Class SingletonUpscalableTimeIterator<V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SingletonUpscalableTimeIterator

        public SingletonUpscalableTimeIterator​(net.vleo.timel.impl.upscaler.Upscaler<V> upscaler,
                                               Sample<V> value)
    • Method Detail

      • peekUpscaleNext

        public Sample<V> peekUpscaleNext​(Interval interval)
        Description copied from interface: UpscalableIterator
        Retrieve a sample which contains the upscaled value, relative to the given interval, for the next value. As this operation peeks the next value, the iterator is not moved forward.
        Specified by:
        peekUpscaleNext in interface UpscalableIterator<V>
        interval - The interval to upscaler the value with
        The upscaled next