Class FileOperations

    • Constructor Detail

      • FileOperations

        public FileOperations()
    • Method Detail

      • getValidExtensions

        public static Set<String> getValidExtensions()
      • getBulkWorkingFiles

        public static Set<String> getBulkWorkingFiles()
      • newWriterBuilder

        public FileOperations.WriterBuilder newWriterBuilder()
        Construct an operation object allowing one to create a writer for a file.
         FileSKVWriter writer = fileOperations.newWriterBuilder()
             .withRateLimiter(...) // optional
             .withCompression(...) // optional
      • newIndexReaderBuilder

        public FileOperations.IndexReaderBuilder newIndexReaderBuilder()
        Construct an operation object allowing one to create an index iterator for a file.
         FileSKVIterator iterator = fileOperations.newIndexReaderBuilder()
             .withRateLimiter(...) // optional
             .withBlockCache(...) // optional
      • newScanReaderBuilder

        public FileOperations.ScanReaderBuilder newScanReaderBuilder()
        Construct an operation object allowing one to create a "scan" reader for a file. Scan readers do not have any optimizations for seeking beyond their initial position. This is useful for file operations that only need to scan data within a range and do not need to seek. Therefore file metadata such as indexes does not need to be kept in memory while the file is scanned. Also seek optimizations like bloom filters do not need to be loaded.
         FileSKVIterator scanner = fileOperations.newScanReaderBuilder()
             .withRateLimiter(...) // optional
             .withBlockCache(...) // optional
      • newReaderBuilder

        public FileOperations.ReaderBuilder newReaderBuilder()
        Construct an operation object allowing one to create a reader for a file. A reader constructed in this manner fully supports seeking, and also enables any optimizations related to seeking (e.g. Bloom filters).
         FileSKVIterator scanner = fileOperations.newReaderBuilder()
             .withRateLimiter(...) // optional
             .withBlockCache(...) // optional
             .seekToBeginning(...) // optional