Class MockRule

  extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
      extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
          extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.MockRule
All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertySource, Rule

public class MockRule
extends AbstractRule

This is a Rule implementation which can be used in scenarios where an actual functional Rule is not needed. For example, during unit testing, or as an editable surrogate used by IDE plugins. The Language of this Rule defaults to Java.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
propertyDescriptors, propertyValuesByDescriptor
Fields inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule
Constructor Summary
MockRule(String name, String description, String message, String ruleSetName)
MockRule(String name, String description, String message, String ruleSetName, RulePriority priority)
Method Summary
 void apply(List<? extends Node> nodes, RuleContext ctx)
          Apply this rule to the given collection of nodes, using the given context.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
addExample, addRuleChainVisit, addRuleChainVisit, addViolation, addViolation, addViolation, addViolationWithMessage, addViolationWithMessage, addViolationWithMessage, deepCopyValuesTo, end, equals, getDescription, getExamples, getExternalInfoUrl, getLanguage, getMaximumLanguageVersion, getMessage, getMinimumLanguageVersion, getName, getParserOptions, getPriority, getRuleChainVisits, getRuleClass, getRuleSetName, getSince, hashCode, isDeprecated, setDeprecated, setDescription, setExternalInfoUrl, setLanguage, setMaximumLanguageVersion, setMessage, setMinimumLanguageVersion, setName, setPriority, setRuleClass, setRuleSetName, setSince, setUsesDFA, setUsesTypeResolution, start, usesDFA, usesRuleChain, usesTypeResolution
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
copyPropertyDescriptors, copyPropertyValues, definePropertyDescriptor, dysfunctionReason, getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptors, hasDescriptor, ignoredProperties, setProperty, useDefaultValueFor, usesDefaultValues
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.PropertySource
definePropertyDescriptor, dysfunctionReason, getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptors, hasDescriptor, ignoredProperties, setProperty, useDefaultValueFor, usesDefaultValues

Constructor Detail


public MockRule()


public MockRule(String name,
                String description,
                String message,
                String ruleSetName,
                RulePriority priority)


public MockRule(String name,
                String description,
                String message,
                String ruleSetName)
Method Detail


public void apply(List<? extends Node> nodes,
                  RuleContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: Rule
Apply this rule to the given collection of nodes, using the given context.

nodes - the nodes
ctx - the rule context

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