Class ASTAnnotation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node, JavaNode, TypeNode, net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.ScopedNode

    public class ASTAnnotation
    extends AbstractJavaTypeNode
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AbstractNode

        beginColumn, beginLine, childIndex, children, endColumn, endLine, firstToken, id, lastToken, parent
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getAnnotationName()
      Returns the name of the annotation as it is used, eg java.lang.Override or Override.
      java.lang.Object jjtAccept​(JavaParserVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object data)
      Accept the visitor.
      boolean suppresses​(net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule rule)
      Returns true if this annotation suppresses the given rule.
      • Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AbstractNode

        appendElement, findChildNodesWithXPath, findChildrenOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, getAsDocument, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getDataFlowNode, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getFirstChildOfType, getFirstDescendantOfType, getFirstParentOfAnyType, getFirstParentOfType, getImage, getNthParent, getParentsOfType, getUserData, getXPathAttributesIterator, hasDecendantOfAnyType, hasDescendantMatchingXPath, hasDescendantOfAnyType, hasDescendantOfType, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary, isSingleLine, jjtAddChild, jjtGetChild, jjtGetChildIndex, jjtGetFirstToken, jjtGetId, jjtGetLastToken, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtSetChildIndex, jjtSetFirstToken, jjtSetLastToken, jjtSetParent, remove, removeChildAtIndex, setDataFlowNode, setImage, setUserData, testingOnlySetBeginColumn, testingOnlySetBeginLine, testingOnlySetEndColumn, testingOnlySetEndLine, toString
      • Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node

        findChildNodesWithXPath, findChildrenOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, getAsDocument, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getDataFlowNode, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getFirstChildOfType, getFirstDescendantOfType, getFirstParentOfAnyType, getFirstParentOfType, getImage, getNthParent, getParentsOfType, getUserData, getXPathAttributesIterator, getXPathNodeName, hasDescendantMatchingXPath, hasDescendantOfType, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary, jjtAddChild, jjtClose, jjtGetChild, jjtGetChildIndex, jjtGetId, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtOpen, jjtSetChildIndex, jjtSetParent, remove, removeChildAtIndex, setDataFlowNode, setImage, setUserData
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ASTAnnotation

        public ASTAnnotation​(int id)
      • ASTAnnotation

        public ASTAnnotation​(JavaParser p,
                             int id)
    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotationName

        public java.lang.String getAnnotationName()
        Returns the name of the annotation as it is used, eg java.lang.Override or Override.
      • suppresses

        public boolean suppresses​(net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule rule)
        Returns true if this annotation suppresses the given rule. The suppression annotation is SuppressWarnings. This method returns true if this annotation is a SuppressWarnings, and if the set of suppressed warnings (SuppressWarnings.value()) contains at least one of those:
        • "PMD" (suppresses all rules);
        • "PMD.rulename", where rulename is the name of the given rule;
        • "all" (conventional value to suppress all warnings).

        Additionnally, the following values suppress a specific set of rules:

        • "unused": suppresses rules like UnusedLocalVariable or UnusedPrivateField;
        • "serial": suppresses BeanMembersShouldSerialize and MissingSerialVersionUID;
        rule - The rule for which to check for suppression
        True if this annotation suppresses the given rule