Interface MessageStore<K,​M extends net.morimekta.providence.PMessage<M,​F>,​F extends net.morimekta.providence.descriptor.PField>

    • Method Detail

      • putBuilder

        default <B extends net.morimekta.providence.PMessageBuilder<M,​F>> B putBuilder​(@Nonnull
                                                                                             K key,
                                                                                             B builder)
        Put the message represented by the builder into the store on the given key. Any further modifications to the builder will not be reflected on the store.
        Type Parameters:
        B - The builder type.
        key - The key to store the builder on.
        builder - The builder to store.
        The replaced builder if one was replaced. Null if the entry was created. Any modifications to the returned builder will not be reflected onto the store.
      • putAllBuilders

        default <B extends net.morimekta.providence.PMessageBuilder<M,​F>> java.util.Map<K,​B> putAllBuilders​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                        java.util.Map<K,​B> builders)
        Put a collection of key and builder pairs onto the store. Any further modifications to the builders will not be reflected onto the store.
        Type Parameters:
        B - The builder type.
        builders - Map of builders to put into the store.
        Map of replaced entries. Any modifications to the returned builders will not be reflected onto the store.