Package net.sourceforge.pmd.util

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ClasspathClassLoader Create a ClassLoader which loads classes using a CLASSPATH like String.
ClassUtil Various class-related utility methods intended for mapping common java.lang types to their short short forms allowing end users to enter these names in UIs without the package prefixes.
CollectionUtil Generic collection and array-related utility functions for java.util types.
CompoundIterator<T> Creates a single compound Iterator from an array of Iterators.
EmptyIterator<T> A singleton iterator that never has anything.
FileFinder A utility class for finding files within a directory.
FileIterable Handy class to easily iterate over a file, line by line, using a Java 5 for loop.
FileUtil This is a utility class for working with Files.
StringUtil A number of String-specific utility methods for use by PMD or its IDE plugins.
TypeMap A specialized map that stores types by both their full and short (without package prefixes) names.

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