Class ArgumentParser

  • public class ArgumentParser
    extends java.lang.Object
    Argument argumentParser class. This is the actual argumentParser that is initialized with a set of options, arguments and properties, and is then initialized with the appropriate fields.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ArgumentParser​(java.lang.String program, java.lang.String version, java.lang.String description)
      Create an argument argumentParser instance.
      ArgumentParser​(java.lang.String program, java.lang.String version, java.lang.String description, ArgumentOptions argumentOptions)
      Create an argument argumentParser instance.
      ArgumentParser​(ArgumentParser parent, java.lang.String subCommand, java.lang.String description)
      Create a sub-command argument parser for the given sub-command.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <A extends BaseArgument>
      add​(A arg)
      Add a sub-command.
      <O extends BaseOption>
      add​(O option)
      Add a command line option.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Short description of the program.
      java.lang.String getProgram()
      The name of the program.
      java.lang.String getProgramDescription()
      Get the program description line.
      java.lang.String getSingleLineUsage()
      Get the single line usage string for the parser.
      java.lang.String getVersion()
      The program version string.
      void parse​(java.lang.String... args)
      Parse arguments from the main method.
      void parse​(ArgumentList args)
      Parse arguments from the main method.
      void printUsage​( out)
      Print the option usage list.
      void printUsage​( out, boolean showHidden)
      Print the option usage list.
      void printUsage​( writer, boolean showHidden)
      Print the option usage list.
      void validate()
      Validate all options and arguments.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArgumentParser

        public ArgumentParser​(java.lang.String program,
                              java.lang.String version,
                              java.lang.String description)
        Create an argument argumentParser instance.
        program - The program name.
        version - The program version.
        description - The program description.
      • ArgumentParser

        public ArgumentParser​(java.lang.String program,
                              java.lang.String version,
                              java.lang.String description,
                              ArgumentOptions argumentOptions)
        Create an argument argumentParser instance.
        program - The program name.
        version - The program version.
        description - The program description.
        argumentOptions - The argument options.
      • ArgumentParser

        public ArgumentParser​(ArgumentParser parent,
                              java.lang.String subCommand,
                              java.lang.String description)
        Create a sub-command argument parser for the given sub-command.
        parent - Parent argument parser to defer with on unknown options.
        subCommand - The name of the sub-command the parser is created for.
        description - The sub-command description.
    • Method Detail

      • getProgram

        public java.lang.String getProgram()
        The name of the program. Should be essentially what the user types on the command line to invoke the program.
        The program name.
      • getVersion

        public java.lang.String getVersion()
        The program version string.
        The program version.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Short description of the program. Should be the string that is shown on the top of the program usage help, usually just a few words. Should be capitalized.
        The program description.
      • add

        public <O extends BaseOptionArgumentParser add​(O option)
        Add a command line option.
        Type Parameters:
        O - The base option type.
        option - The option to add.
        The argument argumentParser.
      • add

        public <A extends BaseArgumentArgumentParser add​(A arg)
        Add a sub-command.
        Type Parameters:
        A - The base argument type.
        arg - The command to add.
        The argument argumentParser.
      • parse

        public void parse​(java.lang.String... args)
        Parse arguments from the main method.
        args - The argument array.
      • parse

        public void parse​(ArgumentList args)
        Parse arguments from the main method.
        args - The argument list.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validate all options and arguments.
      • printUsage

        public void printUsage​( out)
        Print the option usage list. Essentially printed as a list of options with the description indented where it overflows the available line width.
        out - The output stream.
      • printUsage

        public void printUsage​( out,
                               boolean showHidden)
        Print the option usage list. Essentially printed as a list of options with the description indented where it overflows the available line width.
        out - The output stream.
        showHidden - Whether to show hidden options.
      • printUsage

        public void printUsage​( writer,
                               boolean showHidden)
        Print the option usage list. Essentially printed as a list of options with the description indented where it overflows the available line width.
        writer - The output printer.
        showHidden - Whether to show hidden options.
      • getProgramDescription

        public java.lang.String getProgramDescription()
        Get the program description line. Contains essentially the line "description - version".
        The program description.
      • getSingleLineUsage

        public java.lang.String getSingleLineUsage()
        Get the single line usage string for the parser. Contains essentially the line "program options args".
        The single line usage.