Uses of Interface

Packages that use Rule
net.sourceforge.pmd This is the PMD programming mistake detector. 

Uses of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd that return Rule
 Rule RuleViolation.getRule()
          Get the Rule which identified this violation.
 Rule RuleSet.getRuleByName(String ruleName)
          Returns the first Rule found with the given name (case-sensitive).
 Rule RuleSets.getRuleByName(String ruleName)
          Returns the first Rule found with the given name.
 Rule Report.RuleConfigurationError.rule()
          Gets the wrongly configured rule

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd that return types with arguments of type Rule
 Set<Rule> RuleSets.getAllRules()
          Return all rules from all rulesets.
 Collection<Rule> RuleSet.getRules()
          Returns the actual Collection of rules in this ruleset

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd with parameters of type Rule
 void RuleSet.addRule(Rule rule)
          Add a new rule to this ruleset.
 void RuleSet.addRuleByReference(String ruleSetFileName, Rule rule)
          Add a new rule by reference to this ruleset.
 boolean RuleSet.addRuleIfNotExists(Rule rule)
          Only adds a rule to the ruleset if no rule with the same name for the same language was added before, so that the existent rule configuration won't be overridden.
 boolean RuleSet.addRuleReplaceIfExists(Rule rule)
          Adds a rule.
static boolean RuleSet.applies(Rule rule, LanguageVersion languageVersion)
          Does the given Rule apply to the given LanguageVersion? If so, the Language must be the same and be between the minimum and maximums versions on the Rule.
static RuleSet RuleSet.createFor(String name, Rule... theRules)
          A convenience constructor
 String PropertyDescriptor.propertyErrorFor(Rule rule)
          A convenience method that returns an error string if the rule holds onto a property value that has a problem.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.pmd with type arguments of type Rule
 void RuleSet.removeDysfunctionalRules(Collection<Rule> collector)
          Remove and collect any misconfigured rules.
 void RuleSets.removeDysfunctionalRules(Collection<Rule> collector)
          Remove and collect any rules that report problems.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd with parameters of type Rule
Report.RuleConfigurationError(Rule theRule, String theIssue)
          Creates a new configuration error.

Uses of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd.benchmark

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.benchmark declared as Rule
 Rule RuleDuration.rule

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.benchmark with parameters of type Rule
RuleDuration(long elapsed, Rule rule)

Uses of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa

Subinterfaces of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa
 interface DFAGraphRule

Uses of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule

Classes in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule that implement Rule
 class AbstractDelegateRule
          Base class for Rule implementations which delegate to another Rule instance.
 class AbstractRule
          Basic abstract implementation of all parser-independent methods of the Rule interface.
 class MockRule
          This is a Rule implementation which can be used in scenarios where an actual functional Rule is not needed.
 class RuleReference
          This class represents a Rule which is a reference to Rule defined in another RuleSet.
 class XPathRule
          Rule that tries to match an XPath expression against a DOM view of an AST.

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule declared as Rule
protected  Rule ParametricRuleViolation.rule

Fields in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with type parameters of type Rule
protected  Map<RuleSet,List<Rule>> AbstractRuleChainVisitor.ruleSetRules
          These are all the rules participating in the RuleChain, grouped by RuleSet.

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule that return Rule
 Rule ParametricRuleViolation.getRule()
 Rule AbstractDelegateRule.getRule()

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with parameters of type Rule
 void AbstractRuleChainVisitor.add(RuleSet ruleSet, Rule rule)
 void RuleChainVisitor.add(RuleSet ruleSet, Rule rule)
          Add the given rule to the visitor.
 void AbstractRuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine, Object[] args)
 void RuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine, Object[] args)
 void AbstractRuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, Object[] args)
 void RuleViolationFactory.addViolation(RuleContext ruleContext, Rule rule, Node node, String message, Object[] args)
          Adds a violation to the report.
protected abstract  RuleViolation AbstractRuleViolationFactory.createRuleViolation(Rule rule, RuleContext ruleContext, Node node, String message)
protected abstract  RuleViolation AbstractRuleViolationFactory.createRuleViolation(Rule rule, RuleContext ruleContext, Node node, String message, int beginLine, int endLine)
 void AbstractDelegateRule.setRule(Rule rule)
protected abstract  void AbstractRuleChainVisitor.visit(Rule rule, Node node, RuleContext ctx)
          Visit the given rule to the given node.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule with parameters of type Rule
ParametricRuleViolation(Rule theRule, RuleContext ctx, T node, String message)
RuleReference(Rule theRule, RuleSetReference theRuleSetReference)

Uses of Rule in

Methods in with parameters of type Rule
 String AbstractProperty.propertyErrorFor(Rule rule)
          A convenience method that returns an error string if the rule holds onto a property value that has a problem.
 String PropertyDescriptorWrapper.propertyErrorFor(Rule rule)

Uses of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.stat

Subinterfaces of Rule in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.stat
 interface StatisticalRule
          This interface tags a Rule as being a Statistical rule, producing various metrics from data points.

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