

package ackcord

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. ackcord
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait APIMessage extends AnyRef

    Base trait normal messages.

  2. case class APIMessageCacheUpdate[Data](data: Data, sendEvent: (CacheState) ⇒ Option[APIMessage], handler: CacheHandler[Data], registry: CacheTypeRegistry, dispatch: Dispatch[_]) extends CacheEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event that should publish an APIMessage.

    An event that should publish an APIMessage.


    The data it contains.


    The data.


    A function to gather the needed variables to send the event.


    The handler to process the data of this event with.


    The handler registry that the event will use to update the snapshot.


    The low level message that created this update.

  3. case class BatchedAPIMessageCacheUpdate(updates: Seq[APIMessageCacheUpdate[_]]) extends CacheEvent with Product with Serializable
  4. type BotAuthentication = ackcord.requests.BotAuthentication.type
  5. type Cache = Events
  6. trait CacheEvent extends AnyRef

    Represents some sort of event handled by the cache

  7. trait CacheSnapshotWithMaps extends CacheSnapshot

    A cache snapshot where the getters can use the maps to get their data.

  8. case class CacheState(current: MemoryCacheSnapshot, previous: MemoryCacheSnapshot) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the state of the cache for a single point.

    Represents the state of the cache for a single point.


    The current values in the cache.


    The previous values in the cache.

  9. case class Events(publish: Sink[CacheEvent, NotUsed], subscribe: Source[(CacheEvent, CacheState), NotUsed], sendGatewayPublish: Sink[GatewayMessage[Any], NotUsed], sendGatewaySubscribe: Source[GatewayMessage[Any], NotUsed], receiveGatewayPublish: Sink[GatewayMessage[Any], NotUsed], receiveGatewaySubscribe: Source[GatewayMessage[Any], NotUsed], parallelism: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

    Houses streams to interact with events and messages sent to and from Discord.

    Houses streams to interact with events and messages sent to and from Discord.


    A sink used for publishing. Any elements connected to this sink is published to the cache.


    A source to subscribe to. All updates are pushed here.


    How many cache updates to construct at the same time.

  10. type GatewayLogin = Login.type
  11. type GatewayLogout = Logout.type
  12. type GatewaySettings = ackcord.gateway.GatewaySettings
  13. type JsonNull = ackcord.util.JsonNull.type
  14. type JsonOption[A] = ackcord.util.JsonOption[A]
  15. type JsonSome[A] = ackcord.util.JsonSome[A]
  16. type JsonUndefined = ackcord.util.JsonUndefined.type
  17. case class MemoryCacheSnapshot(seq: Long, botUser: @@[User, BotUser], dmChannelMap: SnowflakeMap[DMChannel, DMChannel], groupDmChannelMap: SnowflakeMap[GroupDMChannel, GroupDMChannel], unavailableGuildMap: SnowflakeMap[Guild, UnavailableGuild], guildMap: SnowflakeMap[Guild, Guild], messageMap: SnowflakeMap[TextChannel, SnowflakeMap[Message, Message]], lastTypedMap: SnowflakeMap[TextChannel, SnowflakeMap[User, Instant]], userMap: SnowflakeMap[User, User], banMap: SnowflakeMap[Guild, SnowflakeMap[User, Ban]], processor: CacheProcessor) extends CacheSnapshotWithMaps with Product with Serializable

    Represents the cache at some point in time

  18. case class PubSubBufferSize(perProducer: Int = 16, consumer: Int = 256) extends Product with Serializable
  19. case class RequestCacheUpdate[Data](requestResponse: RequestResponse[Data], request: Request[Data], registry: CacheTypeRegistry) extends CacheEvent with Product with Serializable

    A cache event that will try to put the data of the response into the cache.

    A cache event that will try to put the data of the response into the cache.


    The type of the request response.


    The response to the request.


    The request used to get the response.


    The handler registry that the event will use to update the snapshot.

  20. type Requests = ackcord.requests.Requests
  21. type RequestsHelper = ackcord.requests.RequestsHelper
  22. type SourceRequest[A] = Source[A, NotUsed]
  23. type Streamable[F[_]] = ackcord.util.Streamable[F]

Value Members

  1. val BotAuthentication: ackcord.requests.BotAuthentication.type
  2. val Cache: Events.type
  3. val GatewayLogin: Login.type
  4. val GatewayLogout: Logout.type
  5. val GatewaySettings: ackcord.gateway.GatewaySettings.type
  6. val JsonNull: ackcord.util.JsonNull.type
  7. val JsonOption: ackcord.util.JsonOption.type
  8. val JsonSome: ackcord.util.JsonSome.type
  9. val JsonUndefined: ackcord.util.JsonUndefined.type
  10. val Requests: ackcord.requests.Requests.type
  11. val Streamable: ackcord.util.Streamable.type
  12. implicit def flowFunctorInstance[In, Mat]: Functor[[β$0$]Flow[In, β$0$, Mat]]
  13. implicit def sinkContravariantInstance[Mat]: Contravariant[[α$1$]Sink[α$1$, Mat]]
  14. implicit val sourceMonadInstance: MonadError[SourceRequest, Throwable] with Alternative[SourceRequest]
  15. implicit def sourceSyntax[A, M](source: Source[A, M]): SourceFlatmap[A, M]
  16. object APIMessage
  17. object CacheEventCreator
  18. object CacheStreams
  19. object DiscordShard
  20. object Events extends Serializable
  21. object MemoryCacheSnapshot extends Serializable
  22. object RequestCacheUpdate extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
