Package net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers

Interface Summary
Renderer This is an interface for rendering a Report.

Class Summary
AbstractAccumulatingRenderer Abstract base class for Renderer implementations which only produce output once all source files are processed.
AbstractIncrementingRenderer Abstract base class for Renderer implementations which can produce output incrementally for RuleViolations as source files are processed.
AbstractRenderer Abstract base class for Renderer implementations.
CodeClimateIssue Structure for the Code Climate Issue spec (
CodeClimateIssue.Content Content structure
CodeClimateIssue.Location Location structure
CodeClimateRenderer Renderer for Code Climate JSON format
CSVRenderer Renderer the results to a comma-delimited text format.
CSVWriter<T> A generic writer that formats input items into rows and columns per the provided column descriptors.
EmacsRenderer Renderer to GNU Emacs parsable format.
HTMLRenderer Renderer to basic HTML format.
IDEAJRenderer Renderer for IntelliJ IDEA integration.
RendererFactory This class handles the creation of Renderers.
SummaryHTMLRenderer Renderer to a summarized HTML format.
TextColorRenderer A console renderer with optional color support under *nix systems.
TextPadRenderer A Renderer for running PMD via a TextPad 'tool'.
TextRenderer Renderer to simple text format.
VBHTMLRenderer Renderer to another HTML format.
XMLRenderer Renderer to XML format.
XSLTRenderer Renderer to XML format with a XSL Transformation applied.
YAHTMLRenderer Renderer to another HTML format.

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