Class Range

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Range
    extends Object
    This class is used to specify a range of Accumulo keys.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      Creates a range that goes from negative to positive infinity
        Range​(CharSequence row)
      Creates a range that covers an entire row.
        Range​(CharSequence startRow, boolean startRowInclusive, CharSequence endRow, boolean endRowInclusive)
      Creates a range from startRow to endRow.
        Range​(CharSequence startRow, CharSequence endRow)
      Creates a range from startRow inclusive to endRow inclusive.
      protected Range​(Key start, boolean startKeyInclusive, boolean infiniteStartKey, Key stop, boolean stopKeyInclusive, boolean infiniteStopKey)
      Creates a range from start to stop.
        Range​(Key startKey, boolean startKeyInclusive, Key endKey, boolean endKeyInclusive)
      Creates a range from startKey to endKey.
        Range​(Key startKey, Key endKey)
      Creates a range from startKey inclusive to endKey inclusive.
        Range​(Key start, Key stop, boolean startKeyInclusive, boolean stopKeyInclusive, boolean infiniteStartKey, boolean infiniteStopKey)
      Creates a range from start to stop.
        Range​(Range range)
      Copies a range.
        Range​(TRange trange)
      Creates a range from a Thrift range.
        Range​( row)
      Creates a range that covers an entire row.
        Range​( startRow, boolean startRowInclusive, endRow, boolean endRowInclusive)
      Creates a range from startRow to endRow.
        Range​( startRow, endRow)
      Creates a range from startRow inclusive to endRow inclusive.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean afterEndKey​(Key key)
      Determines if the given key is after the ending key of this range.
      boolean beforeStartKey​(Key key)
      Determines if the given key is before the start key of this range.
      Range bound​(Column min, Column max)
      Creates a new range that is bounded by the columns passed in.
      Range clip​(Range range)
      Creates a range which represents the intersection of this range and the passed in range.
      Range clip​(Range range, boolean returnNullIfDisjoint)
      Creates a range which represents the intersection of this range and the passed in range.
      int compareTo​(Range o)
      Compares this range to another range.
      boolean contains​(Key key)
      Determines if the given key falls within this range.
      boolean equals​(Object o)  
      boolean equals​(Range otherRange)
      Determines if this range equals another.
      static Range exact​(CharSequence row)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row.
      static Range exact​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cf)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row and column family.
      static Range exact​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cf, CharSequence cq)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, and column qualifier.
      static Range exact​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cf, CharSequence cq, CharSequence cv)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, column qualifier, and column visibility.
      static Range exact​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cf, CharSequence cq, CharSequence cv, long ts)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, column qualifier, column visibility, and timestamp.
      static Range exact​( row)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row.
      static Range exact​( row, cf)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row and column family.
      static Range exact​( row, cf, cq)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, and column qualifier.
      static Range exact​( row, cf, cq, cv)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, column qualifier, and column visibility.
      static Range exact​( row, cf, cq, cv, long ts)
      Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, column qualifier, column visibility, and timestamp.
      static followingPrefix​( prefix)
      Returns a Text that sorts just after all Texts beginning with a prefix.
      Key getEndKey()
      Gets the ending key, or null if the end is positive infinity.
      Key getStartKey()
      Gets the start key, or null if the start is negative infinity.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isEndKeyInclusive()
      Gets whether the end key of this range is inclusive.
      boolean isInfiniteStartKey()
      Gets whether the start key is negative infinity.
      boolean isInfiniteStopKey()
      Gets whether the end key is positive infinity.
      boolean isStartKeyInclusive()
      Gets whether the start key of this range is inclusive.
      static List<Range> mergeOverlapping​(Collection<Range> ranges)
      Merges overlapping and adjacent ranges.
      static Range prefix​(CharSequence rowPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all rows beginning with a prefix.
      static Range prefix​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cfPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all column families beginning with a prefix within a given row.
      static Range prefix​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cf, CharSequence cqPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all column qualifiers beginning with a prefix within a given row and column family.
      static Range prefix​(CharSequence row, CharSequence cf, CharSequence cq, CharSequence cvPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all column visibilities beginning with a prefix within a given row, column family, and column qualifier.
      static Range prefix​( rowPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all rows beginning with a prefix.
      static Range prefix​( row, cfPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all column families beginning with a prefix within a given row.
      static Range prefix​( row, cf, cqPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all column qualifiers beginning with a prefix within a given row and column family.
      static Range prefix​( row, cf, cq, cvPrefix)
      Returns a Range that covers all column visibilities beginning with a prefix within a given row, column family, and column qualifier.
      void readFields​(DataInput in)  
      String toString()  
      TRange toThrift()
      Converts this range to Thrift.
      void write​(DataOutput out)  
    • Constructor Detail

      • Range

        public Range()
        Creates a range that goes from negative to positive infinity
      • Range

        public Range​(Key startKey,
                     Key endKey)
        Creates a range from startKey inclusive to endKey inclusive.
        startKey - starting key; set to null for negative infinity
        endKey - ending key; set to null for positive infinity
        IllegalArgumentException - if end key is before start key
      • Range

        public Range​(CharSequence row)
        Creates a range that covers an entire row.
        row - row to cover; set to null to cover all rows
      • Range

        public Range​( row)
        Creates a range that covers an entire row.
        row - row to cover; set to null to cover all rows
      • Range

        public Range​( startRow,
        Creates a range from startRow inclusive to endRow inclusive.
        startRow - starting row; set to null for negative infinity
        endRow - ending row; set to null for positive infinity
        IllegalArgumentException - if end row is before start row
      • Range

        public Range​(CharSequence startRow,
                     CharSequence endRow)
        Creates a range from startRow inclusive to endRow inclusive.
        startRow - starting row; set to null for negative infinity
        endRow - ending row; set to null for positive infinity
        IllegalArgumentException - if end row is before start row
      • Range

        public Range​( startRow,
                     boolean startRowInclusive,
                     boolean endRowInclusive)
        Creates a range from startRow to endRow.
        startRow - starting row; set to null for negative infinity
        startRowInclusive - true to include start row, false to skip
        endRow - ending row; set to null for positive infinity
        endRowInclusive - true to include end row, false to skip
        IllegalArgumentException - if end row is before start row
      • Range

        public Range​(CharSequence startRow,
                     boolean startRowInclusive,
                     CharSequence endRow,
                     boolean endRowInclusive)
        Creates a range from startRow to endRow.
        startRow - starting row; set to null for negative infinity
        startRowInclusive - true to include start row, false to skip
        endRow - ending row; set to null for positive infinity
        endRowInclusive - true to include start row, false to skip
        IllegalArgumentException - if end row is before start row
      • Range

        public Range​(Key startKey,
                     boolean startKeyInclusive,
                     Key endKey,
                     boolean endKeyInclusive)
        Creates a range from startKey to endKey.
        startKey - starting key; set to null for negative infinity
        startKeyInclusive - true to include start key, false to skip
        endKey - ending key; set to null for positive infinity
        endKeyInclusive - true to include start key, false to skip
        IllegalArgumentException - if end key is before start key
      • Range

        public Range​(Range range)
        Copies a range.
        range - range to copy
      • Range

        public Range​(Key start,
                     Key stop,
                     boolean startKeyInclusive,
                     boolean stopKeyInclusive,
                     boolean infiniteStartKey,
                     boolean infiniteStopKey)
        Creates a range from start to stop.
        start - set this to null when negative infinity is needed
        stop - set this to null when infinity is needed
        startKeyInclusive - determines if the ranges includes the start key
        stopKeyInclusive - determines if the range includes the end key
        infiniteStartKey - true if start key is negative infinity (null)
        infiniteStopKey - true if stop key is positive infinity (null)
        IllegalArgumentException - if stop is before start, or infiniteStartKey is true but start is not null, or infiniteStopKey is true but stop is not null
      • Range

        protected Range​(Key start,
                        boolean startKeyInclusive,
                        boolean infiniteStartKey,
                        Key stop,
                        boolean stopKeyInclusive,
                        boolean infiniteStopKey)
        Creates a range from start to stop. Unlike the public six-argument method, this one does not assure that stop is after start, which helps performance in cases where that assurance is already in place.
        start - set this to null when negative infinity is needed
        startKeyInclusive - determines if the ranges includes the start key
        infiniteStartKey - true if start key is negative infinity (null)
        stop - set this to null when infinity is needed
        stopKeyInclusive - determines if the range includes the end key
        infiniteStopKey - true if stop key is positive infinity (null)
        IllegalArgumentException - if infiniteStartKey is true but start is not null, or infiniteStopKey is true but stop is not null
      • Range

        public Range​(TRange trange)
        Creates a range from a Thrift range.
        trange - Thrift range
    • Method Detail

      • getStartKey

        public Key getStartKey()
        Gets the start key, or null if the start is negative infinity.
        start key
      • beforeStartKey

        public boolean beforeStartKey​(Key key)
        Determines if the given key is before the start key of this range.
        key - key to check
        true if the given key is before the range, otherwise false
      • getEndKey

        public Key getEndKey()
        Gets the ending key, or null if the end is positive infinity.
        ending key
      • afterEndKey

        public boolean afterEndKey​(Key key)
        Determines if the given key is after the ending key of this range.
        key - key to check
        true if the given key is after the range, otherwise false
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Range otherRange)
        Determines if this range equals another.
        otherRange - range to compare
        true if ranges are equals, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Range o)
        Compares this range to another range. Compares in order: start key, inclusiveness of start key, end key, inclusiveness of end key. Infinite keys sort first, and non-infinite keys are compared with Key.compareTo(Key). Inclusive sorts before non-inclusive.
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<Range>
        o - range to compare
        comparison result
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Key key)
        Determines if the given key falls within this range.
        key - key to consider
        true if the given key falls within the range, false otherwise
      • mergeOverlapping

        public static List<Range> mergeOverlapping​(Collection<Range> ranges)
        Merges overlapping and adjacent ranges. For example given the following input:
         [a,c], (c, d], (g,m), (j,t]
        the following ranges would be returned:
         [a,d], (g,t]
        ranges - to merge
        list of merged ranges
      • clip

        public Range clip​(Range range)
        Creates a range which represents the intersection of this range and the passed in range. The following example will print true.
         Range range1 = new Range("a", "f");
         Range range2 = new Range("c", "n");
         Range range3 = range1.clip(range2);
         System.out.println(range3.equals(new Range("c", "f")));
        range - range to clip to
        the intersection of this range and the given range
        IllegalArgumentException - if ranges does not overlap
      • clip

        public Range clip​(Range range,
                          boolean returnNullIfDisjoint)
        Creates a range which represents the intersection of this range and the passed in range. Unlike clip(Range), this method can optionally return null if the ranges do not overlap, instead of throwing an exception. The returnNullIfDisjoint parameter controls this behavior.
        range - range to clip to
        returnNullIfDisjoint - true to return null if ranges are disjoint, false to throw an exception
        the intersection of this range and the given range, or null if ranges do not overlap and returnNullIfDisjoint is true
        IllegalArgumentException - if ranges does not overlap and returnNullIfDisjoint is false
        See Also:
      • bound

        public Range bound​(Column min,
                           Column max)
        Creates a new range that is bounded by the columns passed in. The start key in the returned range will have a column >= to the minimum column. The end key in the returned range will have a column <= the max column.
        min - minimum column
        max - maximum column
        a column bounded range
        IllegalArgumentException - if the minimum column compares greater than the maximum column
      • readFields

        public void readFields​(DataInput in)
                        throws IOException
        Specified by:
        readFields in interface
      • isStartKeyInclusive

        public boolean isStartKeyInclusive()
        Gets whether the start key of this range is inclusive.
        true if start key is inclusive
      • isEndKeyInclusive

        public boolean isEndKeyInclusive()
        Gets whether the end key of this range is inclusive.
        true if end key is inclusive
      • toThrift

        public TRange toThrift()
        Converts this range to Thrift.
        Thrift range
      • isInfiniteStartKey

        public boolean isInfiniteStartKey()
        Gets whether the start key is negative infinity.
        true if start key is negative infinity
      • isInfiniteStopKey

        public boolean isInfiniteStopKey()
        Gets whether the end key is positive infinity.
        true if end key is positive infinity
      • exact

        public static Range exact​( row)
        Creates a range that covers an exact row. Returns the same Range as Range(Text).
        row - row to cover; set to null to cover all rows
      • exact

        public static Range exact​( row,
        Creates a range that covers an exact row and column family.
        row - row row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
      • exact

        public static Range exact​( row,
        Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, and column qualifier.
        row - row row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cq - column qualifier to cover
      • exact

        public static Range exact​( row,
        Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, column qualifier, and column visibility.
        row - row row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cq - column qualifier to cover
        cv - column visibility to cover
      • exact

        public static Range exact​( row,
                                  long ts)
        Creates a range that covers an exact row, column family, column qualifier, column visibility, and timestamp.
        row - row row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cq - column qualifier to cover
        cv - column visibility to cover
        ts - timestamp to cover
      • followingPrefix

        public static followingPrefix​( prefix)
        Returns a Text that sorts just after all Texts beginning with a prefix.
        prefix - to follow
        prefix that immediately follows the given prefix when sorted, or null if no prefix can follow (i.e., the string is all 0xff bytes)
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​( rowPrefix)
        Returns a Range that covers all rows beginning with a prefix.
        rowPrefix - prefix of rows to cover
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​( row,
        Returns a Range that covers all column families beginning with a prefix within a given row.
        row - row to cover
        cfPrefix - prefix of column families to cover
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​( row,
        Returns a Range that covers all column qualifiers beginning with a prefix within a given row and column family.
        row - row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cqPrefix - prefix of column qualifiers to cover
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​( row,
        Returns a Range that covers all column visibilities beginning with a prefix within a given row, column family, and column qualifier.
        row - row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cq - column qualifier to cover
        cvPrefix - prefix of column visibilities to cover
      • exact

        public static Range exact​(CharSequence row)
        Creates a range that covers an exact row.
        row - row to cover; set to null to cover all rows
        See Also:
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​(CharSequence rowPrefix)
        Returns a Range that covers all rows beginning with a prefix.
        rowPrefix - prefix of rows to cover
        See Also:
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​(CharSequence row,
                                   CharSequence cfPrefix)
        Returns a Range that covers all column families beginning with a prefix within a given row.
        row - row to cover
        cfPrefix - prefix of column families to cover
        See Also:
        prefix(Text, Text)
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​(CharSequence row,
                                   CharSequence cf,
                                   CharSequence cqPrefix)
        Returns a Range that covers all column qualifiers beginning with a prefix within a given row and column family.
        row - row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cqPrefix - prefix of column qualifiers to cover
        See Also:
        prefix(Text, Text, Text)
      • prefix

        public static Range prefix​(CharSequence row,
                                   CharSequence cf,
                                   CharSequence cq,
                                   CharSequence cvPrefix)
        Returns a Range that covers all column visibilities beginning with a prefix within a given row, column family, and column qualifier.
        row - row to cover
        cf - column family to cover
        cq - column qualifier to cover
        cvPrefix - prefix of column visibilities to cover
        See Also:
        prefix(Text, Text, Text, Text)