Class AbstractSunSecureRule

  extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
      extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
JavaParserVisitor, ImmutableLanguage, PropertySource, Rule
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayIsStoredDirectlyRule, MethodReturnsInternalArrayRule

public abstract class AbstractSunSecureRule
extends AbstractJavaRule

Utility methods for the package Created on Jan 17, 2005


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
propertyDescriptors, propertyValuesByDescriptor
Fields inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  String getFirstNameImage(Node n)
          Gets the image of the first ASTName node found by Node.getFirstDescendantOfType(Class)
protected  String getReturnedVariableName(ASTReturnStatement ret)
          Gets the name of the variable returned.
protected  boolean isField(String varName, ASTTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration)
          Tells if the type declaration has a field with varName.
protected  boolean isLocalVariable(String vn, Node node)
          TODO modify usages to use symbol table Tells if the variable name is a local variable declared in the method.
Methods inherited from class
apply, getDeclaringType, importsPackage, isQualifiedName, isSuppressed, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visitAll
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
addExample, addRuleChainVisit, addRuleChainVisit, addViolation, addViolation, addViolation, addViolationWithMessage, addViolationWithMessage, addViolationWithMessage, deepCopyValuesTo, end, equals, getDescription, getExamples, getExternalInfoUrl, getLanguage, getMaximumLanguageVersion, getMessage, getMinimumLanguageVersion, getName, getParserOptions, getPriority, getRuleChainVisits, getRuleClass, getRuleSetName, getSince, hashCode, isDeprecated, setDeprecated, setDescription, setExternalInfoUrl, setLanguage, setMaximumLanguageVersion, setMessage, setMinimumLanguageVersion, setName, setPriority, setRuleClass, setRuleSetName, setSince, setUsesDFA, setUsesTypeResolution, start, usesDFA, usesRuleChain, usesTypeResolution
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
copyPropertyDescriptors, copyPropertyValues, definePropertyDescriptor, dysfunctionReason, getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptors, hasDescriptor, ignoredProperties, setProperty, useDefaultValueFor, usesDefaultValues
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.PropertySource
definePropertyDescriptor, dysfunctionReason, getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptors, hasDescriptor, ignoredProperties, setProperty, useDefaultValueFor, usesDefaultValues

Constructor Detail


public AbstractSunSecureRule()
Method Detail


protected final boolean isField(String varName,
                                ASTTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration)
Tells if the type declaration has a field with varName.

varName - the name of the field to search
typeDeclaration - the type declaration
true if there is a field in the type declaration named varName, false in other case


protected final String getReturnedVariableName(ASTReturnStatement ret)
Gets the name of the variable returned. Some examples:
for returns foo
for foo returns foo
for returns

ret - a return statement to evaluate
the name of the variable associated or null if it cannot be detected


protected boolean isLocalVariable(String vn,
                                  Node node)
TODO modify usages to use symbol table Tells if the variable name is a local variable declared in the method.

vn - the variable name
node - the ASTMethodDeclaration where the local variable name will be searched
true if the method declaration contains any local variable named vn and false in other case


protected String getFirstNameImage(Node n)
Gets the image of the first ASTName node found by Node.getFirstDescendantOfType(Class)

n - the node to search
the image of the first ASTName or null

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