Uses of Interface

Packages that use PropertyDescriptor
net.sourceforge.pmd This is the PMD programming mistake detector. 

Uses of PropertyDescriptor in net.sourceforge.pmd

Subinterfaces of PropertyDescriptor in net.sourceforge.pmd
 interface NumericPropertyDescriptor<T>
          Defines a descriptor type whose instance values are required lie within specified upper and lower limits.

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd with type parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
protected  List<PropertyDescriptor<?>> AbstractPropertySource.propertyDescriptors
          The list of known properties that can be configured.
protected  Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> AbstractPropertySource.propertyValuesByDescriptor
          The values for each property.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd that return PropertyDescriptor
 PropertyDescriptor<?> PropertyDescriptorFactory.createWith(Map<String,String> valuesById)
          Create a property descriptor of the appropriate type using the values provided.
 PropertyDescriptor<?> AbstractPropertySource.getPropertyDescriptor(String name)
          Get the PropertyDescriptor for the given property name.
 PropertyDescriptor<?> PropertySource.getPropertyDescriptor(String name)
          Get the PropertyDescriptor for the given property name.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd that return types with arguments of type PropertyDescriptor
protected  List<PropertyDescriptor<?>> AbstractPropertySource.copyPropertyDescriptors()
          Creates a copied list of the property descriptors and returns it.
protected  Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> AbstractPropertySource.copyPropertyValues()
          Creates a copied map of the values of the properties and returns it.
 Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> AbstractPropertySource.getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor()
          Returns all the current property values for the receiver or an immutable empty map if none are specified.
 Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> PropertySource.getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor()
          Returns all the current property values for the receiver or an immutable empty map if none are specified.
 List<PropertyDescriptor<?>> AbstractPropertySource.getPropertyDescriptors()
          Get the PropertyDescriptors for all defined properties.
 List<PropertyDescriptor<?>> PropertySource.getPropertyDescriptors()
          Get the PropertyDescriptors for all defined properties.
 Set<PropertyDescriptor<?>> AbstractPropertySource.ignoredProperties()
          Return the properties that are effectively ignored due to the configuration of the rule and values held by other properties.
 Set<PropertyDescriptor<?>> PropertySource.ignoredProperties()
          Return the properties that are effectively ignored due to the configuration of the rule and values held by other properties.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd with parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
 void AbstractPropertySource.definePropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor)
          Define a new property via a PropertyDescriptor.
 void PropertySource.definePropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor)
          Define a new property via a PropertyDescriptor.
<T> T
AbstractPropertySource.getProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor)
          Get the typed value for the given property.
<T> T
PropertySource.getProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor)
          Get the typed value for the given property.
 boolean AbstractPropertySource.hasDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> descriptor)
          Returns whether this Rule has the specified PropertyDescriptor.
 boolean PropertySource.hasDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> descriptor)
          Returns whether this Rule has the specified PropertyDescriptor.
<T> void
AbstractPropertySource.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor, T value)
          Set the property value specified (will be type-checked)
<T> void
PropertySource.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor, T value)
          Set the property value specified (will be type-checked)
 void AbstractPropertySource.useDefaultValueFor(PropertyDescriptor<?> desc)
          Clears out any user-specified value for the property allowing it to use the default value in the descriptor.
 void PropertySource.useDefaultValueFor(PropertyDescriptor<?> desc)
          Clears out any user-specified value for the property allowing it to use the default value in the descriptor.

Uses of PropertyDescriptor in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule that return PropertyDescriptor
 PropertyDescriptor<?> AbstractDelegateRule.getPropertyDescriptor(String name)

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule that return types with arguments of type PropertyDescriptor
 Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> RuleReference.getOverriddenPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor()
 List<PropertyDescriptor<?>> RuleReference.getOverriddenPropertyDescriptors()
 Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> AbstractDelegateRule.getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor()
 List<PropertyDescriptor<?>> AbstractDelegateRule.getPropertyDescriptors()
 Set<PropertyDescriptor<?>> AbstractDelegateRule.ignoredProperties()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
 void RuleReference.definePropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor)
 void AbstractDelegateRule.definePropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor)
<T> T
AbstractDelegateRule.getProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor)
 boolean RuleReference.hasDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> descriptor)
 boolean AbstractDelegateRule.hasDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor<?> descriptor)
 boolean RuleReference.hasOverriddenProperty(PropertyDescriptor<?> descriptor)
<T> void
RuleReference.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor, T value)
<T> void
AbstractDelegateRule.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor, T value)
 void RuleReference.useDefaultValueFor(PropertyDescriptor<?> desc)

Uses of PropertyDescriptor in

Classes in that implement PropertyDescriptor
 class AbstractEnumeratedProperty<E,T>
 class AbstractMultiNumericProperty<T>
 class AbstractMultiPackagedProperty<T>
 class AbstractNumericProperty<T>
          Maintains a pair of boundary limit values between which all values managed by the subclasses must fit.
 class AbstractPackagedProperty<T>
          Concrete subclasses manage items that reside within namespaces per the design of the Java language.
 class AbstractProperty<T>
 class AbstractScalarProperty<T>
          No, subclasses are not necessarily scalar per se, they're just easy to parse without error.
 class BooleanMultiProperty
          Defines a property type that supports multiple Boolean values.
 class BooleanProperty
          Defines a property type that supports single Boolean values.
 class CharacterMultiProperty
          Defines a property type that supports multiple Character values.
 class CharacterProperty
          Defines a property type that supports single Character values.
 class DoubleMultiProperty
          Defines a property type that supports multiple double-type property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class DoubleProperty
          Defines a property type that support single double-type property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class EnumeratedMultiProperty<E>
          Defines a datatype with a set of preset values of any type as held within a pair of maps.
 class EnumeratedProperty<E>
          Defines a datatype with a set of preset values of any type as held within a pair of maps.
 class FileProperty
 class FloatMultiProperty
          Defines a property type that support float property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class FloatProperty
          Defines a property type that supports single float property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class IntegerMultiProperty
          Defines a datatype that supports multiple Integer property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class IntegerProperty
          Defines a datatype that supports single Integer property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class LongMultiProperty
          Defines a datatype that supports multiple Long property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class LongProperty
          Defines a datatype that supports the single Long property values within an upper and lower boundary.
 class MethodMultiProperty
          Defines a property type that can specify multiple methods to use as part of a rule.
 class MethodProperty
          Defines a property type that can specify a single method to use as part of a rule.
 class PropertyDescriptorWrapper<T>
          This class serves as a wrapper class for a PropertyDescriptor instance.
 class StringMultiProperty
          Defines a datatype that supports multiple String values.
 class StringProperty
          Defines a datatype that supports single String values.
 class TypeMultiProperty
          Defines a property that supports multiple class types, even for primitive values! TODO - untested for array types
 class TypeProperty
          Defines a property that supports single class types, even for primitive values! TODO - untested for array types

Methods in that return PropertyDescriptor
static PropertyDescriptor<?> PropertyDescriptorFactory.createPropertyDescriptor(String name, String description, String type, String delimiter, String min, String max, String value)
 PropertyDescriptor<T> PropertyDescriptorWrapper.getPropertyDescriptor()

Methods in with parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
 int PropertyDescriptorWrapper.compareTo(PropertyDescriptor<?> o)
 int AbstractProperty.compareTo(PropertyDescriptor<?> otherProperty)
static String PropertyDescriptorFactory.getPropertyDescriptorType(PropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor)
          Returns the String type of the PropertyDescriptor for use in XML serialization.

Constructors in with parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
PropertyDescriptorWrapper(PropertyDescriptor<T> propertyDescriptor)

Uses of PropertyDescriptor in

Fields in with type parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
static Comparator<PropertyDescriptor<?>> PropertyDescriptorUtil.COMPARATOR_BY_ORDER

Methods in that return PropertyDescriptor
 PropertyDescriptor<?> BasicPropertyDescriptorFactory.createWith(Map<String,String> valuesById)

Uses of PropertyDescriptor in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.xpath

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.xpath with type parameters of type PropertyDescriptor
protected  Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object>
          The properties.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.xpath with type arguments of type PropertyDescriptor
 void XPathRuleQuery.setProperties(Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> properties)
          Set the properties to use during the XPath query.
 void AbstractXPathRuleQuery.setProperties(Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>,Object> properties)
          Set the properties to use during the XPath query.

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