

package polyparser

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ApplicabilitySignature(shift: Boolean, reduce: Boolean, left: Boolean, right: Boolean) extends ClassificationTask with Product with Serializable

    The ApplicabilitySignature is a ClassificationTask for which we are trying to predict the next transition, given that only a subset of possible transitions are applicable.

    The ApplicabilitySignature is a ClassificationTask for which we are trying to predict the next transition, given that only a subset of possible transitions are applicable.

    If we choose this as our ClassificationTask, we will train separate classifiers for parser states that have different ApplicabilitySignatures.


    true iff Shift is applicable


    true iff Reduce is applicable


    true iff LeftArc and InvertedLeftArc are both applicable (for any labeling)


    true iff RightArc and InvertedRightArc are both applicable (for any labeling)

  2. case class ArcEagerForbiddenArcInterpretation(forbiddenArc: ForbiddenEdge) extends ParsingConstraintInterpretation with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerForbiddenArcInterpretation handles ForbiddenArc constraints for the arc-eager system.

    The ArcEagerForbiddenArcInterpretation handles ForbiddenArc constraints for the arc-eager system. In other words, it translates these constraints into a function that returns true for any (state, transition) pair that violates the constraint.


    the forbidden arc constraint to consider

  3. class ArcEagerGuidedCostFunction extends StateCostFunction

    The ArcEagerGuidedCostFunction uses a gold parse tree to make deterministic decisions about which transition to apply in any given state.

    The ArcEagerGuidedCostFunction uses a gold parse tree to make deterministic decisions about which transition to apply in any given state. Since the decision is uniquely determined by the gold parse, the returned map will have only a single mapping that assigns zero cost to the correct transition (all other transitions therefore have an implicit cost of infinity).

  4. case class ArcEagerLeftArc(label: ArcLabel = NoArcLabel) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerLeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the stack top and then performs a Reduce (see above).

    The ArcEagerLeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the stack top and then performs a Reduce (see above).


    the label to attach to the created arc

  5. case class ArcEagerRequestedArcInterpretation(requestedArc: RequestedArc) extends ParsingConstraintInterpretation with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerRequestedArcInterpretation handles RequestedArc constraints for the arc-eager system.

    The ArcEagerRequestedArcInterpretation handles RequestedArc constraints for the arc-eager system. In other words, it translates these constraints into a function that returns true for any (state, transition) pair that violates the constraint.


    the requested arc constraint to consider

  6. case class ArcEagerRightArc(label: ArcLabel = NoArcLabel) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerRightArc operator creates an arc from the stack top to the next buffer item and then performs a Shift (see above).

    The ArcEagerRightArc operator creates an arc from the stack top to the next buffer item and then performs a Shift (see above).


    the label to attach to the created arc

  7. case class ArcEagerTransitionSystem(marbleBlock: MarbleBlock, constraints: Set[TransitionConstraint], taggers: Seq[SentenceTransform]) extends DependencyParsingTransitionSystem with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerTransitionSystem has four transition operators: Shift, Reduce, RightArc, and LeftArc.

    The ArcEagerTransitionSystem has four transition operators: Shift, Reduce, RightArc, and LeftArc.

    The Shift operator pops the next buffer item and pushes it onto the stack.

    The Reduce operator pops the next stack item.

    The RightArc operator creates an arc from the top element of the stack to the next buffer item, then performs a Shift operation.

    The LeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the top element of the stack, then performs a Reduce operation.

  8. case class ArcEagerTransitionSystemFactory(taggers: Seq[SentenceTransform]) extends TransitionSystemFactory with Product with Serializable

    Factory object for ArcEagerTransitionSystems.

    Factory object for ArcEagerTransitionSystems.


    a sequence of sentence transforms to use on input sentences (e.g. you might want to part-of-speech-tag the tokens.

  9. case class ArcHybridForbiddenArcInterpretation(forbiddenArc: ForbiddenEdge) extends ParsingConstraintInterpretation with Product with Serializable

    The ArcHybridForbiddenArcInterpretation handles ForbiddenArc constraints for the arc hybrid system.

    The ArcHybridForbiddenArcInterpretation handles ForbiddenArc constraints for the arc hybrid system. In other words, it translates these constraints into a function that returns true for any (state, transition) pair that violates the constraint.


    the forbidden arc constraint to consider

  10. case class ArcHybridForbiddenArcLabelInterpretation(forbiddenArcLabel: ForbiddenArcLabel) extends ParsingConstraintInterpretation with Product with Serializable

    The ArcHybridForbiddenArcLabelInterpretation handles ForbiddenArcLabel constraints for the arc hybrid system.

    The ArcHybridForbiddenArcLabelInterpretation handles ForbiddenArcLabel constraints for the arc hybrid system. In other words, it translates these constraints into a function that returns true for any (state, transition) pair that violates the constraint.


    the forbidden arc label request to consider

  11. class ArcHybridGuidedCostFunction extends StateCostFunction

    The ArcHybridGuidedCostFunction uses a gold parse tree to make deterministic decisions about which transition to apply in any given state.

    The ArcHybridGuidedCostFunction uses a gold parse tree to make deterministic decisions about which transition to apply in any given state. Since the decision is uniquely determined by the gold parse, the returned map will have only a single mapping that assigns zero cost to the correct transition (all other transitions therefore have an implicit cost of infinity).

  12. case class ArcHybridLeftArc(label: ArcLabel = NoArcLabel) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcHybridLeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the stack top and then performs a Reduce.

    The ArcHybridLeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the stack top and then performs a Reduce.


    the label to attach to the created arc

  13. case class ArcHybridRequestedArcInterpretation(requestedArc: RequestedArc) extends ParsingConstraintInterpretation with Product with Serializable

    The ArcHybridRequestedArcInterpretation handles RequestedArc constraints for the arc hybrid system.

    The ArcHybridRequestedArcInterpretation handles RequestedArc constraints for the arc hybrid system. In other words, it translates these constraints into a function that returns true for any (state, transition) pair that violates the constraint.


    the requested arc cosntraint to consider

  14. case class ArcHybridRightArc(label: ArcLabel = NoArcLabel) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcHybridRightArc operator creates an arc from the stack's second element to the stack top and then performs a Reduce.

    The ArcHybridRightArc operator creates an arc from the stack's second element to the stack top and then performs a Reduce.


    the label to attach to the created arc

  15. case class ArcHybridTransitionSystem(marbleBlock: MarbleBlock, constraints: Set[TransitionConstraint], taggers: Seq[SentenceTransform]) extends DependencyParsingTransitionSystem with Product with Serializable

    An ArcHybridTransitionSystem has three transition operators: Shift, RightArc, and LeftArc.

    An ArcHybridTransitionSystem has three transition operators: Shift, RightArc, and LeftArc.

    The Shift operator behaves the same as in the ArcEagerTransitionSystem: it pops the next buffer item and pushes it onto the stack.

    The RightArc operator creates an arc from the second element of the stack to the top element of the stack, then pops the top of the stack.

    The LeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the top element of the stack, then pops the top of the stack.

    An important property of the ArcHybridTransitionSystem is that the only element that can get a breadcrumb via an operator is the top of the stack. Thus the stack top is the "focal point" of this transition system.

  16. case class ArcHybridTransitionSystemFactory(taggers: Seq[SentenceTransform]) extends TransitionSystemFactory with Product with Serializable

    Factory object for ArcHybridTransitionSystems.

    Factory object for ArcHybridTransitionSystems.


    a sequence of sentence transforms to use on input sentences (e.g. you might want to part-of-speech-tag the tokens.

  17. class ArcInverter extends (PolytreeParse) ⇒ PolytreeParse

    The ArcInverter takes a PolytreeParse and inverts arcs whose labels are in the argument set inverseArcLabels.

    The ArcInverter takes a PolytreeParse and inverts arcs whose labels are in the argument set inverseArcLabels. Note that this operation should only affect the children field of a PolytreeParse, since the other fields only care about the underlying undirected tree.

    The purpose of this class is to convert standard dependency parses into polytree dependency parses. For instance, we may wish to invert all arcs x ---> y for which the arc label is 'det (effectively this would invert the relationship between a determiner and its noun to say that the determiner "requires" the noun, rather than vice-versa).

  18. trait ArcLabel extends AnyRef

    Generic interface for the label assigned to a parse arc.

  19. case class BreadcrumbRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A BreadcrumbRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the breadcrumb of the indexth element of the stack, if it exists.

    A BreadcrumbRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the breadcrumb of the indexth element of the stack, if it exists.


    the desired stack element, counting from 0 (i.e. 0 is the stack top)

  20. case class BufferChildRef(bufferIndex: Int, childIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  21. case class BufferChildrenRef(bufferIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  22. case class BufferGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  23. case class BufferLeftGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  24. case class BufferParentRef(bufferIndex: Int, parentIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  25. case class BufferParentsRef(bufferIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  26. case class BufferRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A BufferRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the indexth element of the buffer, if it exists.

    A BufferRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the indexth element of the buffer, if it exists.


    the desired buffer element, counting from 0 (i.e. 0 is the front of the buffer)

  27. case class BufferRightGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  28. case class ConllX(useGoldPOSTags: Boolean, makePoly: Boolean = false) extends PolytreeParseFileFormat with Product with Serializable

  29. case class DependencyParsingArcLabel(stanLabel: Symbol, cpos: Symbol) extends ArcLabel with Product with Serializable

    A compound label for a dependency tree, used by transition systems that inherit from DependencyParsingTransitionSystem.

    A compound label for a dependency tree, used by transition systems that inherit from DependencyParsingTransitionSystem.

    When an arc is labeled with a DependencyParsingArcLabel(stanLabel, cpos), it signifies that the coarse POS of the gretel is cpos, while the Stanford dependency label of the arc is stanLabel.


    the Stanford dependency label (e.g. 'nsubj, 'dobj) of the arc


    the coarse POS tag of the arc's gretel

  30. abstract class DependencyParsingTransitionSystem extends TransitionSystem

  31. case class FileBasedParsePoolSource(filename: String) extends ParsePoolSource with Product with Serializable

  32. case class FileBasedPolytreeParseSource(filename: String, format: PolytreeParseFileFormat) extends PolytreeParseSource with Product with Serializable

    Creates a data source from a file of parse trees.

    Creates a data source from a file of parse trees.


    the file containing the parse trees


    the file format

  33. case class ForbiddenArcLabel(token1: Int, token2: Int, arcLabel: ArcLabel) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A ForbiddenArcLabel constraint designates a transition as illegal if it would directly create an arc (in either direction) with the specified label between the tokens at the given indices.

    A ForbiddenArcLabel constraint designates a transition as illegal if it would directly create an arc (in either direction) with the specified label between the tokens at the given indices. It also implicitly creates a RequestedArc constraint for the specified arc (basically it says that we DO want an arc between the specified indices, just not with this label).

    Note that argument order (of the token indices) does not matter for the constructor.


    index of the first token


    index of the second token


    label that is forbidden between the two tokens

  34. case class ForbiddenEdge(token1: Int, token2: Int) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A ForbiddenEdge constraint designates a transition as illegal if it would directly create an arc (in either direction) between the tokens at the given indices.

    A ForbiddenEdge constraint designates a transition as illegal if it would directly create an arc (in either direction) between the tokens at the given indices.

    Note that argument order does not matter for the constructor.


    index of the first token


    index of the second token

  35. case class GoldParseSource(goldParses: PolytreeParseSource, transitionSystemFactory: TransitionSystemFactory) extends StateSource with Product with Serializable

    A GoldParseSource reduces parse trees to states of a finite-state machine.

    A GoldParseSource reduces parse trees to states of a finite-state machine.


    the source for the parse trees


    the transition system factory to use (for generating states)

  36. case class GoldParseTrainingVectorSource(goldParses: PolytreeParseSource, transitionSystemFactory: TransitionSystemFactory, baseCostFunctionFactory: Option[StateCostFunctionFactory] = None) extends FSMTrainingVectorSource with Product with Serializable

    A GoldParseTrainingVectorSource reduces a gold parse tree to a set of feature vectors for classifier training.

    A GoldParseTrainingVectorSource reduces a gold parse tree to a set of feature vectors for classifier training.

    Essentially, we derive the 2*n parser states that lead to the gold parse. Each of these states becomes a feature vector (using the apply method of the provided TransitionParserFeature), labeled with the transition executed from that state in the gold parse.

    One of the constructor arguments is a TaskIdentifer. This will dispatch the feature vectors to train different classifiers. For instance, if taskIdentifier(state) != taskIdentifier(state2), then their respective feature vectors (i.e. feature(state) and feature(state2)) will be used to train different classifiers.


    the data source for the parse trees


    the transition system factory to use (for generating states)


    a trained cost function factory to adapt (optional)

  37. case class InMemoryParsePoolSource(inputIterator: Iterator[ParsePool]) extends ParsePoolSource with Product with Serializable

  38. case class InMemoryPolytreeParseSource(parses: Iterable[PolytreeParse]) extends PolytreeParseSource with Product with Serializable

  39. case class KeywordFeature(keywords: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The KeywordFeature maps a token to its word representation, if its word appears in the argument set keywords.

    The KeywordFeature maps a token to its word representation, if its word appears in the argument set keywords. Otherwise its apply function will return an empty set.

    See the definition of TokenFeature (above) for more details about the interface.

  40. case class KeywordTransform(keywords: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The KeywordTransform maps a token to its word representation, if its word appears in the argument set keywords.

    The KeywordTransform maps a token to its word representation, if its word appears in the argument set keywords. Otherwise its apply function will return an empty set (if the StateRef points to a valid token) or TokenTransform.noTokenHere (if the StateRef points to an invalid token)

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.

  41. case class LabelLeftArc(label: ArcLabel) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The LabelLeftArc operator labels the most recently created left-facing arc.

  42. case class LabelRightArc(label: ArcLabel) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The LabelRightArc operator labels the most recently created right-facing arc.

  43. case class MultiPolytreeParseSource(parseSources: Iterable[PolytreeParseSource]) extends PolytreeParseSource with Product with Serializable

  44. class NbestParser extends AnyRef

    Gets the n-best greedy parses for a given sentence.

  45. case class Neighborhood(tokens: Seq[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

    A Neighborhood is a sequence of token indices, generally referring to a parse tree.

    A Neighborhood is a sequence of token indices, generally referring to a parse tree.

    For instance, one might want to consider neighborhoods like: - a node and its children - a node and its parents - a node and its breadcrumb


    a sequence of token indices, usually associated in some way (see NeighborhoodExtractor instances for examples of such associations)

  46. trait NeighborhoodSource extends AnyRef

    A data source for neighborhoods.

  47. case class NumChildrenToTheLeft(max: Int) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The NumChildrenToTheLeft transform maps a token to how many of its children appear to its left in the state's tokens sequence.

    The NumChildrenToTheLeft transform maps a token to how many of its children appear to its left in the state's tokens sequence.

    It takes an argument max which allows you to specify an upper bound. For instance, if max = 3 and a token has 5 children, then applying this transform to that token will return Set(Symbol("3")), not Set(Symbol("5")).

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.


    an upper bound on the number of children (anything higher will round down to max)

  48. case class NumChildrenToTheRight(max: Int) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The NumChildrenToTheRight transform maps a token to how many of its children appear to its right in the state's tokens sequence.

    The NumChildrenToTheRight transform maps a token to how many of its children appear to its right in the state's tokens sequence. This will only be relevant for nodes on the stack (it is impossible for a buffer node to be associated with nodes to its right)

    It takes an argument max which allows you to specify an upper bound. For instance, if max = 3 and a token has 5 children to its right, then applying this transform to that token will return Set(Symbol("3")), not Set(Symbol("5")).

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.


    an upper bound on the number of children (anything higher will round down to max)

  49. case class OfflineTokenFeature(annotatedSentence: AnnotatedSentence, stateRef: StateRef) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

  50. case class ParseCache(cachedParses: Seq[(String, PolytreeParse)], fallbackParser: TransitionParser) extends TransitionParser with Product with Serializable

  51. case class ParsePool(parses: Iterable[(PolytreeParse, Double)]) extends Product with Serializable

    A ParsePool is a collection of parse candidates for the same input sentence.

    A ParsePool is a collection of parse candidates for the same input sentence.


    a sequence of parse trees

  52. trait ParsePoolSource extends AnyRef

    A data source for ParsePool objects.

  53. case class ParserConfiguration(parsingCostFunctionFactory: StateCostFunctionFactory, rerankingFunction: RerankingFunction, parsingNbestSize: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains the key components of a parser (for serialization purposes).

    Contains the key components of a parser (for serialization purposes).


    the cost function factory for the transition parser


    the cost function for parse reranking


    the nbest size to generate for reranking

  54. abstract class ParsingConstraintInterpretation extends ConstraintInterpretation

    A ParsingConstraintInterpretation is a ConstraintInterpretation that fires only on TransitionParserState objects.

  55. case class PolytreeParse(sentence: Sentence, breadcrumb: Vector[Int], children: Vector[Set[Int]], arclabels: Vector[Set[(Int, ArcLabel)]]) extends MarbleBlock with Sculpture with Product with Serializable

    A PolytreeParse is a polytree-structured dependency parse.

    A PolytreeParse is a polytree-structured dependency parse. A polytree is a directed graph whose undirected structure is a tree. The nodes of this graph will correspond to an indexed sequence of tokens (think the words from a sentence), whose zeroth element is a reserved 'nexus' token which does not correspond to a word in the original sentence. The nexus must be one of the roots of the directed graph (i.e. it cannot be the child of any node).

    Since the undirected structure is a tree, every node (other than the nexus) has a unique neighbor which is one step closer to the nexus than itself (this may be the nexus itself). This neighbor is referred to as the node's 'breadcrumb'.

    It has four major fields: - tokens is a vector of Token objects (in the order that they appear in the associated sentence). The zeroth element is assumed to be the nexus. - breadcrumb tells you the unique neighbor that is closer to the nexus in the undirected tree (this can be the nexus itself); for instance, if breadcrumb(5) = 3, then token 3 is one step closer to the nexus from token 5. The breadcrumb of the nexus should be -1. - children tells you the set of children of a node in the polytree; for instance, if children(5) = Set(3,6,7), then token 5 has three children: tokens 3, 6, and 7 - arclabels tells you the labeled neighbors of a node in the undirected tree; for instance, if arclabels(5) = Set((4, 'det), (7, 'amod)), then token 5 has two neighbors, reached with arcs labeled 'det and 'amod (the labels are scala Symbol objects)


    the parsed sentence (the zeroth token of which should be the nexus)


    the breadcrumb of each token (see above definition)


    the set of children of each token in the polytree


    the set of labeled neighbors of each token in the undirected tree

  56. sealed abstract class PolytreeParseFileFormat extends AnyRef

  57. trait PolytreeParseSource extends SentenceSource

    A data source for PolytreeParse objects.

  58. case class PrefixFeature(keyprefixes: Seq[Symbol]) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The PrefixFeature maps a token to the set of its prefixes that are contained in a set of "key" prefixes.

    The PrefixFeature maps a token to the set of its prefixes that are contained in a set of "key" prefixes.

    See the definition of TokenFeature (above) for more details about the interface.


    the set of prefixes to treat as "key" prefixes

  59. case class PrefixTransform(keyprefixes: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The PrefixTransform maps a token to the set of its prefixes that are contained in a set of "key" prefixes.

    The PrefixTransform maps a token to the set of its prefixes that are contained in a set of "key" prefixes.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.


    the set of prefixes to treat as "key" prefixes

  60. case class RequestedArc(token1: Int, token2: Int, arcLabel: Option[ArcLabel] = None) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A RequestedArc constraint requests that the output parse MUST contain the requested arc.

    A RequestedArc constraint requests that the output parse MUST contain the requested arc.

    The arc is specified using the index of the token at the arc's head followed by the index of the token at the arc's tail.

    Note: currently this constraint does not pay attention to the arc direction, nor the arc label. It only enforces that that there is some edge between the two specified tokens.


    index of the first token


    index of the second token


    desired label for the arc

  61. case class RequestedCpos(tokenIndex: Int, cpos: Symbol) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A RequestedCpos constraint specifies the coarse part-of-speech tag of a particular token.

    A RequestedCpos constraint specifies the coarse part-of-speech tag of a particular token. This means that in the returned parse, the 'cpos property for that token will correspond to the requested coarse tag.


    index of the desired token


    desired coarse tag for the token

  62. case class RerankingTransitionParser(config: ParserConfiguration) extends TransitionParser with Product with Serializable

    Uses the parser model to create an n-best list, then chooses the best parse from this n-best list (according to the reranking function).

    Uses the parser model to create an n-best list, then chooses the best parse from this n-best list (according to the reranking function).


    configuration object for the parser

  63. case class SingleSymbolArcLabel(sym: Symbol) extends ArcLabel with Product with Serializable

    A simple symbolic label for an arc in a parse tree.

    A simple symbolic label for an arc in a parse tree.

    Used when an arc label can be expressed by an atomic string with no nested structure.


    the symbol representation of the arc label

  64. case class StackChildRef(stackIndex: Int, childIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  65. case class StackChildrenRef(stackIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  66. case class StackGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  67. case class StackLeftGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  68. case class StackParentRef(stackIndex: Int, parentIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  69. case class StackParentsRef(stackIndex: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  70. case class StackRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A StackRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the indexth element of the stack, if it exists.

    A StackRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the indexth element of the stack, if it exists.


    the desired stack element, counting from 0 (i.e. 0 is the stack top)

  71. case class StackRightGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  72. sealed abstract class StateRef extends (TransitionParserState) ⇒ Seq[Int]

    A StateRef allows you to figure out the token that corresponds to a particular aspect of a TransitionParserState.

    A StateRef allows you to figure out the token that corresponds to a particular aspect of a TransitionParserState.

    For instance, we may want to know what token is at the top of the stack for a given state. Applying StackRef(0) to the state will return the index of the token. More accurately, a set is returned, which will be empty if the StateRef refers to a non-existent element of the state. For instance, applying StackRef(3) to a state whose stack has 3 or fewer elements will return the empty set.

    This set of classes is used primarily to facilitate feature creation (e.g. see StateRefFeature).

  73. case class StateRefProperty(stateRef: StateRef, property: Symbol, propertyValue: String) extends ClassificationTask with Product with Serializable

    The StateRefProperty is a ClassificationTask for which we are trying to predict the next transition, given that we know some property of a particular token of the parser state.

  74. case class StateRefPropertyIdentifier(stateRef: StateRef, property: Symbol) extends TaskIdentifier with Product with Serializable

    The StateRefPropertyIdentifier identifies the ClassificationTask of a parser state according to the coarse part-of-speech tag of a particular word of the state (as identified by a StateRef).

  75. case class SuffixFeature(keysuffixes: Seq[Symbol]) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The SuffixFeature maps a token to the set of its suffixes that are contained in a set of "key" suffixes.

    The SuffixFeature maps a token to the set of its suffixes that are contained in a set of "key" suffixes.

    See the definition of TokenFeature (above) for more details about the interface.


    the set of suffixes to treat as "key" suffixes

  76. case class SuffixTransform(keysuffixes: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The SuffixTransform maps a token to the set of its suffixes that are contained in a set of "key" suffixes.

    The SuffixTransform maps a token to the set of its suffixes that are contained in a set of "key" suffixes.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.


    the set of suffixes to treat as "key" suffixes

  77. case class TokenCardinalityFeature(stateRefs: Seq[StateRef]) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

  78. case class TokenChild(childIndex: Int) extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  79. sealed abstract class TokenFeature extends (Sentence, Int) ⇒ Seq[(FeatureName, Double)]

  80. class TokenFeatureTagger extends AnyRef

  81. case class TokenGretel(gretelIndex: Int) extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  82. case class TokenLinkFeature(stateRef1: StateRef, stateRef2: StateRef) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

    The TokenLinkFeature makes a feature for every arc label between any pair of tokens from two token sets.

    The TokenLinkFeature makes a feature for every arc label between any pair of tokens from two token sets.


    the first token set


    the second token set

  83. sealed abstract class TokenNeighbors extends (TransitionParserState, Int) ⇒ Set[Int]

  84. case class TokenParent(parentIndex: Int) extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  85. case class TokenPropertyFeature(property: Symbol) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The TokenPropertyFeature maps a token to one of its properties.

    The TokenPropertyFeature maps a token to one of its properties.

    See the definition of TokenFeature (above) for more details about the interface.

  86. case class TokenPropertyTransform(property: Symbol) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The TokenPropertyTransform maps a token to one of its properties.

    The TokenPropertyTransform maps a token to one of its properties.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.

  87. sealed abstract class TokenTransform extends (TransitionParserState, Int) ⇒ Set[Symbol]

    A TokenTransform is a function that maps a token to a set of symbols.

    A TokenTransform is a function that maps a token to a set of symbols.

    The token is described using a TransitionParserState and a StateRef (see the definition of StateRef for details). For instance, using StackRef(0) will cause the TokenTransform to operate on the token at the top of the stack in the current parser state.

    The purpose of a TokenTransform is primarily to facilitate feature creation (e.g. see StackRefFeature) by allowing us, say for instance, to map the token at top of the state's stack to its word representation. This would be achieved with:

    WordTransform(state, StackRef(0))

  88. case class TokenTransformFeature(stateRef: StateRef, tokenTransforms: Set[TokenTransform]) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

    A TokenTransformFeature creates a TransitionParserFeature from a TokenTransform and a StateRef.

    A TokenTransformFeature creates a TransitionParserFeature from a TokenTransform and a StateRef.

    Essentially it simply applies the TokenTransform to the token referenced by the StateRef (see definitions of TokenTransform and StateRef for details).

    For instance, suppose we want a binary feature that gives us the word at the top of the stack. We can achieve this with TokenTransformFeature(StackRef(0), WordTransform).


    the StateRef that refers to our desired token


    the transformation we want to perform on our desired token

  89. abstract class TransitionParser extends AnyRef

    A TransitionParser implements a parsing algorithm for a transition-based parser.

  90. case class TransitionParserState(stack: Vector[Int], bufferPosition: Int, breadcrumb: Map[Int, Int], children: Map[Int, Set[Int]], arcLabels: Map[Set[Int], ArcLabel], sentence: Sentence, previousLink: Option[(Int, Int)] = None, parserMode: Int = 0) extends State with Product with Serializable

    A TransitionParserState captures the current state of a transition-based parser (i.e.

    A TransitionParserState captures the current state of a transition-based parser (i.e. it corresponds to a partially constructed PolytreeParse). It includes the following fields: - the stack holds the indices of the tokens (note: the index of a token is its index in the tokens vector) on the stack. It is a vector of integers. The head of the vector represents the top of the stack. - the bufferPosition is an integer representing the index of the token that is currently at the front of the buffer. - breadcrumb maps the index of a token to its breadcrumb (see org.allenai.nlpstack.parse.poly.polyparser.PolytreeParse for the definition of breadcrumb). If a token index does not appear as a key in breadcrumb, then its breadcrumb has not yet been determined. - children maps the index of a token to the indices of its children (in the partially constructed polytree). - arcLabels maps a pair of token indices to the label of the arc between them. This presupposes that the two tokens are neighbors in the partially constructed polytree. Note that the pair of token indices is represented as a Set, so order is irrelevant. - tokens is the sequence of tokens in the sentence we are trying to parse. This will be invariant for all states of a given parsing process.


    the indices of the token indices on the 'stack' (stack.head is the stack top)


    the index of the token at the front of the 'buffer'


    the breadcrumbs of the partially constructed PolytreeParse


    the children of the partially constructed PolytreeParse


    the arc labels of the partially constructed PolytreeParse


    the sentence we want to parse

  91. abstract class TransitionParserStateTransition extends StateTransition

  92. case class TransitiveRef(stateRef: StateRef, neighbors: Seq[TokenNeighbors]) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AdaptiveTraining

  2. object ArcEagerReduce extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerReduce operator pops the top stack item.

  3. object ArcEagerShift extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerShift operator pops the next buffer item and pushes it onto the stack.

  4. object ArcEagerTaskIdentifier extends TaskIdentifier

    The ArcEagerTaskIdentifier identifies the ClassificationTask associated with a particular state of the arc-eager transition system.

  5. object ArcEagerTransitionSystem extends Product with Serializable

  6. object ArcHybridLeftArc extends Serializable

  7. object ArcHybridRightArc extends Serializable

  8. object ArcHybridShift extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcHybridShift operator pops the next buffer item and pushes it onto the stack.

  9. object ArcHybridTaskIdentifier extends TaskIdentifier

    The ArcHybridTaskIdentifier identifies the ClassificationTask associated with a particular state of the arc-hybrid transition system.

  10. object ArcLabel

  11. object BreadcrumbArc extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The BreadcrumbArc transform maps a token to the label of the arc from its breadcrumb to itself.

    The BreadcrumbArc transform maps a token to the label of the arc from its breadcrumb to itself.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.

  12. object BreadcrumbAssigned extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The BreadcrumbAssigned transform maps a token to whether its breadcrumb has been assigned.

    The BreadcrumbAssigned transform maps a token to whether its breadcrumb has been assigned.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.

  13. object DependencyParserModes

    A struct contains the "modes" of a typical transition parser.

    A struct contains the "modes" of a typical transition parser.

    Specifically, the mode tells you what the next expected action is.

  14. object DependencyParsingTransitionSystem

  15. object FileBasedParsePoolSource extends Serializable

  16. object FileBasedPolytreeParseSource extends Serializable

  17. object FirstRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A FirstRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the first element of the sentence.

  18. object GuessedArcLabel extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

  19. object GuessedCpos extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

  20. object InMemoryPolytreeParseSource extends Serializable

  21. object IsBracketedTransform extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The IsBracketedTransform maps a token to a symbol which is 'yes if its word appears between a pair of parentheses, 'no if it is outside of all parentheses pairs, '( if it is a left paren and ') if it is a right paren.

    The IsBracketedTransform maps a token to a symbol which is 'yes if its word appears between a pair of parentheses, 'no if it is outside of all parentheses pairs, '( if it is a left paren and ') if it is a right paren. It will return a TokenTransform.noTokenHere if the StateRef points to an invalid token.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.

  22. object LastRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A LastRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the final element of the sentence.

  23. object MultiWordTagger extends Product with Serializable

    A function that adds new token properties to a sentence if that token appears within a multi-word expression in the dictionary.

    A function that adds new token properties to a sentence if that token appears within a multi-word expression in the dictionary. The new properties are

    MultiWordTagger.mweSymbol -> MultiWordTagger.mweValue


    MultiWordTagger.symbolFor(mwe) -> MultiWordTagger.mweValue

    The first property encodes the the fact that the token appears within any MWE. The second property encodes the fact that the token appears within a particular MWE. Tokens that do not occur within a particular MWE will not be given any additional properties.

  24. object MultiWordTransform extends TokenPropertyTransform

  25. object NbestParser

  26. object Neighborhood extends Serializable

  27. object NoArcLabel extends ArcLabel with Product with Serializable

    Indicates that a given arc has no assigned label.

  28. object ParseCache extends Serializable

  29. object ParseFile

  30. object ParsePool extends Serializable

  31. object Parser

  32. object ParserConfiguration extends Serializable

  33. object PolytreeParse extends Serializable

  34. object PolytreeParseSource

  35. object PreviousLinkCrumbGretelRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  36. object PreviousLinkCrumbRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  37. object PreviousLinkDirection extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

  38. object PreviousLinkGrandgretelRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  39. object PreviousLinkGretelRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  40. object StateRef

  41. object TokenChildren extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  42. object TokenCrumb extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  43. object TokenFeature

  44. object TokenGretels extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  45. object TokenParents extends TokenNeighbors with Product with Serializable

  46. object TokenPositionFeature extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

  47. object TokenTransform

  48. object Training

  49. object TransitionParser

  50. object WordFeature extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The WordFeature maps a token to its word representation.

    The WordFeature maps a token to its word representation.

    See the definition of TokenFeature (above) for more details about the interface.

  51. object WordTransform extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The WordTransform maps a token to its word representation.

    The WordTransform maps a token to its word representation.

    See the definition of TokenTransform (above) for more details about the interface.
