Class Upgrader8to9

    • Constructor Detail

      • Upgrader8to9

        public Upgrader8to9()
    • Method Detail

      • upgradeZookeeper

        public void upgradeZookeeper​(ServerContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Upgrader
        Update entries in ZooKeeper - called before the root tablet is loaded.
        Specified by:
        upgradeZookeeper in interface Upgrader
        context - the server context.
      • upgradeRoot

        public void upgradeRoot​(ServerContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Upgrader
        Update the root tablet - called after the root tablet is loaded and before the metadata table is loaded.
        Specified by:
        upgradeRoot in interface Upgrader
        context - the server context.
      • upgradeMetadata

        public void upgradeMetadata​(ServerContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Upgrader
        Update the metadata table - called after the metadata table is loaded and before loading user tablets.
        Specified by:
        upgradeMetadata in interface Upgrader
        context - the server context.