Package org.apache.accumulo.core.client

Interface Summary
BatchScanner Implementations of BatchScanner support efficient lookups of many ranges in accumulo.
BatchWriter Send Mutations to a single Table in Accumulo.
Instance This class represents the information a client needs to know to connect to an instance of accumulo.
MultiTableBatchWriter This class enables efficient batch writing to multiple tables.
Scanner Walk a table over a given range.
ScannerBase This class host methods that are shared between all different types of scanners.

Class Summary
Connector Connector facilitates connecting to an Accumulo instance.
IsolatedScanner A scanner that presents a row isolated view of an accumulo table.
ZooKeeperInstance An implementation of instance that looks in zookeeper to find information needed to connect to an instance of accumulo.

Exception Summary
AccumuloException A generic Accumulo Exception for general accumulo failures.
AccumuloSecurityException An Accumulo Exception for security violations, authentication failures, authorization failures, etc.
MutationsRejectedException Communicate the failed mutations of a BatchWriter back to the client.
TableExistsException Thrown when the table specified already exists, and it was expected that it didn't
TableNotFoundException Thrown when the table specified doesn't exist when it was expected to

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