
trait EventSourceActions[+E]

DSL Methods which create a Source Sink.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait EventSourceDsl[E]
trait EventSource[E]
class AndSource[E]
object Assembled.type
class ChannelSource[E]
class CollectEvent[E, F]
class EffectEvent[E, R]
class Js[E]
class MapSource[E, F]
class OrSource[E]
class TapSource[E]
class Timer
class WithState[E, S]
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Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def changeModel[T >: E, M](model: Model[M])(f: (T, M) => M): SourceSink[T]

Shortcut for building event bindings

Shortcut for building event bindings


def changeModelDirect[T >: E, M](model: Model[M])(f: M => M): SourceSink[T]

Change model without caring about the value of the event.

Change model without caring about the value of the event.


def doNothing[T >: E]: SourceSink[T]

Do nothing (e.g. some events already have an effect just because they are registered, e.g. Drag and Drop events with preventDefault)

Do nothing (e.g. some events already have an effect just because they are registered, e.g. Drag and Drop events with preventDefault)


def executeCode[T >: E](f: T => Unit): SourceSink[T]

Execute custom Code.

Execute custom Code.


def intoModel[T >: E, M](model: Model[M])(f: T => M): SourceSink[T]

Change model without caring about the previous value of the model.

Change model without caring about the previous value of the model.


def intoModel[T >: E](model: Model[T]): SourceSink[T]

Change model without caring about the previous value of the model.

Change model without caring about the previous value of the model.


def intoProperty[T >: E, D <: ScalaJsElement](prop: JsProperty[D, T]): SourceSink[T]

Write a value into a property

Write a value into a property


def or[T >: E](source: EventSource[T]): EventSource[T]

Combine with some other event source.

Combine with some other event source.


def setModel[T >: E, M](model: Model[M], value: M): SourceSink[T]

Set the model to a value without caring about the value of the event or model before

Set the model to a value without caring about the value of the event or model before


def tap[T >: E](fn: T => Unit): EventSource[T]

Execute code while traversing the source.

Execute code while traversing the source.


def to[T >: E](sink: EventSink[T]): SourceSink[T]

Connect this source to a sink

Connect this source to a sink


def trigger[T >: E](channel: Channel[T]): SourceSink[T]

Trigger some channel.

Trigger some channel.
