Class HostRegexTableLoadBalancer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HostRegexTableLoadBalancer
    extends TableLoadBalancer
    This balancer creates groups of tablet servers using user-provided regular expressions over the tablet server hostnames. Then it delegates to the table balancer to balance the tablets within the resulting group of tablet servers. All tablet servers that do not match a regex are grouped into a default group.
    Regex properties for this balancer are specified as:<tablename>=<regex>
    Periodically (default 5m) this balancer will check to see if a tablet server is hosting tablets that it should not be according to the regex configuration. If this occurs then the offending tablets will be reassigned. This would cover the case where the configuration is changed and the manager is restarted while the tablet servers are up. To change the out of bounds check time period, set the following property:
    Regex matching can be based on either the host name (default) or host ip address. To set this balancer to match the regular expressions to the tablet server IP address, then set the following property:
    It's possible that this balancer may create a lot of migrations. To limit the number of migrations that are created during a balance call, set the following property (default 250): This balancer can continue balancing even if there are outstanding migrations. To limit the number of outstanding migrations in which this balancer will continue balancing, set the following property (default 0):
    • Field Detail


        public static final String HOST_BALANCER_PREFIX

        public static final String HOST_BALANCER_OOB_CHECK_KEY

        public static final String HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_USING_IPS_KEY

        public static final String HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_MAX_MIGRATIONS_KEY

        public static final String HOST_BALANCER_OUTSTANDING_MIGRATIONS_KEY
    • Constructor Detail

      • HostRegexTableLoadBalancer

        public HostRegexTableLoadBalancer()
    • Method Detail

      • splitCurrentByRegex

        protected Map<String,​SortedMap<TabletServerId,​TServerStatus>> splitCurrentByRegex​(SortedMap<TabletServerId,​TServerStatus> current)
        Group the set of current tservers by pool name. Tservers that don't match a regex are put into a default pool. This could be expensive in the terms of the amount of time to recompute the groups, so HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_KEY should be specified in the terms of minutes, not seconds or less.
        current - map of current tservers
        current servers grouped by pool name, if not a match it is put into a default pool.
      • getPoolNamesForHost

        protected List<String> getPoolNamesForHost​(TabletServerId tabletServerId)
        Matches host against the regexes and returns the matching pool names
        tabletServerId - tablet server host
        pool names, will return default pool if host matches more no regex
      • getPoolNameForTable

        protected String getPoolNameForTable​(String tableName)
        Matches table name against pool names, returns matching pool name or DEFAULT_POOL.
        tableName - name of table
        tablet server pool name (table name or DEFAULT_POOL)
      • getPoolNameToRegexPattern

        public Map<String,​Pattern> getPoolNameToRegexPattern()
      • getMaxMigrations

        public int getMaxMigrations()
      • getMaxOutstandingMigrations

        public int getMaxOutstandingMigrations()
      • getOobCheckMillis

        public long getOobCheckMillis()
      • isIpBasedRegex

        public boolean isIpBasedRegex()
      • balance

        public long balance​(TabletBalancer.BalanceParameters params)
        Description copied from interface: TabletBalancer
        Ask the balancer if any migrations are necessary. If the balancer is going to self-abort due to some environmental constraint (e.g. it requires some minimum number of tservers, or a maximum number of outstanding migrations), it should issue a log message to alert operators. The message should be at WARN normally and at ERROR if the balancer knows that the problem can not self correct. It should not issue these messages more than once a minute. This method will not be called when there are unassigned tablets.
        Specified by:
        balance in interface TabletBalancer
        balance in class TableLoadBalancer
        the time, in milliseconds, to wait before re-balancing.