Interface PropertyConfigurerGetter

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface PropertyConfigurerGetter
    A marker interface to identify the object as being a configurer which can provide details about the options the configurer supports.

    This is used in Camel to have fast property configuration of Camel components & endpoints, and for EIP patterns as well.

    See Also:
    PropertyConfigurer, ExtendedPropertyConfigurerGetter
    • Method Detail

      • getOptionType

        Class<?> getOptionType​(String name,
                               boolean ignoreCase)
        Gets the option class type.
        name - the property name
        the class type, or null if no option exists with the name
      • getAutowiredNames

        default String[] getAutowiredNames()
        Gets the names of the autowired options.
        the names as an array, or null if there are no autowire options.
      • getCollectionValueType

        default Object getCollectionValueType​(Object target,
                                              String name,
                                              boolean ignoreCase)
        This method can be used to retrieve the class type for an option if the option is a collection kind (list, map, or array). For maps, then the nested type returned is the type of the value in the map (not the map key type).
        target - the target instance such as Endpoint or Component.
        name - the property name
        ignoreCase - whether to ignore case for matching the property name
        the class type, or null if the option is not a collection kind or not possible to determine
      • getOptionValue

        Object getOptionValue​(Object target,
                              String name,
                              boolean ignoreCase)
        Gets the property value
        target - the target instance such as Endpoint or Component.
        name - the property name
        ignoreCase - whether to ignore case for matching the property name
        the property value