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AbstractDto - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto
Abstract base class for DTO (data transfer objects) where objects are purely used for data representation, without any relevant object functionality.
AbstractDto() - Constructor for class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Default constructor.
annotations() - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
This method returns any declared annotations for the property (e.g.
append(char) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Implementation of Appendable.append(char) to append a single character as a field value to this builder.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Implementation of Appendable.append(CharSequence), delegated to ToStringBuilder.append(Object) to add a field value without prefixing it with a field name.
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Implementation of Appendable.append(CharSequence, int, int) to append a partial value to this builder without prefixing it with a field name.
append(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
This method is the only main 'append' method for this builder.
append(Object) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
This method adds the value of a field to this builder, without prefixing it with a field name.
appendSuper(CharSequence) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
This method attempts to add the appended properties from a finished toString() result to this builder.
appendValue(Object) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Delegate method that appends a property 'value' to this builder.
apply(String) - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.TypeNameFilter
The type name to be filtered.


BeanProperty - Interface in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans
Interface that declares how a particular bean property can be accessed.
BeanReflection - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans
Support-class for bean reflection based on getter / setter methods and / or public field access for Java objects.
brackets(String, String) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Configuration method that defines a custom set of brackets around the appended properties.


call(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
This function calls the method for the given subject with the specified parameters.
call(String, Object, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
callStatic(Method, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
callStatic(String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
charAt(int) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Implementation of CharSequence.charAt(int) that returns a single character from the current state of this builder.
Classes - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection
Reflection support for finding classes and interacting with them.
clone() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Implementation of clone based on the public fields and property accessor methods of the concrete subclass.
Constructors - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection
A utility class for all kinds of reflection utility function that deal with class constructors.
createBean(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanReflection
This method creates a new bean instance of the requested type using the default constructor and attempts to set all the specified property values.
createNew(Class<T>) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
createNew(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
createNew(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
createNew(String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes


equals(Object) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Implementation of equals based on the public fields and property accessor methods of the concrete subclass.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Equals implementation that provides specific equality implementations for Map, List, Array and BigDecimal types.


fields - Variable in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
filter(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.TypeNameFilters
This method returns the Class.getSimpleName() for the given type.
findClass(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
This method attempts to get the requested class and return it, but in case of any exception, it will be logged and the method will simply return null.
findClasses(String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
findConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
findConstructor(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
findConstructor(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
findConstructor(String, String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
findMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
findMethod(Class<?>, String, String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
findMethod(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
findMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
This function will find a method in a particular class based on a visible signature that matches the specified parameter types.
findMethod(String, String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
flushCaches() - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanReflection
This method flushes the caches of internally reflected information.
forceBrackets(String, String) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Forces brackets being added to this builder, even if there are no appended properties.


getBeanProperties(Object) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanReflection
This method returns the reflected properties for the specified bean.
getClass(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
This method attempts to load the requested class from the classpath.
getClasses(String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
This method attempts to load multiple classes at once, delegating to Classes.getClass(String).
getConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
getConstructor(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
getConstructor(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
getConstructor(String, String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Constructors
getDeclaredMethods(Class) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
Returns Class.getDeclaredMethods() while trying to maintain the actual declaration order from the class file.
getMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
getMethod(Class<?>, String, String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
getMethod(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
getMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
This function will get a method in a particular class based on a visible signature that matches the specified parameter types.
getMethod(String, String...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
getName() - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
The name of the bean property.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanReflection
This method returns a property value for a specific object instance.
getPropertyValues(Object) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanReflection
This method returns all bean properties for the specified bean.
getType() - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
The Java Type of the value contained in the bean property.


hasContent() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
This method returns whether 'content' must be rendered (between the brackets).
hashCode() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Implementation of hashCode based on the public fields and property accessor methods of the concrete subclass.
hashCode(Object) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Hashcode implementation that returns the hashCode for various objects, so they match the equals definition.


IDENTITY - Static variable in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.TypeNameFilter
Constant for 'no filter' or the 'identity function'.
includeNulls() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Tells the builder that null properties must be added (which is false by default).
includeNulls(boolean) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Tells the builder whether null property values should be appended.
InstantiatingException - Exception in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
InstantiatingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.InstantiatingException
isReadable() - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
Indication whether the property can be read.
isWriteable() - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
Indication whether the property can be written.


length() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder


MethodInvocationException - Exception in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
MethodInvocationException(String) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.MethodInvocationException
MethodInvocationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.MethodInvocationException
Methods - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection
A utility class for all kinds of reflection utility function that deal with java Methods.
MissingClassException - Exception in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
MissingClassException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.MissingClassException
MissingConstructorException - Exception in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
MissingConstructorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.MissingConstructorException
MissingMethodException - Exception in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
MissingMethodException(String) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.MissingMethodException
MissingMethodException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.MissingMethodException


nl.talsmasoftware.reflection - module nl.talsmasoftware.reflection
nl.talsmasoftware.reflection - package nl.talsmasoftware.reflection
nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans - package nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans
The main class in this package is BeanReflection providing static utility methods that enable reflection of JavaBean properties.
nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto - package nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto
nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling - package nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings - package nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings
This package is intended for String related classes in combination with reflection.


prefix - Variable in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder


read(Object) - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
Reads the property from a bean instance.
reflect(Object) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
This method creates a ToStringBuilder where all public fields and property accessor methods from the source object have been reflected.
ReflectionException - Exception in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling
ReflectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.errorhandling.ReflectionException
reset() - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.TypeNameFilters
Resets the detected filters, triggering lookup of new filters at the next call to TypeNameFilters.filter(String).


separator(CharSequence) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Configuration method that allows the builder to use another separator between the appended properties (", " by default).
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanReflection
This method writes the specified property value in an object instance.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Implementation of CharSequence.subSequence(int, int) that returns a subsequence of the current state of this builder.


toString() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.dto.AbstractDto
Implementation of toString based on the public fields and property accessor methods of the concrete subclass.
toString() - Method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
ToStringBuilder - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings
A builder for 'toString' for objects that can append their named or unnamed properties to this builder.
ToStringBuilder(Object) - Constructor for class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Constructor to create a new ToStringBuilder for a particular object or type.
ToStringBuilder(ToStringBuilder, Object) - Constructor for class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings.ToStringBuilder
Constructor to create a new ToStringBuilder for a source object, while copying all customizable behaviour from another parent builder such as: brackets, separator, includeNulls and forceBrackets.
tryCall(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
tryCall(String, Object, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
tryCallStatic(Method, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
tryCallStatic(String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Methods
tryCreateNew(Class<T>) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
tryCreateNew(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
tryCreateNew(String) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
tryCreateNew(String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.Classes
Tries to create a new object instance for the specified class but returns null in case any exceptions occurred.
TypeNameFilter - Interface in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings
Filter for type name.
TypeNameFilters - Class in nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.strings
Utility class to provide pluggable ability to filter the name of a type.


write(Object, Object) - Method in interface nl.talsmasoftware.reflection.beans.BeanProperty
Writes the property into a bean instance.
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