AddressUtil |
ArgumentChecker |
This class provides methods to check arguments of a variable number for null values, or anything else that might be required on a routine basis.
ArgumentChecker.Validator<T> |
AsyncSocketAppender |
An asynchronous appender that maintains its own internal socket appender.
Base64 |
A wrapper around commons-codec's Base64 to make sure we get the non-chunked behavior that became the default in commons-codec version 1.5+ while relying on
the commons-codec version 1.4 that Hadoop Client provides.
BinaryTree<T> |
A class for storing data as a binary tree.
BulkImportHelper |
BulkImportHelper.AssignmentStats |
ByteArrayBackedCharSequence |
ByteArrayComparator |
ByteArraySet |
ByteBufferUtil |
CachedConfiguration |
CleanUp |
ColumnFQ |
ComparablePair<A extends Comparable<A>,B extends Comparable<B>> |
CreateToken |
Daemon |
Duration |
Encoding |
FastFormat |
HadoopCompatUtil |
Utility to help manage binary compatibility between Hadoop versions 1 and 2.
LocalityGroupUtil |
LocalityGroupUtil.Partitioner |
LoggingRunnable |
MapCounter<KT> |
Merge |
Merge.Size |
MonitorUtil |
MutableByteSequence |
NamingThreadFactory |
NumUtil |
OpTimer |
Pair<A,B> |
PeekingIterator<E> |
ServerServices |
SimpleThreadPool |
Create a simple thread pool using common parameters.
SslConnectionParams |
Stat |
StopWatch<K extends Enum<K>> |
StringUtil |
TBufferedSocket |
TextUtil |
ThriftUtil |
ThriftUtil.TraceProtocol |
ThriftUtil.TraceProtocolFactory |
TTimeoutTransport |
UnsynchronizedBuffer |
UnsynchronizedBuffer.Reader |
UnsynchronizedBuffer.Writer |
UtilWaitThread |
Version |