Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataSource
net.sourceforge.pmd This is the PMD programming mistake detector. 

Uses of DataSource in net.sourceforge.pmd

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd that return types with arguments of type DataSource
static List<DataSource> PMD.getApplicableFiles(PMDConfiguration configuration, Set<Language> languages)
          Determines all the files, that should be analyzed by PMD.
static List<DataSource> PMD.getURIDataSources(String uriString)
          Parses the given string as a database uri and returns a list of datasources.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.pmd with type arguments of type DataSource
static void PMD.processFiles(PMDConfiguration configuration, RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, List<DataSource> files, RuleContext ctx, List<Renderer> renderers)
          Run PMD on a list of files using multiple threads - if more than one is available

Uses of DataSource in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor with parameters of type DataSource
protected  String AbstractPMDProcessor.filenameFrom(DataSource dataSource)

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor with type arguments of type DataSource
 void MonoThreadProcessor.processFiles(RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, List<DataSource> files, RuleContext ctx, List<Renderer> renderers)
 void MultiThreadProcessor.processFiles(RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, List<DataSource> files, RuleContext ctx, List<Renderer> renderers)
          Run PMD on a list of files using multiple threads.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor with parameters of type DataSource
PmdRunnable(ExecutorService executor, PMDConfiguration configuration, DataSource dataSource, String fileName, List<Renderer> renderers)

Uses of DataSource in net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers with parameters of type DataSource
 void AbstractAccumulatingRenderer.startFileAnalysis(DataSource dataSource)
          This method is called each time a source file is processed.
 void AbstractIncrementingRenderer.startFileAnalysis(DataSource dataSource)
          This method is called each time a source file is processed.
 void Renderer.startFileAnalysis(DataSource dataSource)
          This method is called each time a source file is processed.

Uses of DataSource in net.sourceforge.pmd.util

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util that return types with arguments of type DataSource
static List<DataSource> FileUtil.collectFiles(String fileLocations, FilenameFilter filenameFilter)
          Collects a list of DataSources using a comma separated list of input file locations to process.

Uses of DataSource in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.datasource

Classes in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.datasource that implement DataSource
 class FileDataSource
          DataSource implementation to read data from a file.
 class ReaderDataSource
          DataSource implementation to read data from a Reader.
 class ZipDataSource
          DataSource implementation to read data from an entry in a zip or jar file.

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