Uses of Class

Packages that use RuleSetFactory
net.sourceforge.pmd This is the PMD programming mistake detector. 

Uses of RuleSetFactory in net.sourceforge.pmd

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd that return RuleSetFactory
static RuleSetFactory RulesetsFactoryUtils.getRulesetFactory(PMDConfiguration configuration)

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd with parameters of type RuleSetFactory
static RuleSets RulesetsFactoryUtils.getRuleSets(String rulesets, RuleSetFactory factory)
          Creates a new rulesets with the given string.
static RuleSets RulesetsFactoryUtils.getRuleSetsWithBenchmark(String rulesets, RuleSetFactory factory)
          See RulesetsFactoryUtils.getRuleSets(String, RuleSetFactory).
static void PMD.processFiles(PMDConfiguration configuration, RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, Collection<File> files, RuleContext ctx, PMD.ProgressMonitor monitor)
          An entry point that would typically be used by IDEs intent on providing ongoing feedback and the ability to terminate it at will.
static void PMD.processFiles(PMDConfiguration configuration, RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, List<DataSource> files, RuleContext ctx, List<Renderer> renderers)
          Run PMD on a list of files using multiple threads - if more than one is available

Uses of RuleSetFactory in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor

Methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor with parameters of type RuleSetFactory
protected  RuleSets AbstractPMDProcessor.createRuleSets(RuleSetFactory factory)
          Create instances for each rule defined in the ruleset(s) in the configuration.
static Thread PmdRunnable.createThread(int id, Runnable r, RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, RuleContext ctx)
 void MonoThreadProcessor.processFiles(RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, List<DataSource> files, RuleContext ctx, List<Renderer> renderers)
 void MultiThreadProcessor.processFiles(RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, List<DataSource> files, RuleContext ctx, List<Renderer> renderers)
          Run PMD on a list of files using multiple threads.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.pmd.processor with parameters of type RuleSetFactory
PmdThreadFactory(RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory, RuleContext ctx)

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