Interface Upgrader

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Upgrader8to9, Upgrader9to10

    public interface Upgrader
    The purpose of this interface is to allow per version upgrade implementations to be created. Keeping the code for upgrading each version separate makes it easier to maintain and understand the upgrade code over time.

    Upgrade operations should be idempotent. For failure cases upgrade operations may partially complete and then be run again later.

    • Method Detail

      • upgradeZookeeper

        void upgradeZookeeper​(ServerContext context)
        Update entries in ZooKeeper - called before the root tablet is loaded.
        context - the server context.
      • upgradeRoot

        void upgradeRoot​(ServerContext context)
        Update the root tablet - called after the root tablet is loaded and before the metadata table is loaded.
        context - the server context.
      • upgradeMetadata

        void upgradeMetadata​(ServerContext context)
        Update the metadata table - called after the metadata table is loaded and before loading user tablets.
        context - the server context.