Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
net.sourceforge.pmd This is the PMD programming mistake detector. 

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.pmd with type arguments of type Node
 void Rule.addRuleChainVisit(Class<? extends Node> nodeClass)
          Adds an AST node by class to be visited by the Rule on the RuleChain.
 void RuleSet.apply(List<? extends Node> acuList, RuleContext ctx)
          Executes the rules in this ruleset against each of the given nodes.
 void Rule.apply(List<? extends Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
          Apply this rule to the given collection of nodes, using the given context.
 void RuleChain.apply(List<Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx, Language language)
          Apply the RuleChain to the given Nodes using the given RuleContext, for those rules using the given Language.
 void RuleSets.apply(List<Node> acuList, RuleContext ctx, Language language)
          Apply all applicable rules to the compilation units.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang that return Node
 Node Parser.parse(String fileName, Reader source)
          Parse source code and return the root node of the AST.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang that return types with arguments of type Node
 Class<? extends Node> DataFlowHandler.getLabelStatementNodeClass()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang with parameters of type Node
 DataFlowNode DataFlowHandler.createDataFlowNode(List<DataFlowNode> dataFlow, Node node)
 void VisitorStarter.start(Node rootNode)
          Start the visitor, given the root-node of the AST.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast

Classes in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast that implement Node
 class AbstractNode

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast declared as Node
protected  Node[] AbstractNode.children
protected  Node AbstractNode.parent

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast that return Node
 Node AbstractNode.getNthParent(int n)
          Returns the n-th parent or null if there are not n ancestors
 Node Node.getNthParent(int n)
 Node AbstractNode.jjtGetChild(int index)
 Node Node.jjtGetChild(int index)
          This method returns a child node.
 Node AbstractNode.jjtGetParent()
 Node Node.jjtGetParent()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast that return types with arguments of type Node
 List<? extends Node> Node.findChildNodesWithXPath(String xpathString)
          Returns all the nodes matching the xpath expression.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast with parameters of type Node
 void AbstractNode.jjtAddChild(Node child, int index)
 void Node.jjtAddChild(Node child, int index)
          This method tells the node to add its argument to the node's list of children.
 void AbstractNode.jjtSetParent(Node parent)
 void Node.jjtSetParent(Node parent)
          This pair of methods are used to inform the node of its parent.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath that return Node
protected  Node NodeIterator.getFirstChild(Node contextNode)
protected abstract  Node NodeIterator.getFirstNode(Node contextNode)
protected  Node NodeIterator.getLastChild(Node contextNode)
protected abstract  Node NodeIterator.getNextNode(Node contextNode)
protected  Node NodeIterator.getNextSibling(Node contextNode)
 Node Attribute.getParent()
protected  Node NodeIterator.getPreviousSibling(Node contextNode)

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath that return types with arguments of type Node
 Iterator<Node> DocumentNavigator.getChildAxisIterator(Object contextNode)
          Get an iterator over all of this node's children.
 Iterator<Node> DocumentNavigator.getFollowingAxisIterator(Object contextNode)
          Get an iterator over all following nodes, depth-first.
 Iterator<Node> DocumentNavigator.getFollowingSiblingAxisIterator(Object contextNode)
          Get an iterator over all following siblings.
 Iterator<Node> DocumentNavigator.getParentAxisIterator(Object contextNode)
          Get a (single-member) iterator over this node's parent.
 Iterator<Node> DocumentNavigator.getPrecedingAxisIterator(Object contextNode)
          Get an iterator over all preceding nodes, depth-first.
 Iterator<Node> DocumentNavigator.getPrecedingSiblingAxisIterator(Object contextNode)
          Get an iterator over all preceding siblings.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath with parameters of type Node
protected  Node NodeIterator.getFirstChild(Node contextNode)
protected abstract  Node NodeIterator.getFirstNode(Node contextNode)
protected  Node NodeIterator.getLastChild(Node contextNode)
protected abstract  Node NodeIterator.getNextNode(Node contextNode)
protected  Node NodeIterator.getNextSibling(Node contextNode)
protected  Node NodeIterator.getPreviousSibling(Node contextNode)

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath with parameters of type Node
Attribute(Node parent, String name, Method m)
Attribute(Node parent, String name, String value)
AttributeAxisIterator(Node contextNode)
NodeIterator(Node contextNode)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.saxon

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.saxon declared as Node
protected  Node ElementNode.node

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.saxon with type parameters of type Node
 Map<Node,ElementNode> DocumentNode.nodeToElementNode
          Mapping from AST Node to corresponding ElementNode.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.saxon with parameters of type Node
DocumentNode(Node node)
          Construct a DocumentNode, with the given AST Node serving as the root ElementNode.
ElementNode(DocumentNode document, IdGenerator idGenerator, ElementNode parent, Node node, int siblingPosition)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa

Subinterfaces of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa
 interface DFAGraphMethod

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa declared as Node
protected  Node AbstractDataFlowNode.node

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa that return Node
 Node AbstractDataFlowNode.getNode()
 Node DataFlowNode.getNode()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa with parameters of type Node
 DataFlowNode Structure.createNewNode(Node node)
          This class encapsulates the access to the DataFlowNode class.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa with parameters of type Node
AbstractDataFlowNode(List<DataFlowNode> dataFlow, Node node)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule

Classes in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with type parameters of type Node
 class ParametricRuleViolation<T extends Node>

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with type parameters of type Node
protected  Map<String,List<Node>> AbstractRuleChainVisitor.nodeNameToNodes
          This is a mapping from node names to nodes instances for the current AST.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule that return Node
 Node ImportWrapper.getNode()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with parameters of type Node
 void AbstractRule.addViolation(Object data, Node node)
 void AbstractRule.addViolation(Object data, Node node, Object[] args)
 void AbstractRule.addViolation(Object data, Node node, String arg)
 void AbstractRuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine, Object[] args)
 void RuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine, Object[] args)
 void AbstractRuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, Object[] args)
 void RuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, Object[] args)
          Adds a violation to the report.
 void AbstractRule.addViolationWithMessage(Object data, Node node, String message)
 void AbstractRule.addViolationWithMessage(Object data, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine)
 void AbstractRule.addViolationWithMessage(Object data, Node node, String message, Object[] args)
protected abstract  RuleViolation AbstractRuleViolationFactory.createRuleViolation(Rule rule, RuleContext ruleContext, Node node, String message)
protected abstract  RuleViolation AbstractRuleViolationFactory.createRuleViolation(Rule rule, RuleContext ruleContext, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine)
 void XPathRule.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query with the AST node.
protected  void AbstractRuleChainVisitor.indexNode(Node node)
          Index a single node for visitation by rules.
protected abstract  void AbstractRuleChainVisitor.visit(Rule rule, Node node, RuleContext ctx)
          Visit the given rule to the given node.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with type arguments of type Node
 void AbstractDelegateRule.addRuleChainVisit(Class<? extends Node> nodeClass)
 void AbstractRule.addRuleChainVisit(Class<? extends Node> nodeClass)
 void MockRule.apply(List<? extends Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
 void XPathRule.apply(List<? extends Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
          Apply the rule to all nodes.
 void AbstractDelegateRule.apply(List<? extends Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
protected abstract  void AbstractRuleChainVisitor.indexNodes(List<Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
          Index all nodes for visitation by rules.
 void AbstractRuleChainVisitor.visitAll(List<Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
 void RuleChainVisitor.visitAll(List<Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
          Visit all the given Nodes provided using the given RuleContext.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with parameters of type Node
ImportWrapper(String fullname, String name, Node node)
ImportWrapper(String fullname, String name, Node node, boolean isStaticDemand)
ImportWrapper(String fullname, String name, Node node, Class<?> type, boolean isStaticDemand)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.xpath

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.xpath that return types with arguments of type Node
 List<Node> SaxonXPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.
 List<Node> JaxenXPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.
 List<Node> XPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.
abstract  List<Node> AbstractXPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.xpath with parameters of type Node
 List<Node> SaxonXPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.
 List<Node> JaxenXPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.
 List<Node> XPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.
abstract  List<Node> AbstractXPathRuleQuery.evaluate(Node node, RuleContext data)
          Evaluate the XPath query against the given Node.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable

Subinterfaces of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable
 interface ScopedNode
          A Node which knows about the scope within it has been declared.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.stat

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.stat that return Node
 Node DataPoint.getNode()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.stat with parameters of type Node
 void DataPoint.setNode(Node node)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer with parameters of type Node
 void node)
 void DFAPanel.DFACanvas.setMethod(Node node)

Uses of Node in

Constructors in with parameters of type Node
ASTNodePopupMenu(ViewerModel model, Node node)
AttributesSubMenu(ViewerModel model, Node node)
SimpleNodeSubMenu(ViewerModel model, Node node)
          constructs the submenu

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model that return Node
 Node ViewerModel.getRootNode()
 Node SimpleNodeTreeNodeAdapter.getSimpleNode()
          retrieves the underlying node

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model that return types with arguments of type Node
 List<Node> ViewerModel.getLastEvaluationResults()
          retrieves the results of last evaluation

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model with parameters of type Node
 void ViewerModel.selectNode(Node node, Object selector)
          selects the given node in the AST

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model with parameters of type Node
ASTModel(Node root)
          creates the tree model
SimpleNodeTreeNodeAdapter(SimpleNodeTreeNodeAdapter parent, Node node)
          constructs the node

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