait MessageParser[A] extends AnyRef

    MessageParser is a typeclass to simplify parsing messages.

    MessageParser is a typeclass to simplify parsing messages. It can derive instances for any ADT, and makes it much easier to work with messages.


    The type to parse.

  21. trait MessageParserInstances extends AnyRef
  22. type NamedCommand[A] = NamedComplexCommand[A, NotUsed]
  23. case class NamedCommandBuilder[+M[_], A](requests: Requests, defaultMustMention: Boolean, defaultMentionOrPrefix: Boolean, prefixParser: StructuredPrefixParser, parser: MessageParser[A], actionFunction: ActionFunction[CommandMessage, M, CommandError]) extends ActionBuilder[CommandMessage, M, CommandError, A] with Product with Serializable

    A CommandFunction from a command message to an output.

    A CommandFunction from a command message to an output. Used for creating commands.


    The command message type used by the command.


    The argument type of this command builder.


    Set the default value for must mention when creating a named command.


    Set the default value for mention or prefix when creating a named command.


    The prefix parser to use for commands created from this builder.


    The parser used for parsing the arguments this command takes.

  24. case class NamedComplexCommand[A, Mat](command: ComplexCommand[A, Mat], prefixParser: StructuredPrefixParser) extends Product with Serializable

    A constructed command execution with a name.

    A constructed command execution with a name.


    The argument type of the command


    The materialized result of creating this command

  25. type NamedDescribedCommand[A] = NamedDescribedComplexCommand[A, NotUsed]
  26. case class NamedDescribedCommandBuilder[+M[_], A](requests: Requests, defaultMustMention: Boolean, defaultMentionOrPrefix: Boolean, prefixParser: StructuredPrefixParser, description: CommandDescription, parser: MessageParser[A], actionFunction: ActionFunction[CommandMessage, M, CommandError]) extends ActionBuilder[CommandMessage, M, CommandError, A] with Product with Serializable

    A CommandFunction from a command message to an output.

    A CommandFunction from a command message to an output. Used for creating commands.


    The command message type used by the command.


    The argument type of this command builder.


    Set the default value for must mention when creating a named command.


    Set the default value for mention or prefix when creating a named command.


    The prefix parser to use for commands created from this builder.


    The description to use for commands created from this builder.


    The parser used for parsing the arguments this command takes.

  27. case class NamedDescribedComplexCommand[A, Mat](command: ComplexCommand[A, Mat], prefixParser: StructuredPrefixParser, description: CommandDescription) extends Product with Serializable

    A constructed command execution with a name and a description.

    A constructed command execution with a name and a description.


    The argument type of the command


    The materialized result of creating this command

  28. trait PrefixParser extends AnyRef
  29. case class StructuredPrefixParser(needsMention: (CacheSnapshot, Message) => Future[Boolean], symbols: (CacheSnapshot, Message) => Future[Seq[String]], aliases: (CacheSnapshot, Message) => Future[Seq[String]], caseSensitive: (CacheSnapshot, Message) => Future[Boolean] = (_, _) => Future.successful(false), canExecute: (CacheSnapshot, Message) => Future[Boolean] = (_, _) => Future.successful(true), mentionOrPrefix: (CacheSnapshot, Message) => Future[Boolean] = (_, _) => Future.successful(true)) extends PrefixParser with Product with Serializable

    Represents information about how a command can be invoked in a structural way.

    Represents information about how a command can be invoked in a structural way.


    If the command needs a mention


    The valid prefix symbols for the command


    The aliases for the command


    If the aliases should be case sensitive


    A early precheck if the command can execute at all


    If true allows one to use a mention in place of a prefix. If needsMention is also true, skips the symbol check.

  30. trait UserCommandMessage[+A] extends CommandMessage[A]

    A message sent with the invocation of command used by a user

    A message sent with the invocation of command used by a user


    The parsed argument type

  31. trait VoiceGuildCommandMessage[+A] extends GuildCommandMessage[A] with UserCommandMessage[A]
  32. type VoiceGuildMemberCommandMessage[+A] = GuildMemberCommandMessage[A] with VoiceGuildCommandMessage[A]
  33. class WrappedCommandMessage[A] extends CommandMessage[A]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
