Interface Variable<V>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - Value Java type
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Variable<V>
    Interface for variables. A variable should be a consistent sample store.
    Andrea Leofreddi
    • Method Detail

      • readForward

        TimeIterator<V> readForward​(Interval interval,
                                    ExecutorContext context)
        Read the given interval returning a forward time iterator from start to end. More specifically, return an iterator for all the samples whose interval overlaps or is contained by interval.
        interval - The interval to read
        context - Evaluation context
        A TimeIterator reading the map forward for the given interval.
      • readBackward

        TimeIterator<V> readBackward​(Interval interval,
                                     ExecutorContext context)
        Read the given interval returning a reverse time iterator from the end to start. More specifically, return an iterator for all the samples whose interval overlaps or is contained by interval in reverse order.
        interval - The interval to read
        context - Evaluation context
        A TimeIterator reading the map backward for the given interval.
      • write

        void write​(Sample<V> sample,
                   ExecutorContext context)
        Write a sample into the variable.
        sample - The sample to store
        context - Executor context