Interface ExtendedPropertyConfigurerGetter

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ExtendedPropertyConfigurerGetter
    extends PropertyConfigurerGetter
    A marker interface to identify the object as being a configurer which can provide details about the options the configurer supports.

    This is used in Camel to have fast property configuration of Camel components & endpoints, and for EIP patterns as well.

    This is used by API based components

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getAllOptions

        Map<String,​Object> getAllOptions​(Object target)
        Provides a map of which options the cofigurer supports and their class type. Important: This method is only available during bootstrapping CamelContext.
        target - the target instance such as Endpoint or Component.
        configurable options from the target as a Map name -> class type.