Class PredicateEvalInfo

    • Field Detail

      • semctx

        public final SemanticContext semctx
        The semantic context which was evaluated.
      • predictedAlt

        public final int predictedAlt
        The alternative number for the decision which is guarded by the semantic context semctx. Note that other ATN configurations may predict the same alternative which are guarded by other semantic contexts and/or SemanticContext.NONE.
      • evalResult

        public final boolean evalResult
        The result of evaluating the semantic context semctx.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PredicateEvalInfo

        public PredicateEvalInfo​(int decision,
                                 TokenStream input,
                                 int startIndex,
                                 int stopIndex,
                                 SemanticContext semctx,
                                 boolean evalResult,
                                 int predictedAlt,
                                 boolean fullCtx)
        Constructs a new instance of the PredicateEvalInfo class with the specified detailed predicate evaluation information.
        decision - The decision number
        input - The input token stream
        startIndex - The start index for the current prediction
        stopIndex - The index at which the predicate evaluation was triggered. Note that the input stream may be reset to other positions for the actual evaluation of individual predicates.
        semctx - The semantic context which was evaluated
        evalResult - The results of evaluating the semantic context
        predictedAlt - The alternative number for the decision which is guarded by the semantic context semctx. See predictedAlt for more information.
        fullCtx - true if the semantic context was evaluated during LL prediction; otherwise, false if the semantic context was evaluated during SLL prediction
        See Also:
        ParserATNSimulator.evalSemanticContext(SemanticContext, ParserRuleContext, int, boolean), SemanticContext.eval(Recognizer, RuleContext)