Class KerberosToken

    • Field Detail

      • CLASS_NAME

        public static final String CLASS_NAME
    • Constructor Detail

      • KerberosToken

        public KerberosToken​(String principal)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a token using the provided principal and the currently logged-in user via UserGroupInformation. This method expects the current user (as defined by UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser() to be authenticated via Kerberos or as a Proxy (on top of another user). An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown for all other cases.
        principal - The user that is logged in
        IllegalArgumentException - If the current user is not authentication via Kerberos or Proxy methods.
        See Also:
        UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), UserGroupInformation.getAuthenticationMethod()
      • KerberosToken

        public KerberosToken​(String principal,
                             File keytab)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a Kerberos token for the specified principal using the provided keytab. The principal and keytab combination are verified by attempting a log in.

        This constructor does not have any side effects.

        principal - The Kerberos principal
        keytab - A keytab file containing the principal's credentials.
      • KerberosToken

        public KerberosToken()
                      throws IOException
        Creates a token using the login user as returned by UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser()
        IOException - If the current logged in user cannot be computed.